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BIOLOGY 157: LIFE SCIENCE: AN ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACH (Air Pollution). AIR POLLUTION. Non-Anthropogenic ---- caused by non-human processes (volcanoes, decomposition, etc.) Anthropogenic ----- produced by human activities Some things which can be air pollutants: SO 2 (sulfur dioxide)
AIR POLLUTION • Non-Anthropogenic ---- caused by non-human processes (volcanoes, decomposition, etc.) • Anthropogenic ----- produced by human activities • Some things which can be air pollutants: • SO2 (sulfur dioxide) • CO2, CO (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide) • H2S (hydrogen sulfide) • CH4 (methane) • NO2, NO, N2O (various nitrogen oxides) • O3 (ozone) • HCN (hydrogen cyanide) • Lead, Selenium, Fluorine • Particulates (soot, dust) • Numerous Organic Compounds
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY AIR POLLUTANTS (I) • Primary Air Pollutants • those that are directly released from various activities • SO2, CO2, CO, H2S, NO, particulates • Secondary Air Pollutants • those that result from the reaction of primary with other primary or primary with various ‘normal’ constituents of the atmosphere; the sun usually catalyzes the reactions • Ozone (O3), Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PAN’s), H2SO4, HCL, HNO3 , NO2, N2O
TYPES OF SMOG • Grey Air (= Industrial Smog, Sulfurous Smog, London Smog) • colder more moist climates • mainly results from smoke (particulates) + SO2 • London (UK); Lewiston (ID) / Clarkston (WA) • Brown Air (= Photochemical Smog, Los Angeles Smog) • warmer (and sometimes drier) climates • primary pollutants (COx, NO, Hydrocarbons) + SUN yields secondary pollutants (ozone, PAN’s) • Los Angeles; Donora (PA) near Pittsburgh, 1948
INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION • Which is the more serious problem? • Generally the indoor • what is outside tends to get inside • many different things tend to be produced / released indoors from materials / processes • things that are produced inside often are trapped there • we tend to spend much more time indoors than out
FACTORS AFFECTING AIR POLLUTION SEVERITY • Type of pollutant (light / heavy) • Degree of Urbanization (Urban Heat Dome) • Wind (speed and direction) • Altitude • Latitude • Humidity • Terrain (Mountains / Valleys / Temp. Inversions)
EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION (I) • Health • lethargy (lead and others) • headaches (CO, arsenic) • temporary breathing difficulties (SO2, H2S) • emphysema (ozone, particulates) • chronic bronchitis (particulates) • bone / teeth malformation (fluorine) • mental impairment (lead, mercury)
EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION (II) • Deterioration of stone and metals in buildings (SO2, H2SO4, NO2, HNO3) • Breakdown of rubber products (ozone and acids) • Reduction in plant growth and plant health (ozone, acids) • Climate • - warming from greenhouse gases such as CO2, N2O, CH3, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) • - cooling from particulates • Habitat Destruction (acidification of lakes and high mountain ecosystems) • Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere increases UV light; increases mutations and cancers (CFC’s)
ACID DEPOSITION • Dry / Wet • pH of 5.6 or less • unimpacted precipitation has a pH of 5.7 • with water in the atmosphere: • ~ CO2 goes to carbonic acid • ~ SO2 goes to sulfuric acid • ~ NO2 goes to nitric acid • Acid deposition is more likely to have an effect in high mountains and in areas low in bases (little or no neutralizing capability)
GREENHOUSE EFFECT AND GLOBAL WARMING • Is the Earth warming? • Yes. • Is this due to the greenhouse effect or to some cycle that can affect climate? • ?????????? • What are the major greenhouse gases? • CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC’s, (H2O ?) • Could the Earth also cool from human activities and enter an ice age? • Yes - and there have been ‘recent’ short duration cooling events! • Global warming could be a positive feedback system!!!!!
SOME POINTS CONCERNING THE EARTH’S TEMPERATURE • current average surface temp. is 150C (= 59OF) • without an atmosphere it would be -180C (= 0OF) • estimated average temp. during coldest part of last ice age was only 5OC (9OF) less than today • last major ice age ended 12,000 years ago • sea levels are 300 feet higher that at the peak of the ice age (and are still rising!) • greenhouse gases have increased dramatically since 1850 (actually since 1950!) • CO2 has gone from 280 ppm to 380 ppm since 1850(a 36% increase)
THE MAJOR GREENHOUSE GASES • Gas % impact compared contribution to CO2 per to global warming molecule • CO2 64 --------- • CFC’s 11 10,000 to 20,000 • CH4 19 25 • N2O 6 230