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ROZEČTI.SE. How to read faster. Exercise 1. BEFORE YOU WATCH. Are you reading any books at the moment? How many books do you read per month? Do you read them only for school or also for pleasure? When and where do you typically read them?
ROZEČTI.SE How to read faster
Exercise 1 BEFORE YOU WATCH Are you reading any books at the moment? How many books do you read per month? Do you read them only for school or also for pleasure? When and where do you typically read them? Besides books, what other kinds of printed materials do you typically read? (e.g. magazines, comics, Internet, newspapers, e-news, blogs, etc.) What do you usually read in a typical day? How long does it take you on average? Distinguish between materials you enjoy reading and those that you have to read. Do some materials take longer to read than others? Do you think it’s possible to learn to read faster? Do you think you could learn to read faster without losing any comprehension?
WHILE YOU WATCH Exercise 2 Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? • Professor Richard Papík is the owner of Rozečti.se. • It took 6 months to develop the project. • You can try the product on-line free of charge. • In order to get a certificate, you need to go through at least 20 lessons. • If you take the training seriously, you can manage to read over 500 words per minute. • On the average, untrained individuals can read maximally 150 words per minute. • It is easy for start-ups to expand abroad because the methodology works for all languages. • The start-up won The Idea of the Year prize in 2012 because they had a very good presentation.
Exercise 3 Listen and fill in the gaps • Hello, my name is Michal Zwinger and I am the managing director of the new start-up Rozečti se… • We spent (the) last six months developing (a) product that can enable readers to read , more efficient and and last month we turned (it) into the on-line available product. • So, basically, we based Rozečti se on (a) hundred year old when it is proved that learners…that readers can read as they can do training, so that’s our average goal, you can read like , and what you should do or what you have to do to pass our is you have to keep the . • … but after some , which Rozečti se provides you, you can achieve more than and when you’re very serious about the , you should achieve more than words per minute. So we are (a) very fresh start-up, we just launched couple of weeks ago, but the work behind the whole project is months of development. There (are) people in the core team. • We have two and we have two , one graphic , we have me and my , who is basically the CTO of the whole product. And what we wanna (want to) from now on is to the product. • Rozečti se just last month won – Vodafone NápadRoku 2012, and this is competition held per year. There were different start-ups and we made it to the where different start-ups presented in front of the jury and after this presentation we won, which was (a) great success for us, but it wasn’t as easy as that. We had to write quite a long application during May. • And we also had reply (to) of the and they asked basically how scalable the is, also how far are we with the – that it’s not only an on a paper and how much are we involved. • Looking back, I actually think that was the , that was the point is that there are members of our team, that we havesplited (divided) , that we everything that we need (to), that we do not have to outsource any ...
AFTER YOU WATCH Exercise 4 Match the English expressions with their Czech equivalent
Exercise 5 GROUP WORK – JIGSAW ACTIVITY • Work in 3 groups. You will be given a story in three pieces. Each group is supposed to read one part of it. You only have 60 seconds to read your portion of the text. Then, discuss what you read with the others in the group for couple of minutes and prepare to explain your part of the story to the remaining groups. Afterwards, each person will read the whole story again and discuss any differences of understanding they have. Discuss the meaning of the underlined words with your teacher.
Exercise 5 GROUP WORK – JIGSAW ACTIVITY • After the group activity, discuss how the story impacts you personally. What ideas or inspiration does it give you? In your groups, discuss what actions your class could do together to make reading more accessible to people who don’t have access to books. Brainstorm a creative project that would make a difference in the lives of others in your community. What plans can you make and what actions can you take to realize it?
Exercise6 SPEED READING TEST 1. EXPERIENCE: Visit thecompany’swebsiteat: http:://www.rozecti.se and read more abouttheirproduct. Theyofferthreelessonsfor free. Trythemout and seehowyou do. How do youlikethemethodology and theirpresentation? • REPORT: In a smallgroup, discussyourexperienceoftheinteractivetutorial and yourexperienceswithit. Didyouexperienceanimprovement in your speed ofreading? Are youmotivated to experience more exercises? Whyorwhy not? Isthereanythingyouwouldchange in thepresentationoftheproductthatwould make it more appealing to you?
Exercise6 DISCUSS 3. In yoursmallgroup, discussthecontentofthecompany’swebsite. Itoutlinesseveralreasonstheir software works: re-trainingreadinghabits, streamliningthefixationoftheeye, visualrangeexpansion, and bestpractices in on-line education. Discussthe relevance of these concepts to yourown, personallearningneeds. Are youinterested in learning these particularnewskills? Whyorwhy not? Are youinterested in using online, interactivelessons as toolsforlearning? Wouldanythingpersuadeyou to changeyour mind onewayortheother? Explainyourposition.
Exercise6 REFLECT 4. As a wholeclass, discusstheimportanceofpersonalmotivation and intentionwhenlearning a new sklil ordevelopingnewknowledge. Discusswhatkindsoflearningtools support yourownpersonallearning style. A LEARNING STYLE isyourpreferred modality forlearningsomethingnew and theconditionsthatyoubestlearn in. By identifyingyourlearning style, youcandiscoverthemethods, activities, and theenvironmentalconditionsthroughwhichyoulearnthe most. 5. FOLLOW-UP: Do youknowwhatyourpersonallearning style is? Ifyouwant to learn more abouthowyoulearn, takethe free inventory online at: http://www.learning-styles-online.com/inventory/ In smallgroups, reflectuponhowknowingaboutyourlearning style canhelpyoulearnbest as a student. Presentyourfindings to the rest ofthegroups.