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Université de Liège place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgium

Université de Liège place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgium. October 24th, 25th, 26th 2012. The Presidium has the pleasure to invite you to the General Assembly, the Symposium and the Ceremony of Awards 2012 of the European Academy of Sciences. ATELIERS FRANCOIS S.A.

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Université de Liège place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgium

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  1. Université de Liège place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgium October 24th, 25th, 26th 2012 The Presidium has the pleasure to invite you to the General Assembly, the Symposium and the Ceremony of Awards 2012 of the European Academy of Sciences ATELIERS FRANCOIS S.A. with the support of

  2. Symposium: “The future of science in the 21th century: Sustainability” October 25th, University of Liège Salle des Professeurs Morning Session Provisional Program “Technologies that will power civilization” Prof. Avner Friedman Distinguished University Professor at The Ohio State University National Academy of Sciences (USA) Abstract :  By “sustainability” we mean the need to meet the needs of the present and future generations, while preserving the planet’s life support system. To meet this challenge we must develop efficient ways to produce renewable energy, ensure protection against diseases, and maintain healthy environmental standards. In this talk I will give some examples where the mathematical sciences can contribute to the development of technologies that address the above challenges. Examples will include an approach to exploit solar energy using voltaic cells, models which would increase understanding how to protect against diseases, and ways and means to address pollution in ground water and air. 1

  3. Morning Session Provisional Program “Nano: Chance or Curse of Current Century?” Prof. Jerzy Leszczynsky President’s Distinguished Fellow at Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, USA. US Presidential Mentor award, 2007. Marie Curie-Sklodowska medal, 2007. Presidential Distinguished Scholar Award, Jackson State University, 2001. White House Millennium HBCU Award for Science and Technology, 2001. Abstract : Nanotechnology has emerged at the forefront of science and technology developments. This is due to the fact that nanoparticles (NPs) have a wide range of applications in different aspects of human life.  The list of consumer goods developed in the nano-field is constantly increasing. Approximately 1015 different products containing nanomaterials  were marketed in 2009. However, there is also the other, disturbing side, of fast advances in nanotechnology. Therefore, it is a crucial role of scientists to uncover potential side effects of nanoparticles, inform the public, and provide solutions to the possible problems. The truth is that due to unique properties of NPs they could be harmful to the environment and humans.  The pharmaco-kinetic studies show that different types of nanoparticles can be found in various cells such as mitochondria, lipid vesicles, fibroblasts, nucleus, or macrophages.  There is a necessity to develop alternative methods, easy to use, fast, and efficient, to the presenttechniques that are used to study different properties of nanomaterials, including their toxicity. Computational chemistry provides diverse tools that could evaluate molecular interactions among various species including nanoparticles and models of different biological species, and predict their properties and biological activities.  The talk will be devoted to discussion of new challenges that nanomaterials create for the society. A part of the lecture will cover development of novel computational approaches, appropriate for evaluation of properties and activities of nanostructures. The obtained results could be used as a first step in developing mechanisms that explain complex interactions of nanomaterials with biomolecules. 2

  4. Afternoon SessionProvisional Program “Nano: Solutions for Securing Supplies of Raw Materials” Dr. Eric Gaffet Senior Scientist CNRS Deputy Director, Institut Jean Lamour UMR 7198 CNRS – Université de Lorraine, France Abstract : The creation of new materials designed for sustainable development, for new technologies and for new sources of energy, is largely dependant on rare chemical elements, which were until now produced in small amounts. The question of the availability and/or substitution of those materials is then critical for the future. Several ways of designing new materials are currently in development. The first is to make new products that use the same metal but in smaller amounts, such as new catalysts that contain less platinum. A second option is to replace a rare or risky metal by another more common or less risky metal. For example, considerable efforts are being made to develop new magnets to replace neodymium based ones (neodymium is one of the Rare Earth Elements). A third way to make new products is to replace metal-based materials with carbon-based or bio sourced materials. Amongst new materials being considered, the talk will be devoted to discussion on one of the most promising family, i.e. the so-called nano-structured materials, which display outstanding properties, which are still not entirely understood. The full lifecycle assessment taking into account the nanorisks and the new approach so –called “safer by design/process” will be also addressed 3

  5. Ceremony of Awards 2012 October 26th, University of Liège Salle AcadémiquePlace du XX-août Liège Welcome addresses by the Rector of the University of Liege and the President of the European Academy of Sciences Lectures of the Blaise Pascal Medallists 2012 Presentation of the Kepler Prize 2012 winners Ceremony of Awards 4

  6. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Mathematics • Professor Franco Brezzi • Professor of Numerical Analysis at the IUSS (Istituto Universitario di Sutdi Superiori) of Pavia • Coordinator of the IUSS Ph.D. Program • President of the UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) • Director of the Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI) of CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) • Vice-President of the European Mathematical Society. • Abstract: • « Mathematics and Scientific Computing »The talk is dedicated to people that are not specialists in Scientific Computing, and are not much expert of applications of Mathematics either. The basic steps in Scientific Computing (Modelling, Discretization, Computation, Comparison with experiments, and possibly cycling on the above) will be reviewed, in a very non-specialized way. Some hints on possible pitfalls will be given, on simple toy-problems, together with some general idea on physical stability, numerical  stability, and excess of numerical stability. 5

  7. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Biomedical Engineering • Professor Mauro Ferrari • President and CEO and Ernest Cokrell Jr. Distinguished Endowed Chair of the Methodist Hospital Research Institute • Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, University of Texas M.D Anderson Cancer Center • Professor of Bioengineering, Rice University • President of the Alliance for NanoHealth in Houston 6

  8. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Materials Science • Professor Hans-Joachim Freund • Director and Scientific Member of the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin • Abstract : “Thin Films as model materials in catalysis: A perspective at the atomic level” 7

  9. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Physics • Professor Charles Joachain • Chairman of the European Science Foundation research programme "Super-intense laser-matter interactions«  • Professeur ordinaire émérite, Université Libre de Bruxelles • Professeur honoraire, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve • Membre de l'Académie royale de Belgique • Abstract : « Atoms in intense laser fields » The development of lasers capable of producing high-intensity pulses has opened a new area in the study of light-matter interactions. The corresponding laser fields are strong enough to compete with the Coulomb forces in controlling the dynamics of atomic systems, and give rise to new phenomena. In the first part of this lecture, a survey will be given of the basic properties found in the study of multiphoton processes. These include the multiphoton ionization of atoms, the emission by atomic systems of high-order harmonics of the driving laser field, the generation of ultra-short laser pulses in the attosecond range and their use in attophysics, and laser-assisted electron-atom collisions. In the second part of this talk, the main non-perturbative methods which have been used to perform theoretical calculations of multiphoton processes will be reviewed. 8

  10. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Medicine • Professor Steven Laureys • Senior Research Associate (tenure) at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) • Head of the Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center, and Head of Clinics, Neurology Dept., University Hospital, University of Liège 9

  11. EURASC BLAISE PASCAL MEDALS 2012 Presentation • Blaise Pascal Medals 2012 in Chemistry • Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage • Professor and CNRS Research Director, Université de Strasbourg • Directeur du laboratoire de chimie organo-minérale, institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramolécualires (ISIS° de l’université de Strasbourg • Abstract : Molecules consisting of interlocking rings systems or rings threaded by organic fragments (Catenanes and Rotaxanes) have attracted much interest in molecular chemistry, first as pure synthetic challenges and, more recently, as components of functional materials. The synthesis of such compounds relies on templates (transition metals or organic assemblies). In recent years, highly sophisticated compounds have been designed and elaborated such as two-dimensional interlocking arrays. The transition metal template plays an essential role : several metal centres are combined with several organic fragments so as to afford multicomponent assemblies, the various organic components being threaded or interlocking with one another. Separately, the field of artificial molecular machines has experienced a spectacular development. These compounds are important in relation to molecular devices at the nanometric level or as mimics of biological motors. A few remarkable examples are based on multi-rotaxanes acting as "molecular muscles" or "switchable receptors". The incorporation of such dynamic systems in crystalline assemblies has recently achieved, paving the way to the elaboration of molecular machines in the solid state. 10

  12. Social DinnerOctober 26th 2012, 8:00 PM The Social Dinner will take place at the “Société Littéraire de Liège”, Place de la République Française 5, 4000 Liège    “La Société Littéraire de Liège” was founded in April 5, 1779, under the auspices of the Count VELBRUCK, Prince Bishop of Liege. She is celebrating its 227th anniversary. If you want more information about the “Société Littéraire de Liège” click on this link 11

  13. Visit of the Grand Curtius MuseumOctober 25th 2012, 7:00 PM The Grand Curtius Museum is located in the heart of the Ardent City, Féronstrée, 135, 4000 Liège The Grand Curtius in few words: More than 7000 years of regional and international artefacts. More than 5200 items displayed in chronological or thematic order. Multilingual virtual guides (images and text). Prestigious collections from the archaeology, decorative arts, religious art and Mosan art museums, as well as the weaponry and glass museums. If you want more information about the Grand Curtius click on this link 12

  14. Accompanying person program October 25th 2012, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Liège, The new destination  • 41€/pers – Minimum 25 pers. – All the participants have to take the same menu – English guide • 10:00 AM  Welcome by the guide at the Tourist Office of Liège. • 10:15 AM  General view of the city of Liège on the tourist train (duration: 45 min) together with a walk with the guide. • 12:30 AM  Lunch: First menu: home-made pasta, Café Liégeois (cold dessert) and drink.Second menu: boulets « à la liégeoise » with French-fried potatoes and Café Liégeois (cold dessert) or salade Liégeoise (beans, French-fried potatoes, roasted bacon). • 2:30 PM  Cruise on the Meuse river: commented on the boat « Sarcelle IV ». • 5:00 PM  End of the program. 13

  15. Accompanying person program October 26th 2012, 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM The Castles of the Meuse river • 46€/pers – Minimum 25 pers. – English audio-tour – Visit with coach • 09:30 AM  From the Liège-Guillemins Station, transfer to the Modave Castle. • 10:30 AM  Audio-tour visit of the Modave Castle. • 12:30 AM  Lunch at the restaurant of the Modave Castle. • 02:30 PM  Audio-tour visit of the Jehay Castle. • 04:30 PM  Transfer to Liège-Guillemins Station. Modave Castle Jehay Castle If you want more information about these Castles, click on the link If you want more information about these Castles, click on the link 14

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