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Climate Research in Hawaii: International Pacific Research Center. IPRC Mission.
Climate Research in Hawaii:International Pacific Research Center
IPRC Mission To provide an international, state-of-the-art research environment to improve understanding of the nature and predictability of climate variability in the Asia-Pacific sector, including regional aspects of global environmental change
IPRC Background 1995–1997: Plans for the IPRC were developed by scientists from Japan, the University of Hawaii, and an external group of climate scientists and administrators. March, 1997: Japanese Prime Minister Hashimoto and US Vice-President Gore add the theme of global change research and prediction to the “Common Agenda for Cooperation in Global Perspective.” Japan and the US formally agree to establish the IPRC. October, 1997: Japan initiates the Frontier Research System for Global Change (FRSGC). October, 1997: IPRC is founded within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, as one of the 8 divisions of FRSGC.
Existing infrastructure • Institutional support from JAMSTEC, NASA, and NOAA provides the funding necessary for long-term stability and planning. • The University of Hawaii established 10 tenure-track faculty positions, jointly funded by the state of Hawaii and JAMSTEC. These positions are the scientific core of the IPRC. • The APDRC is now able to deliver the model-based and satellite-based products to the broad user communities via web-based access.
Links with Asia • The IPRC has strong links with JAMSTEC scientists and with the Japanese scientific community in general. • The IPRC has established research collaborations with the Earth Simulator Center. We are part of a consortium to analyze output from AGCM and OGCM runs with unprecedented spatial resolution, and are involved in discussions with our Japanese colleagues on future numerical experimentation. • IPRC researchers also have working relationships with scientists in China and Korea
IPRC Science Themes Theme 1: Indo-Pacific ocean climate Theme 2: Regional-ocean influences Theme 3: Asian-Australian monsoon system Theme 4: Impacts of global environmental change Theme 5: Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center
Theme 1: Indo-Pacific ocean climate Understand climate variations in the Pacific and Indian Oceans on interannual-to-decadal time scales Pacific and ENSO decadal variability Interactions of IOD with ENSO and PDV (with Theme 3) Ocean-to-atmosphere feedback Influences of salinity on the climate system Ocean processes (with Theme 2)
Theme 2: Regional-oceaninfluences Determine the influences on Asia-Pacific climate of western-boundary currents, the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension system, marginal seas, and the Indonesian Throughflow Kuroshio-Oyashio studies Bifurcation latitudes of the NEC and SEC Indonesian Throughflow Ocean mixing (with Theme 1)
Theme 3: Asian Australian Monsoon Understand the processes responsible for climatic variability and predictability of the Asia-Australian Mon-soon system and its hydrological cycle at intraseasonal through interdecadal time scales Intraseasonal oscillations ENSO/monsoon interactions (with Theme 1) Tropical biennial oscillation Tropical cyclone dynamics and pathways Model development
Theme 4: Impacts of global environmental change Identify the relationships between global environmental change and Asia-Pacific climate Global impacts of volcanism Regional response to global climate forcing Analysis of coupled models of global change Paleoclimate variability
The APDRC was established within the IPRC to be a climate data and web-based product serving facility. Our mission is to increase understanding of climate variability in the Asia-Pacific region by: • developing the computational, data-management, and networking infrastructure necessary to make data resources readily accessible and usable by researchers and other users; • undertaking data-intensive research activities that will both advance knowledge and lead to improvements in data collection and preparation.
Challenges for Distribution of Climate Data • disparate data types • station data, gridded data, ocean data, atmospheric data, levels, time-series, etc. • disparate data formats • netcdf, grib, flat binary, etc. • datasets can be large • coupled model out, long integrations, high resolution (time/space), etc. • users needs are widely varying
Data Transport • ftp (limited) • direct binary access NFS (internal) • OPeNDAP
On-line Browse • LAS (gridded data) • EPIC (station data)
EPIC access to argo data Select subregion Sort function
Plot specific station Plot/save along section
THREDDS functions that matter to APDRC • An integrated server provides OpenDAP access to any datasets that can be read through the Netcdf-Java library. • The Netcdf-Java library reads NetCDF, OpenDAP, and HDF5 datasets, as well as other binary formats such as GRIB and NEXRAD into a "Common Data Model" (CDM). • An integrated server provides data access through the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocol for any "gridded" dataset whose coordinate system information is complete. Users can add missing information to a dataset where needed, in order to make this work.
Compare distributed GODAE model outputs Define region Select time
Authentication based access and IP based access outside IPRC network by authentication http://user:passwd@apdrc2.soest.hawaii.edu/dods/iprc_only/ inside IPRC network by IP address http://apdrc2.soest.hawaii.edu:9090/dods/iprc_only
Data Archive • parallel systems (Linux and Solaris based) • similar raid systems • remote aggregation • data spread across ocean, atmosphere, air-sea flux • model reanalysis, forecast, etc.
GrADS Matlab ferret
APDRC Project Support • Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) • argo • Pacific Regional Integrated Date Enterprise (PRIDE) • Regional modeling • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) • JAMSTEC Earth Simulator Group (ESG) • Quality control of historical profiles of temperature and salinity for the global oceans (HydroBase2, WHOI) and the Indian Ocean (CSIRO), GTSPP
GODAE As the international community participates in the demonstration phase of GODAE, (2003-2005) there is an overarching need for rapid delivery of data products from satellites and models to the broad user community including regional operational entities.
GODAE • Operational Systems • Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEAN; NRL, Bay St. Louis, MS) • Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC; Monterey, CA) • National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) • Research and Development Systems • Argo • NASA Seasonal to Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) • Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO; Scripps, MIT and JPL) • Hybrid Co-ordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM; Miami, NRL) • Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) • Data • National Virtual Ocean Data System (NVODS)
PRIDE Conceptual Framework forPRIDE US/NOAA Context Bi-Laterals with Australia Japan New Zealand Global/Regional Observations GCOS/GOOS/IOOS IPRC APDRC Pacific Services Center New NOAA Facility in Hawaii Pacific Climate Information System WMO/NOAA RCCs RISA NOAA Data Centers
Non-scientific users: Plot generation More co-ordinated approach Web interface >> data format/server tech APDRC Customers Scientific users: • direct access to data • typically large (long timeseries and/or large spatial extents Server technology >> interface/presentaion