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Lecture Twelve. Comparative Studies. Comparative Studies of English and Chinese in Translation.
Lecture Twelve Comparative Studies
Comparative Studies of English and Chinese in Translation • Techniques and skills alone are of little use unless applied in adequate practice. Besides, a comparative study of the differences between the source language and target language would be of great help to enhance the comprehensive abilities in translating.
Contrasts of the Differences Between Chinese and English • I.Contrasts from a macroscopic viewpoint • 1.word 2. Grammar 3. Syntactic structures 4. Thinking pattern • 1. Contrast in word • English belongs to Indo-European language, alphabetic language (拼音文字); • Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan language, ideographic language.( 表意文字)image • 潘文国,许余龙蒋坚松,连淑能
1.1 In English, the meaning of words is flexible according to contexts, collocation, parts of speech) • -broken man/ broken English/ broken money • 1.2 abundant idioms and phrases in English • --Let’s face the music. The project is difficult. • Carry away, carry out, carry on • 1.3 4-word phrases are popular in Chinese ( imitation/ literal translation) • --没必要旁敲侧击。(There’s no need to beat around the bush)
-沧海一粟( a drop in the ocean) • 破釜沉舟(burn the boat) • 不伦不类( neither fish nor foul) • --Disasters never come single. • --To many Americans , China is still a faraway place- unknown, unseen and fascinating. • Suggested version:时至今日, 仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知, 令人心驰神往。
2. Contrast in Grammar • English is a synthetic language marked with inflexions(曲折变化形式), Chinese is an analytic language without any inflexions, implied in the context or explicitly by some empty words, such as “着”、“了”、 “过”、“过去”、“ 曾经”、“刚刚”etc. • 2.1 inflexion: formal changes in grammar, including gender, quantity, tense, voice, comparative degree,etc) It rains everyday. / It rained yesterday./ It is raining hard outside.
2.2 unit word in Chinese • 3.Contrast in syntactic structures • In English , clauses or phrases are coordinated with or subordinated to one another syntactically. English is hypotaxic( 形合)。 • In Chinese sentences are placed one after another without coordinating connectives.Chinese is parataxic( 意合). • --Anna, who was here a moment ago, left this note.
--A notion has taken hold in the U.S. to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them. • * Hence English sentences are long and complex, while Chinese sentences are short and simple. • 4. Contrast in thinking pattern • In expressing, English seems more abstract, focusing on logical analysis and reasoning. • Chinese seems more concrete, focusing on feeling, synthesizing and implication.
4.1 Abstract nouns VS. concrete nouns • --The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments. • 4.2 Passive voice– active voive • --A few years ago , it was thought unusual that that programs could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home. • 4.3 nouns V.S. verbs • --He is a good eater and a good sleeper.
II. Comprehensive abilities in translation • Language analysis • Contextual analysis • Logical analysis
III. Exercises • 1. Nescafe is 100% pure coffee. For that rich, satisfying full coffee flavor and aroma, use one tea-spoonful per cup. Add boiling water and stir. Add milk and sugar to taste. • 2. 本台扇外形新颖,美观大方, 色彩鲜艳, 光泽调和, 是室内炎夏降温之电器佳品。 • 3. 黄粱美梦、 毛遂自荐、负荆请罪、完璧归赵 • 4. Their accent couldn’t fool a native speaker. • Version 1: 他们的口音不能愚弄本地人。 • Version 2: 本地人是不会听不出他们是外乡人的。
Version: 本地人一听他们的口音便知他们是外乡人。 • 1. 雀巢咖啡用百分之百咖啡豆精制而成。 只需放一茶匙咖啡于杯中, 注入沸水, 搅匀,酌量加糖, 加奶至适味,即成一杯香浓美味、称心满意的雀巢咖啡。 • 2. The fan, with its modern , elegant , bright and harmoniously colored design, is an excellent, electrical, household appliance for cooling purposes on hot summer days.
3. Golden Millet Dream( Pipe Dream); Mao Sui Recommending Himself( volunteering one’s service); • Bearing the Rod for Punishment • Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao
Exercises • 1、这是第一个孩子,没有见过世面,老是躲躲闪闪的。 • This is my first child. He has not seen any society, so he is always shy and awkward. • 2.时候既然是深冬,渐进故乡时,天气有阴晦了,冷风吹进船舱中,呜呜的响。 • It was late winter. As we drew near my former home the day became overcast and a cold wind blew into the cabin of our boat. • 3.如何解决假冒伪劣商品的盛行呢?这是广大群众迫切关注的问题。
How to solve the problem of fake products was a question to which the broad masses urgently needed for a solution. 4、从那时起到现在,已经整整五十年了。这是光辉的五十年,不平凡的五十年。 Fifty years have elapsed since that day—fifty glorious years, fifty extraordinary years.
5.目前下岗职工重新安排工作还有一定困难,具有高新技术的劳动力同样感到不足。5.目前下岗职工重新安排工作还有一定困难,具有高新技术的劳动力同样感到不足。 • At present we still have difficulties in the replacement of laid-off workers, in addition to a shortage of high-tech labor force. • 6.某些居心叵测的政客们只知道挖空心思为“西藏独立”制造理论依据,却没有想到使他们自己陷入了自相矛盾的境地。 • Some ill-intentioned politicians , racking their brains to fabricate a theoretical justification for “Tibet independence”,
Is unaware that they have landed themselves in self-contradiction.
Main contents of this lecture • Ten contrasts between Chinese and English
Contrastive Studies on English and Chinese • By Mr. Lian Shuneng (连淑能)
1. Synthetic vs. Analytic (综合性语与分析性语) • 2. Compact vs. Diffusive (聚集与流散) • 3. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic (形合与意合) • 4. Complex vs. Simplex (繁复与简单) • 5. Impersonal vs. Personal (物称与人称)
6. Passive vs. Active (被动与主动) • 7. Static vs. Dynamic (静态与动态) • 8. Abstract vs. Concrete (抽象与具体) • 9. Indirect vs. Direct (间接与直接) • 10. Substitute vs. Repetitive (替换与重复)
1. Synthetic vs. Analytic (综合性语与分析性语) • English is a Synthetic language marked with inflexions, while Chinese is an analytic language without any inflexion, which is usually implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as “着”, “了”“过”etc. • One cannot think of Africa without thinking of Egypt, the cradle of an ancient civilization, nor of Egypt without the Nile. • 英语属综合性语言,其标志为词的曲折变化形式; 汉语为分析性语言,靠“着”, “了”“过”之类的助动词表达不同的时间关系。
During the wartime, years like these would have meant certain death for many people. Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children. • 战争期间碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会死去,很多人会逃荒要饭,很多人会被迫卖儿卖女。 • Thus encouraged , they made a small bolder plan for the next year. • 由于受到这样的鼓励,他们为第二年制定了一个更大胆的计划。
2. Compact vs. Diffusive (聚集与流散) • English sentences are compact, namely, tightly combined with connectives or prepositions, while Chinese is diffused, that is, loose in structure. • 英语句式紧密,有大量的连词、介词在句与句之间衔接,;汉语的句式松散,句与句之间缺少连接成分 • ideorealm
A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people, who should be encouraged to bring children into the world , are those who can afford them. • 在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,说是只有那些抚养得起的民众,才应鼓励其生育。 • Although lonely in new land, he was described by his fellow workers and students as cheerful, of a friendly nature, honest and modest. • 虽然他单身一人,又处在异乡客地,但正如他的同事和学生描述那样,他为人愉快开朗,温文尔雅,诚实谦虚。
3. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic (形合与意合) • In English, clauses or phrases are coordinated with one another or subordinated to one another syntactically while in Chinese they are placed one after another without coordinating connectives. • 英语的各类语句的关系靠严密的句法来衔接,浑然一体; 汉语的句式不靠句法上的衔接,讲究一个“不言而喻” ideorealm/MARKERS
He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.VSO • 他有一种令人难堪的习惯: 一会儿一个想法,自相矛盾,变化无常。 • The present onslaught of vehicle poses a serious threat to the urban life and pedestrian peace of mind. • 车辆横冲直撞,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。
4. Complex vs. Simplex (繁复与简单) • English sentences are long and complex, while Chinese sentences are short and simple. • 英语句子长而复杂;汉语句子短而简练。
5. Impersonal vs. Personal (物称与人称) • English uses more impersonal structures than Chinese does. • 英语多用物称代词,汉语多用人称代词。
What has happened to you?你 • An idea suddenly struck me.我 • Not a sound reached our ears.我们 • Alarm began to take entire possession of him. • 他开始变得惊恐万状。
Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. • 我兴奋得说不出话来。 • The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. • 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。
6. Passive vs. Active (被动与主动) • The passive voice is extensively used in English, while Chinese sentences are usually active. • 英语多用被动语态,汉语多用主动语态。
7. Static vs. Dynamic (静态与动态) • English is static, and agent nouns (施事者) are frequently used to replace verbs, while Chinese is dynamic, using more verbs in a single sentence. • 英语多用静态表达,汉语多用动态表达。
He is a good eater and a good sleeper. • 他能吃能睡。 • You must be a very bad learner, or else you must be going to be a very bad teacher.
8. Abstract vs. Concrete (抽象与具体) • In expressing the same idea English is more abstract while Chinese is more concrete. • 英语多用抽象概念,汉语多用具体措辞。 • The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory development. • 没有消息即表明有令人满意的进展。
9. Indirect vs. Direct (间接与直接) • Some English sentences tend to use indirect ways of affirmation, while Chinese sentences are straightforward. • 英语多用间接肯定、否定;汉语多用直接肯定、否定。litotes • He can’t see you quick enough. • 他很想尽快和你见面。
10. Substitute vs. Repetitive (替换与重复) • Generally speaking, English doesn’t use so many repetitions as Chinese does. • 英语多用替换词语;汉语多用重复形式。 • You should help her since you have promised to do so. • Men and nations working apart created these problems; men and nations working together must solve them.