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5.2 Detection & Monitoring of Pollution

5.2 Detection & Monitoring of Pollution. Sub-subtopics. 5.2.1 Describe two direct methods of monitoring pollution. 5.2.2 Define the term biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and explain how this indirect method is used to assess pollution levels in water.

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5.2 Detection & Monitoring of Pollution

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  1. 5.2 Detection & Monitoring of Pollution

  2. Sub-subtopics 5.2.1Describe two direct methods of monitoring pollution. 5.2.2Define the term biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and explain how this indirect method is used to assess pollution levels in water. 5.2.3Describe and explain an indirect method of measuring pollution levels using a biotic index.

  3. 5.2.1 Methods of Monitoring Where to start? AIR WATER LAND What to do? DIRECT INDIRECT CHANGES Gradients Time periods Transects Retirieved on 01-11-2013 from: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/images/pictures/health/pollutionhealtheffects.jpg

  4. 5.2.1 Monitoring AIRQuality Particulate Matter (PM) • Removed by rain Sheets of glue-coated or Vaseline coated paper with grids for standard amount of time. • microscope/magnifying lens • % coverage • # of specimens Number Size Location Sources of error? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9_EWYAl4NA

  5. 5.2.1 Monitoring AIRQuality Secondary Data Sources: • Czech Republic - ČHMI • EU - AirMonTech • U.S. - EPA • China - AQICN • India - CPCB • Brazil - MMA • Australia - AGDE • South Africa - SAAQIS • Egypt - EEAA-EIMP • Bangladesh - CASE What they measure: • sulfur dioxide • oxides of nitrogen • ozone • VOC’s • particulate matter (sizes)

  6. 5.2.1 Monitoring LANDQuality Soil (edaphic) factors • physical properties • chemical properties • biological properties • processes • characteristics No one measure is an indicator: • texture • density • infiltration • water retention • organic matter • mineral content (N, P, K) • microbial biomass • soil respiration Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/assessment/images/sq_bucket_contents.jpg

  7. 5.2.1 Monitoring SOILQuality Secondary Data Sources: • World - HWSD and ISRIC • Czech Republic - ČPS • EU - JRC’s LUCAS • U.S. - NRCS • China - MLR • India - IISS (for soil types) • Russia - VINITI • Australia - GRDC and soilquality.org • South Africa - ARC-ISCW • Bangladesh What they measure: • same as last slide • degradation/aggradation Retrieved on 01-11-2103 from: http://soilquality.org/images/dynamic_graph.gif

  8. 5.2.1 Monitoring WATERQuality Direct Sampling Methods (chemical indicators) • salinity (probe) • pH (probe; universal indicator paper) • temperature (probe) • Dissolved Oxygen (DO probe) • wave action • flow velocity (orange) • turbidity (secchi disk) • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) • nitrates (NO3-probe; test kit) • ammonia (NH3 probe; test kit) • phosphate (probe; test kit) • conductivity (probe) Retrieved on 01-11-2013 from: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX-sbuPEpO8r1K7BtWNb8FQlMGso6ZOKnlZAgaIGg_yfEmRGo4Lw

  9. 5.2.1 Monitoring WATERQuality Secondary Data Sources: • Czech Republic - ČHMI • EU - WISE • U.S. - NWQMC • China - IPE • India - CPCB’s NWMP • Russia - VINITI • Brazil - ANA • Australia - NWQMS • South Africa - WMS • Egypt - EMWIS-EG • Bangladesh- BWDB What they measure: • same as last slide • hardness • potability Retrieved on 01-11-2013 from: http://ks.water.usgs.gov/pubs/reports/wrir.00-4126.cov.ill.jpeg

  10. 5.2.2 B.O.D. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) • First done in England 1912 • measures organic pollution in H2O (aerobic bacteria & fungus) • units: mg (O2 consumed)/L • usually 5 days incubation at 20 ºC • 68% of BOD exerted after this time • tests vary 10-20% • Indirect method Chemical Oxygen Demand Retrieed on 04-11-2013 from: http://www.bre.umd.edu/agtopics/pict/bodpict.gif

  11. 5.2.2 B.O.D. Steps for measuring Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) • Sample H2O of measured volume • Measure the O2 level (probe) • Place sample in a dark, 20 ºC place for 5 days • Why in the dark? • After 5 days, remeasure O2 • BOD5 = (Step 2 - Step 4) / L Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://www.globalw.com/images/products/OxiTop.jpg

  12. 5.2.2 B.O.D. The greater the organic matter (nutrient load), the greater the BOD5 number • sewage • fertilizer • runoff • detergents • others? Municipal sewage (3-stage process): BOD ~20 mg/L Untreated sewage • Europe: BOD ~600 mg/L • U.S.: BOD ~200 mg/L (greater per capita water use) What is ppm? Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://www.enright.ie/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/bod-levels.jpg

  13. Eastern European Sewers Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://wwws4.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/changes-in-wastewater-treatment-in-countries-of-europe-between-1980s-and-2005-east-3/csi24_fig5_291008.xls/image_large

  14. 5.2.2 Nutrients in European Freshwater The greater the organic matter (nutrient load), the greater the BOD5 number • sewage • fertilizer • runoff • detergents • others? Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/freshwater-quality/freshwater-quality-assessment-published-may-2010

  15. 5.2.3 BioticIndicators Another indirect method: Indicator Species • tolerant of organic pollution and/or low O2 levels • intolerant of organic pollution and/or low O2 levels • More dangerous in summer • solubility of O2 as temperature • warm organic pollutants do the same • Tubifex vs. mayfly nymph? • Others: fish, underwater plant life, algae (diatoms), bacteria (fecal coli) Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://www.ib.bioninja.com.au/_Media/indicator_species.jpeg

  16. 5.2.3Trent Biotic Index Based on disappearances Measures diversity • Generally, pollution , diversity • abundance may be high, but low richness • Maximum value = 10 Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://nationalinsectweek.co.uk/sites/default/files/images/pollutdetect.gif

  17. 5.2.3Trent Biotic Index Retrieved on 04-11-2013 from: http://click4biology.info/c4b/D/G4.htm

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