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XILO Białystok im. Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego. We come from beautiful country - Poland. Poland is situated in Europe. We’re here !. Closer to us ….
We comefrombeautiful country - Poland. Poland issituatedin Europe. We’rehere!
Closer to us… Our city isin Podlasie Province. Podlasie iscalledthegreenlungs of Poland, becausetherearelots of forests. Itisfamous for national parks, too. Itmakespeoplethink of wisents.
We live inBialystok Bialystokisthe capital city of Podlasie Province. Itisthebiggest city in Podlasie.
Ourschoolisopened for youngpeople. We candevelopourpassions. Ifyoulovesinging, youcan do itin a schoolchoir. Ifyou want to help people, youcanbecome a volunteerin Caritas. Peoplewho want to actinsomeshows, can go to thetheatreclubs. Ifyoupreferactivelifestyle, youcan go join one of thesportsclubs.
At first from 1919 to 1932 our school was The Teacher Training Seminar
Then, it changed into State High School of Pedagogical Education between 1932 and 1948
From 1948 to 1992 it changed many times. In 1992 our school was finally the XI high school. In 2007 we got a patron. • Today it’s called the XI high school of RotmistrzWitoldPilecki.
WitoldPilecki was a courageous hero of the Second World War and the man who with his life showed us that there are no limits of courage and sacrifice.
He was born in 1901. As a seventeen year-old-boy he took part in a defense of Vilnius during the First World War. In 1918 he volunteered for the emerging Polish Army, fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1920, occupied Vilnius under the command of General Żeligowski.
In a September campaign of 1939 Pilecki fought in the Army “Prusy”. In November, he co-founded the Secret Polish Army, where he served as a Chief of Staff.
The Prime Minister Cyrankiewicz refused confirming that Pilecki was the creator of the underground Auschwitz(in1940 in Auschwitz he created conspiracy named ZWZ), and does not support the request for clemency. He got shot from soldiers in prison at Razowiecka street in Warsaw on 15th May 1948. He left alone his wife and 2 children... After the Second World War Pilecki was sentenced by the communist Polish courts for allegedly spying to the death penalty.
Like most schools XI LO publishes school newspaper. There are a lot of information about current school events, as well as there are jokes, interviews with teachers, reports of cultural events, and students’s poems.
Student council has a very important function in our school. It is responsible for organizing events like a grant awards Jedenastki, The Initiation Ceremony or Teacher's Day celebrations.
In our school, we got happy numbers, this system randomly selects the numbers, this person who got this number in register have day without unexpected tests. "Niepytka" works the same us happy number, but you can use it whenever you want.
In the XI high school works 65 teachers who encourage students to like the classes and to prepare them for the best results of final exams.
" Trops" Student Sport Club deals with training sportsmen from sports orientation for several years. • Sections of sports orientation like running, bicycle riding and ski running team of 22 sportsmen in the categories from KM 12 to KM 45, and they are trained by Stefan Niczyporuk. The main point of the club is popularization of sports orientation beetween children and teenagers from Podlasie province. Most effective manner to achieve a set up point is organization of sport performance on orientation and course for animators, instructors and trainers for sports.
Xbox3360 • We also have Xbox3360 with Kinect so you can easily come and play with each other! We have a library too, and there are a lot of books and computers. So during breaks you can come here to read books or just to use the internet.
The school group Caritas is led by Professor JolantaDziekońska. It exists since 1997. They are distinguished people who provide help to the needy.
At our school you can find some special places like “Shelf of free books”. You can borrow books there or give the books you don’t use. Everyone is honest and doesn’t steal the books.
The theatre group named "Prestidigitator" is a team of people, functioning in our school since 2001, who want to entertain in the theatre and take part in creation of artistic events.
On reigns attempt an unique atmosphere and certainly have lots of fantastic fun. While creation of spectacles we are equipped with proffesional audio and lights. Dresses and scenography are made by ourselves. We do not deal with only dramatic theatre, but we are intrested in other theatrical forms too: theatre of doll shades, artisticn theatre and also theater of shades and black theater. We take advantage of some of them in our spectacles.
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights.
‘Jedenastki’ - prestigiousaward of XI LO grantedannually for distinctivestudents and schoolemployees. Peoplenominated and winningarechoose by allschool community.
Our choirs are lead by fantasticpeople Conductor, Ms. Anna Stankiewic, Mr. PrzemysławKummer and Mrs. Marta Wróblewska.They are the best teachers of belcantro music. They make us feel like one big family.
Mrs. Stankiewicz graduated from the Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw. During her studies she was a tutor of Bialystok Technical University Choir and sang in the Chamber Choir of Bialystok. The achievements in teaching and education, and for his diligent work KEN received Medal, Award of the Mayor of Bialystok, Chairman of the City Council Award and twice the Director Award XI High School in Bialystok, where she works as a teacher..
Choir of Bialystok was established in April 2009. Attend classes for 60 people. There are young people in different age groups. The repertoire of the choir is very diverse, but it is dominated by a'cappella and songs with piano accompaniment.
Choir on his accounthave lot of succeses : Distinctionin XXVIII Ogólnopolskim Konkursie Chórów a Cappella Dzieci i Młodzieży w Bydgoszczy, Distinctionin X Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Pieśni Sakralnej „Łapskie Te Deum” w Łapach, II and II place in Konkursie Moniuszkowskim „Pieśń Wieczorna”, adngold dyplom and cup at V i VI, VII i X Przeglądzie Chórów Szkolnych Programu „Śpiewająca Polska”. In 2010 they sang at Final of Programs Education National Center of Cultur in Warsaw with company orchestra from Polish Radio.
Memorandum of Cooperation The XI high schoolcollaborateswithDramaticTheater im. Aleksandra Węgierki inBialystok. Themainpurposeisconnectcollaborationwithartisticclasses.The XI high schoolcollaborateswith Opera i Filharmonia Podlaska and Europejskie Centrum Sztuki Białystok.