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World War I

World War I. Social Studies 9 Ms. Rebecca. Quiz!. 1. What was Gandhi’s main goal for India? 2. What was Gandhi’s main goal for South Africa? 3. What is one example of how Indians were being treated unfairly by the British?

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World War I

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  1. World War I Social Studies 9 Ms. Rebecca

  2. Quiz! • 1. What was Gandhi’s main goal for India? • 2. What was Gandhi’s main goal for South Africa? • 3. What is one example of how Indians were being treated unfairly by the British? • 4. What types of methods did Gandhi support to try to get change in India? • 5. Give 2 examples of something Gandhi did to try to help the people of India to have better lives? Include as much detail as possible.

  3. Gandhi and civil rights • Civil rights: the equal rights that every person has in a society regardless of race, religion, language, culture, and background. • Example: • The right to not be bullied • The right to practice any religion you want • The right to be able to have a nice home • The right to speak in public about what you want to • The right to meet with your friends and talk about what you want. • The right to go to school • The right to do whatever job you want to do • The right to vote for and make decisions in government of your own country Etc.

  4. What civil rights did Indians NOT have under British rule? • No freedom of speech • No freedom from bullying/attack • No freedom to meet in public • No freedom to vote for your own government.

  5. How did Gandhi help to get more civil rights for Indians? • Non-Violence! • Salt March • Burning identification passes in South Africa • Burning British made clothes • Boycotting all foreign goods • Having a national day of prayer and fasting where no work was done for the British empire………….

  6. Why is Gandhi important to know about? • He has inspired people all over the world to fight for their own civil rights to make this planet a better place to live in for all different types of people. http://womenofcaliber.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/human-rights-every-human-has-rights.jpg

  7. Example: Civil Rights In America • African Americans

  8. History: How did they get to America? http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/online/wilberforce/images/01_slide.jpg

  9. Brought from Africa http://afrocityblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/slave-ship-2.jpg

  10. Treatment as slaves

  11. After Slavery ended…. http://proliberty.com/observer//emancip.jpg

  12. Racism continues http://blueollie.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/lynching.jpg

  13. Segregation http://www.bringinghistoryhome.org/assets/bringinghistoryhome/3rd-grade/unit-2/activity-5/black-and-colored-drinking-water1.jpg

  14. Segregation http://leisureguy.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/cuar01_littlerock0709.jpg

  15. Segregation http://www.glynn.k12.ga.us/BHS/academics/junior/hunt/chloem10116/whites-only.gif

  16. Results: African Americans need a change! • Just like Indians needed a change.

  17. Non-violence resistance • Martin Luther King Jr.

  18. Lunch counter sit-ins

  19. Boycotts of busses http://www.montgomeryboycott.com/img/book.gif

  20. Marches on government http://kenoath.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/civil-rights-march.jpg

  21. Finally: an end to segregation

  22. We shall overcome!

  23. Question: • 1. How did Gandhi’s civil rights movement inspire the African American civil rights movement? • 2. What are the goals of ALL civil rights movements?

  24. Review of Imperialism

  25. Imperialism Reflection • What is Imperialism? • Do you think imperialism still happens today? • How do you think imperialism is different today than it was in places like India when the British were in charge of the country?

  26. How is imperialism bad? • Destroys local culture • Treats local people poorly • Starts fighting within the local people

  27. How is imperialism good? • Brings money in sometimes. • In India: • Better for international business (learned English) • Safer conditions for wives (no more wife burning), built railroads, more convenient, set up government…… • Easier to get supplies from Great Britain

  28. New Imperialism http://insidenewyork.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/mcdonalds.jpg http://www.chinawholesalegift.com/pic/Coca-Cola-Promotional-Gifts/Cocacola-EL-Advertisement-Signboard-22412285613.jpg

  29. How is imperialism bad? • Think about the Scramble for Africa. • Do you think that some countries may have been jealous if they didn’t have as many colonies as France in Africa? • How might this lead to bad feelings between different European countries?

  30. Imperialism • Is one of the MAIN reasons why war broke out between European countries in the First World War! • Our next unit! Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaay!

  31. World War 1 Review

  32. Causes of WWI • A. Imperialism • 1. Strong countries conquered smaller weaker countries (colonies) • 2. European countries – Asia and Africa • 3. European countries competed for colonies. This made them not like each other

  33. World War I • Nationalism was one of the main causes of World War 1 in 1914.

  34. B. Nationalism • 1. Definition: To love your country or culture • 2. Example: Europeans thought they were the best and wanted to fight a war to prove it.

  35. Nationalism • What is Nationalism? • How does nationalism make people more willing to fight for their country?

  36. C. Arms Race • 1. Each country wanted to have the biggest military. • 2. More weapons make countries want to fight a war.

  37. D. Alliances • Alliances: agreement between countries saying that the people of one nation would help the people of an allied nation if they needed it. • This meant that more countries were willing to take risks because they knew they had support from their allies.

  38. E. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand • THE FINAL thing that led to war! • 1. Assassination is the killing of an important person • 2. The archduke was the next king • 3. Austria Hungary controlled land in the Balkans, including a country called Serbia. Serbia wanted their land back!

  39. Austria acts like a jerk to Serbia! • Austrians decide to have a parade in Serbia celebrating that Austria taking over. • The parade is on the day of a Serbian holiday. • This is VERY disrespectful to Serbia.

  40. So…… Serbians get angry and: • A Serbian man shoots the Archduke Franz Ferdinand while he is riding in a parade car.

  41. Austria Hungary is really mad • They declare war on Serbia

  42. The Balkans

  43. Summary Main causes of WWI • Arms Race: People try to show how strong they are with weapons (machine gun, ships, submarine) • Imperialism: People take over other countries. They fight for land and colonizing. Ex: Indians got upset: war • Nationalism: To love you your country. You DON’T love other countries. If my country is right, everyone else is wrong. My country is the best • Alliances: Friendship between countries. War gets bigger because countries that are friends fight for each other EVEN if they weren’t part of the first fight. • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: When a Serbian man killed the prince of Austria Hungary.

  44. Causes of WWI poster • Today you will make a poster about ONE of the causes of WWI • 1. Arms Race: People try to show how strong they are with weapons (machine gun, ships, submarine) • 2. Imperialism: People take over other countries. They fight for land and colonizing. Ex: Indians got upset: war • 3. Nationalism: To love you your country. You DON’T love other countries. If my country is right, everyone else is wrong. My country is the best • 4. Alliances: Friendship between countries. War gets bigger because countries that are friends fight for each other EVEN if they weren’t part of the first fight. • 5. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: When a Serbian man killed the prince of Austria Hungary.

  45. Groups • Group 1: Nationalism • Group 2: Arms Race • Group 3: Imperialism • Group 4: Alliances

  46. Listen up! • http://my.hrw.com/ss2/ss06_07_08/student/audio/lth/hwh/hwh_worldwar1_lth.mp3

  47. II. Beginning of WWI • A. The “small” war • 1. The war should only be between Austria Hungary and Serbia.

  48. B. Alliance System • 1. Because of the alliance system it becomes a much bigger war • 2. Triple Alliance = Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy • 3. Triple Entente = Great Britain, France, Russia

  49. These alliances • Were made BEFORE the war started! • AFTER the war had become, alliances led countries to take sides. There were the Central Powers and the Allied Powers

  50. The 2 sides of the war: • Central Powers: Germany and Austria-Hungary (They were called this because they are located in the center of Europe) • Allied Powers: Great Britain, Russia, France, Serbia

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