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Improving Rank Algorithm of Search Engine with Ontology and Categorization

Improving Rank Algorithm of Search Engine with Ontology and Categorization. Qiaowei Dai Supervisor: Jiuyong Li. This presentation. Background Motivation Research strategy Modelling and evaluation process Results and analysis Goal I have achieved. Background. What is search engine?

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Improving Rank Algorithm of Search Engine with Ontology and Categorization

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  1. Improving Rank Algorithm of Search Engine with Ontology and Categorization Qiaowei DaiSupervisor: Jiuyong Li

  2. This presentation • Background • Motivation • Research strategy • Modelling and evaluation process • Results and analysis • Goal I have achieved

  3. Background • What is search engine? -An important tool to help people search information on the huge Web. • Shortcomings of information retrieval: -Low query quality -Low query update speed -Lack of effective information categorization -Keyword-based Web query lacks understanding of user behavior -Low index coverage rate

  4. RageRank Algorithm • PageRank is a global link analysis algorithm proposed by S. Brin and L. Page (Brin, S & Page, L 1998). It performs statistics to the URL link condition of whole Web, and computes a weight, which is called as the PageRank value of this page, to every URL according to the factors such as link times, etc. • PageRank algorithm is in recursive form, its value depends on the linked times and the PageRank value of source link (Brin, S & Page, L 1998). Let the pages on Web as 1, 2, …, m, where N(i) is the amount of the extra-Website links of page i, B(i) is the page set referring to page I, d (0<d<1) is damping factor.

  5. RageRank Algorithm • Problems: -More concerned about old pages than new pages -Topic drift -Nepotistic links

  6. RageRank Algorithm • Improvements: -Ling & Fanyuan (2004) proposed an accelerated evaluation algorithm, which introduces accelerated factor. -Beijing University developed WebGather search engine (Ming, L, Jianyong, W & Baojue, C 2001), which gives compensation to new pages. -Haveliwala (2002) proposed a topic-sensitive PageRank algorithm.

  7. HITS Algorithm • HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search) algorithm is a kind of rank algorithm that analyzes Web resource based on local link, which is proposed by Kleinberg in 1998 (Kleinberg, J 1999). • Authority page refers to some page that is most related to query keyword and combination (Kleinberg, J 1999). • Hub page is the page that includes multiple Authority pages (Kleinberg, J 1999). • There are two steps in the iterative procedure of HITS algorithm, which are step I and step O. In step I, the authority value of each page is the sum of the Hub values of pages referring to it. In step O, the Hub value of each page is the sum of the authority values of pages referring to it. That is: where B(i) represents the page set referring to page i, F(i) represents the page set referred by page i.

  8. HITS Algorithm • Problems: -Faction attacks -Mixed hub page -Topic pollution -Topic drift -Nepotistic links

  9. HITS Algorithm • Improvements: -Bharat and Henzinger (1998) improved the computation method of authority weight and hub weight by means of introducing relevance weight to hyperlinks. -Chakrabarti, Dom and Gibson (1999) proposed an idea that split big hub page into smaller units. -Haveliwala (2002) proposed a topic-sensitive PageRank algorithm. -Clever system (Chakrabarti, B, Dom, B & Raghavan, P 1998) ` -Xuelong, Xuemei and Xiangwei (2006) proposed a time parameter control model.

  10. Motivation • According to Intelligent Surfer Model, we can consider that the user behavior in browning Web page is not absolutely random or blind, but related to topic. • To the numerous outbound links of each Web page, the outbound links which belong to the same or similar Web page category will have the higher clicking rate. • No matter PageRank algorithm or HITS algorithm, they objectively describe the essential characteristics between Web pages, but rarely consider about the topic relativity of users’ surfer habit. • Link structure-based algorithm can be integrated with other technology very well in order to improve the algorithm adaptability.

  11. Motivation • Categorization technology can simulate user subject-related habit, so as to improve this kind of link structure-based algorithm. • Categorization technology overcomes the unreliability brought by the assumption that the users’ behavior of visiting Web pages is absolute random, and distinguishes the direction relation between Web pages according to category attributes, thus categorization technology can be regarded as an important supplementary to traditional algorithms. • In order to implement categorization, a comparison mechanism between categories need to be introduced, which domain ontology-based concept semantic similarity computation model is an ideal one to adopt.

  12. Research on traditional domain ontology-based concept semantic similarity computation models Distance -based Content -based Attribute -based Modeling and evaluating improved domain ontology-based concept semantic similarity computation model Improvement of decision facts Modeling Evaluate Category Depth Density Strength Attribute Constructing categorization similarity table according to the improved model Pre-categorization of Web pages Pre-categorization of keywords Categorization similarity table Performing pre-categorization processes according to categorization similarity table How to implement categorization Combine HITS with categorization Selevtive mechanism Research on combination of PageRank and categorization Define the basic idea of categorization Modeling Evaluate Research strategy

  13. Research strategy • Phase 1: -Improve domain ontology-based concept semantic similarity computation model. • Phase 2: -Improve HITS algorithm with categorization based on the computation model generated by phase 1.

  14. Phase 1 - Traditional computation models • Traditional computation models 1.Distance-based: The basic idea is to quantify the semantic distance between concepts by using the geometric distance of two concepts in hierarchical network (Qun, L & Sujian, L 2002). Leocock(2005) proposed an improvement.

  15. Phase 1 2.Content-based The basic principle is that if the more information two concepts share, the higher semantic similarity between them; contrarily, the less information two concepts share, the lower semantic similarity between them (Xiaofeng, Z, Xinting, T & Yongsheng, Z 2006).

  16. Phase 1 3.Attribute-based The basic principle is to judge the similarity degree of attribute set which the two concepts corresponding to. Rips (2002) proposed a multi-dimensional computation model.

  17. Phase 1 • Decision Facts -In a directed, no-loop, hierarchical network constituted by domain ontology, the weights of directed edge may be different, that is to say the semantic similarity between parent node and child node located in the two ends of different directed edge is different. -It indicates that the influence of weight needs to be considered when computing the distance length between concepts. According to my research, there are five main facts influence the weight of directed edge in ontology hierarchical network.

  18. Phase 1 1. Category -Inheritance relation -Entirety-part relation -Synonymous relation where weigh (c, p) is the weight of directed edge constituted by child node c and its parent node p.

  19. Phase 1 2. Depth The meanings of concept are concrete in lower level; contrarily, the meanings of concept are abstract in higher level. Thus, the weight of directed edge is related to its depth in hierarchical network. where depth(p) is the depth of node in hierarchical network.

  20. Phase 1 3. Density If the node density of a certain local area in hierarchical network is larger, it indicates that the refinement to concept is better here, and the weight of corresponding edge is larger. where indegree(p) and indegree(c) are the ingress degree of parent node p and child node c in hierarchical network, outdegree(p) and outdegree(c) respectively represents the egress degree of parent node p and child node c in hierarchical network, and indegree(G) and outdegree(G) represent theingress degree and egress degree of hierarchical network graph.

  21. Phase 1 4. Strength In the hierarchical network constituted by domain ontology, a parent node may have multiple child nodes. If a child node is more important than the other nodes to this domain, the weight of directed edge constituted by this child node and its parent node should be larger. where important() represents the former is important than the latter. where LS(ci,p) represents the strength of directed edge constituted by child node and parent node. where is adjustment factor.

  22. Phase 1 5. Attribute If the concept that the child node and parent node of the two side of directed edge corresponding to possesses more equal attributes, it indicates that the relation between parent node and child node is closer, and the weight of directed edge constituted by them is larger. where Attr(c) and Attr(p) is respectively the attribute set of concept c and concept p, Attr(c) ∩Attr(p) is the intersection attribute set of concept c and concept p, Attr(c) ∪Attr(p) is the union attribute set of concept c and concept p, count() is the amount of statistic attribute.

  23. Phase 1 • Procedure of modeling 1. The domain ontology completed by domain specialists can be considered as a hierarchical, directed and no-loop graph. where N is the set of all the nodes in graph, and each node ni represents the set of concept and its attribute in domain, L is the set of all the directed edges in graph, and each directed edge represents some kind of relation existing between nodes. 2. The facts influencing weight need to be fully considered when qualifying the weight of directed edge. where k is adjustment factor, k∈(0,1], a + b + c + d + e = 1.

  24. Phase 1 3. The length of unit directed edge is inversely proportional to the weight of directed edge. where η is adjustable factor. 4. Use Leacock computation model to compute the distance between two concepts in domain ontology. where Anc(w1,w2) is the closest common ancestor node of node w1 and w2, path(w1,w2) is the set of all the nodes in the shortest path of node w1 and w2 in hierarchical network. 5. Obtain the improved concept semantic similarity computation model. where is θamplification factor.

  25. Phase 1 • Evaluation Tools: Protégé 3.4 Main interface of Protégé 3.4

  26. 9.02 Linked Stack 8.61 Stack 9.03 Sequential Stack 10.46 Static Allocation 9.31 Sequential storage structure 11.46 Dynamic Allocation 7.03 8.92 Linear Structure Linear List 9.81 13.46 Linked storage structure Single Linked List 8.41 String 10.36 Circular Linked List 9.5 Circular Queue 8.5 12.46 Queue 9.61 Double Linked List Linked Queue 10.86 Double Linked Circular List Phase 1 Ontology of linear structure

  27. Phase 1 Experimental result

  28. Phase 2 - Basic idea • Basic idea - Assumptions: 1. Every Web page is categorize-able, and can be marked with a main category, denoted by C. 2. There is relation at different degree between every category, expressed by category similarity degree S. -To every Web page, there is always a related content topic, which is subordinated to a certain category of knowledge, or has a certain category of feature. -These categories can be also subdivided into more professional and specific subcategory. The category division is according to the content topic of Web pages, not property.

  29. Phase 2 - Basic idea - To the same Web page, its topic may be related to category A, as well as related to category B and category C at different degree. This relativity can be divided into: 1. Directly topic-related: Rd{a, b, c, …} -The content of a Web page may also include several categories of topics, so there is a directly topic-related relation between this Web page and related topics. 2. Indirectly topic-related: Ri{a, b, c, …} -There are relations existing between categories originally. If Web page W is determined to be related to category A, and the relativity between category A and category B is very high, then B can be considered to have indirect topic relativity to category B as well. Its relativity to B is determined jointly by both the relativity between category A and category B and the relativity between Web page W and category A. The vector sum of direct and indirect topic category of Web page topic is the topic category vector of Web page: R{a, b, c, …} = Rd{a, b, c, …} + Rd{a, b, c, …}

  30. Phase 2 - Pre-categorization • Pre-categorization Process of pre-categorization

  31. Phase 2 - Category Selective Mechanism • Category Selective Mechanism - Because the amount of Web pages is huge and increasing explosively, the pre-processing for searching process is particularly important. If the selection for searching results can reduce the scope before searching all Web pages, it is helpful to improve retrieval efficiency. -Idea of selective mechanism: Select the keyword similarity coefficient k1, category similarity coefficient k2 (0< k1<k2<1). When users retrieve keyword, search engines firstly select the categories with the similarity between k1 to 1 according to the category vector of retrieval keywords. Then, search engines select the Web pages with the category similarity between k2 to 1 according to the category vector of Web pages.

  32. Phase 2 - Category Selective Mechanism -Through two-level categorization selective mechanism, after compare searching scope with the category similarity of Web pages according to keywords, the Web pages with great difference in category are discarded. -Because users are hardly concerned about the information with low rank when browsing the results returned by search engines, the pre-processed Web pages will not influence the searching performance in users’ view. -The amount of Web pages is greatly reduced, so the overhead of iterative operation is reduced as well when computing rank.

  33. Phase 2 - Modeling • Think about the relating degree between the links of Web pages and topic categories, which the links with the target belonging to same or similar topic category are considered to be more important.

  34. Phase 2 - Modeling • Procedure of modeling 1. Let the differential sum of Web pages uj and v on each category vector as the difference degree of the two Web page categories. Compute the difference degree between the category attribute of all the Web pages uj, which referring to Authority Web page v, with v. Compute the difference degree between the category attribute of all the Web pages vj, which referred by Hub Web page u, with u.

  35. Phase 2 - Modeling where n is the total category amount; Cuji and Cvji is respectively the vector attribute of Web page uj and vj on category i; Cvi and Cui is respectively the vector attribute of Web page v and u on category i; The values of Cuji ,Cvji ,Cui and Cvi are generated in the pre-categorization process of Web pages. |Cuji-Cvi| is the difference degree between Web pages uj, which referring to Authority Web page v, and Web page v on category component i, |Cvji-Cui| is the difference degree between Web pages vj, which referred by Hub Web page, and Web page u on category component i; |Cuji-Cvi|/Cvi and |Cvji-Cui|/Cui are the percentages of difference degree; ∑|Cuji-Cvi|/Cvi and ∑|Cvji-Cui|/Cui are the summations of difference degree ratio on each category component; 2. Normalizations 3. Compute the category similarities of Web pages referred by links according to category difference degrees. 4. Obtain the improved HITS algorithm.

  36. Phase 2 - Evaluation • The category information of each Web page is integrated into HITS algorithm, and the category relativity of links is considered while computing the link structure of Web pages. • The shortcoming that each link between Web pages is treated equally in traditional HITS algorithm is overcome. • The category information of Web pages themselves is combined with link information as the modified parameter of computation, so as to improve the accuracy of HITS algorithm.

  37. Phase 2 - Evaluation • The application of categorization information modifies the basic set of HITS algorithm by means of the pre-categorization mechanism of categories. • Because HITS algorithm itself needs perform iterative computation, the use of pre-categorization can greatly reduce computation overhead by reducing Web page amount, so as to improve the performance of HITS algorithm. • Meanwhile, the computation overhead of categorization process is O(n), n is the total category amount. Because the magnitude of n is always smaller than it of Web page amount, the improved categorization-based HITS algorithm is better than HITS algorithm on the complex degree of algorithms.

  38. Goal I have achieved • Gain an insight into the principles, problems and improvements of traditional link structure-based rank algorithms for search engine. • Gain a full understanding of the principles and weaknesses of the three traditional domain ontology-based semantic similarity computation models, and develop an improved computation models based on five decision facts. • A category-based HITS algorithm is developed, which users’ surfer behaviors are well considered.

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  40. Questions? Thank you for listening!

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