Team New Millennium Hi, my name is (agent). I am with Micore International. My purpose for coming by today is because I am personally conducting a quick survey in the neighborhood to raise awareness about the Black Hair Industry. All I need is about 1 minute of your time to ask you 3 quick questions, and in return for your time I will give you a FREE VACATION CERTIFICATE GOOD FOR 3DAYS AND 2NIGHTS Micore Customer Survey Do You Know Anyone Who Buys Wigs, Weaves Or Hair Extensions? Yes or NO Did you know that 98% of all Beauty Hair Supply Stores in America are owned by Koreans & Asians ? Yes or NO If you could show someone how they can now Get Paid To Wear or Buy Hair at wholesale, and in return we pay you a Check would you be interested in learning more about it? Yes or NO Name __________________________ Contact# ________________________ Micore ASSOCIATE INTIALS__________ If prospect answered yes to Question 3 then get their contact# or give them your business card or the www.MicoreVideo.com website to review and your name and contact info to follow up with