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Scholastic standards & appeals

This guide provides campus contacts, resources, and best practices for handling academic probation, dismissal appeals, retroactive withdrawals, freshman accelerated fresh start, tuition assessment appeals, and registration and repeat/delete appeals.

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Scholastic standards & appeals

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  1. Scholastic standards & appeals Review, Referrals, and Best Practices

  2. Who are the campus contacts? • Academic Probation • Advisors should be seeing their own probation students in departments. • Collegiate Success Coach (Juan) and programs are supplemental services. Advisors/ASCs should encourage participation. • Project Success • Spring: 1st year students on PRB1 after 1st semester • Fall: students of any class standing (year 2, 3 or 4+) on PRB2

  3. Who are the campus contacts? • Returning to CSU • Admissions counselors, transfer center can work with students on transferring credits, explaining requirements for returning. • Advisors in departments should work with students on degree completion credits and questions. • Ram Reconnect (Collegiate Success Coach - Juan) – required for students returning on PRB

  4. Who are the campus contacts? • Dismissal Appeals • Students should be working with Advisor/ASC in department on academic dismissal appeal if they are on PRB2. • Collegiate Success Coach (Juan) is a resource (as is his program Project Success in the fall) • Online submission of appeals. • Deadline typically one week after grades post. • Reviewed by Scholastic Standards Committee (Madlyn for FA19. TBD beyond)

  5. Who are the campus contacts? • Dismissal Appeals Granted: • RAM Re-Route program (Collegiate Success Coach – Juan) • 1 hour workshop required of all granted an appeal. • Meet with College Success Coach (Juan) 3 times during appeal semester.

  6. Who are the campus contacts? • Retroactive Withdrawals • Students should be working with Advisor/ASC in department. • Online submission of appeals. • Deadlines monthly. • Reviewed by Scholastic Standards Committee (Madlyn for FA19. TBD beyond). • The committee does not meet in summer.

  7. Who are the campus contacts? • Freshman Accelerated Fresh Start • ASCs/Advisors should be responsible for learning this and receiving student questions. • Mike Brake is responsible for pulling the list & coding. Then he sends to Registrar’s Office for entry on academic standing on transcripts. • Juan & Mike (Madlyn in FA19) will be contacts for clarification on coding/ standing. • Admissions refers students to dept. advisor or Juan for work on FAFS action plan. Must have advisor / Juan signature. • Danielle Keller is our contact in Office of Admissions

  8. Who are the campus contacts? • Tuition Assessment Appeals • Information related to Tuition Appeals (and a link?) on the University Withdrawal website • Can also print on Registrar’s website • Appeals are collected and processed through the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs office • Jim Zakely is our contact.

  9. Who are the campus contacts? • Registration and Repeat/Delete Appeals • Information and forms on Registrar’s office website • Students should work with ASC/advisor • Appeals are collected and processed through the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs office • Jim Zakely is our contact.

  10. Interesting situation #1 • Student attended FA17 and SP18 • Suffered from many mental health challenges in both semesters, but particularly in SP18. • Chose not to return to CSU and focus on therapy in FA2018. • Once healthy, tried to transfer to another institution, but GPA from SP18 blocking admission. • Student and parent contacted CSU in early December 2018. SSC committee did not have a meeting until early January, which was too late for transfer deadline. WHAT TO DO?

  11. Interesting situation #1 • Scholastic Standards Committee CAN consider an out-of-cycle request for a Retroactive Withdrawal. • They review online and vote electronically. Up to the Scholastic Standards committee (formerly Becky, now Madlyn, future TBD coordinate it) to determine applicability. • Retros aren’t granted simply because a student is applying for admission elsewhere and is trying to clean up their CSU record. • Extenuating circumstances required in order for the Committee to grant.

  12. Interesting situation #2 • Student on PRB2 in FA19 • Applied for Dismissal Appeal and was granted one for SP19 • Withdrew from SP19 after census date • Student requests additional dismissal appeal semester for FA19 WHAT TO DO?

  13. Interesting situation #2 • If a student completes a UWD during a dismissal appeal or PX semester, and the UWD is after Census, then they have used their “appeal” or “return” semester. • PX students are then ineligible for the “fresh start” component of Freshmen Accelerated Fresh Start. They are still eligible for traditional Fresh Start (after a 2 year absence). • Dismissed students must then gain readmission through GUEST, or CSUOnline classes, transfer credits, or traditional Fresh Start.

  14. Interesting situation #2 • REGARDING DISMISSAL APPEALS: • If a student is granted a dismissal appeal and still finds themselves below a 2.0 at the end of the term, they may apply for a 2nd dismissal appeal, but only recommended if: • The cumulative GPA improved • They have new, supporting documentation and if they write a new personal statement. • If it is mathematically realistic (not just possible) that they can raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 in one more term. • Scholastic Standards exercises a higher level of scrutiny for 2nd appeals.

  15. Interesting situation #3 • Student attended and completed FA 16. Registered in SP17 but completed a UWD after census. • Student (and advisor) thought they could return in SP19 (last registered & completed term was FA16) • Admissions told student they weren’t eligible until SM19. • Referred to Student Achievement on decision . WHAT TO DO?

  16. Interesting situation #3 • In student’s case, they were still an admitted degree-seeking student in Spring 2017 even though they did not fully complete the semester. • For enrollment purposes, students are counted at census, so they student was technically enrolled for the Spring 2017 semester which means the two year time frame won’t begin until the end of that term. • Eligible for a Fresh Start in Summer 2019. • Rationale: the application of census as the decisive date for enrollment and/or non-enrollment for Academic Fresh Start aligns with the way we are interpreting enrollment for the Freshman Accelerated Fresh Start policy (FAFS). Consistency across the two separate but related policies is important we think.

  17. Best practices for our unit • Maintain up-to-date knowledge on • programs & policies • specific contacts for referrals (esp. as things change in Spring 2020) • Slow Down, Ask Questions, Use the process. • For external requests: • Re-program: we are not the answer givers anymore…. We don’t have to take it on. • Educate ASC and Advising colleagues (LaToya’s training sessions help, hopefully). • Empower ASC and Advising colleagues with referrals and strategies for how they may proceed

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