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Rappresentare i soggetti nel modello IFLA LRM. Pino Buizza ISKOI Firenze, 11 aprile 2019 Sala Galileo della BNCF. No semantics Senza semantica Why ? Perché? What are we gaining and losing ? Che giova, che si perde? What would we like ? Desiderata
Rappresentare i soggetti nel modello IFLA LRM Pino Buizza ISKOI Firenze, 11 aprile 2019Sala Galileo della BNCF
No semantics Senza semantica • Why? Perché? • What are wegaining and losing? Che giova, che si perde? • Whatwouldwelike? Desiderata • (Im)possible? (Im)possibile? Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Senza semantica = No semantics IFLA LibraryReferenceModel • “we now finally have a complete model of the bibliographic universe” MajaŽumer, in ISKO Encyclopedia • butsemanticsismissing • workhasassubjectres / resissubjectofwork • thema (FRSAD) res (LRM) • “to avoid the implicit restriction to the subject relationship” DELETED: • aboutness, ofness and isness • semanticrelationshipsthema – thema “specificrefinementswouldbedefinedtocarry more precise semantics” “the specific thesaural relationships between res that serve as subjects would be defined as refinements of the top relationship” Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Tracce di semantica Tracesofsemantics • nomenis part ofnomen Measlesis part ofMeasles/epidemiology • resisassociatedwithplace • resisassociatedwithtime-span MozartisassociatedwithSalzburg … with1756 but: Mozart – Naples – 1770 • IFLA LRM: può contenere tracce di semantica. // In: Bibelot, 24,3(2018), p. 52-56 • https://riviste.aib.it/index.php/bibelot/article/view/11853 Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Perché?Why? • History. Low traditionofinternational and inter-system cooperation in indexing • Today. Toodifferentindexingsystems, differentgranularity • Target. High levelmodel • No lowestcomondenominator? Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Che giova, che si perde?What are wegaining and losing? • Gained: Freedomto design systems Opportunitytoimplement ‘specificrefinements’ • Lost: Semanticrelationships (in anEntity-Relationshipmodel!) Syntacticrelationships (in anEntity-Relationshipmodel!) Thema Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Desidetata. PreludioWhatwouldwelike? prelude In subjectrelationshipswehaveconcepts and individualentities alone: • Vocalmusic • Interpretation • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart • Naples and theircombinations, in specificworks, in pre-coordinatedsystems • Interpretation + Vocalmusic • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart + Naples • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart + Vocalmusic and theircombinations, in specificworks, in post-coordinatedsystems • #Interpretation#Vocalmusic • #Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #Naples • #Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #Vocalmusic Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Relazioni sintatticheSyntacticrelationships • Let’shavetwoentitiesforsubjectrelationships in the model: resforconcepts and individualentities alone themafortheircombination* • and the syntacticrelationship “resiscomponentofthema/ themahasascomponentres”* * optional, notapplicableforpost-coordinatedsystems. Butactually sleeping and activatedwhensearchingcombinedentities via theirnomens Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Sintassi nelle classificazioniSyntax in classifications 381.4566322309458 commerceofred wine in Sicily hasascomponent/iscomponentof • 381.45 commerceofspecificproducts • -66 chemicalengineering • -3223 red wine • -09458 Sicily Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Relazioni semanticheSemanticrelationships • Hierarchical, BT, NT resisbroaderthan/isnarrowerthanres • Associative, RT resissemanticallyassociatedwithres the adverbisnecessarytodistinguishthisrelationshipfrom the indefinite one “resisassociatedwithres” Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Semantica nelle classificazioniSemantics in classifications Hierarchy • 381.4566322309458 commerceofred wine in Sicily hasascomponent/iscomponentof • 381.45 commerceofspecificproductsBT commerce, 381 • -66 chemicalengineeringBT technology, -6 • -3223 red wine BT wine, -32 BT beverages, -3 • -09458 SicilyBT Italy, -0945 BT Europe, -094 Association • 663.2 beveragetechnology RT 641.87 preparingbeverages Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
(Im)possibile?(Im)possible? • Otherinvestigations are needed • Supportinganalytical-synteticmodelhas a long history, in vain • Could the proposedintegrationsbe the lower common denominatorforeachkindofindexing system? • Linked open data are askingfor more granularity and clearlydistinct data: can wehope? Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
Thanks! Suggestions, Counter-declarations&Friends? pibuizza@gmail.com Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM
iscomponentof issemantically associatedwith issubjectof RES THEMA Pino Buizza. I soggetti in IFLA LRM WORK