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Self-analysis & elevator pitch for young tourism entrepreneurs

Self-analysis & elevator pitch for young tourism entrepreneurs. VOTTS-module written by Veluwe Tourist Board. CONTENT: - Learning objectives - About selfanalysis - Tips for an effective elevatorpitch - Interactive methods - Test your knowledge Evaluation EXTRA: teamroles test.

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Self-analysis & elevator pitch for young tourism entrepreneurs

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  1. Self-analysis & elevator pitch for young tourism entrepreneurs VOTTS-module written by Veluwe Tourist Board

  2. CONTENT: • - Learning objectives • - About selfanalysis • - Tips for an effective elevatorpitch • - Interactive methods • - Test your knowledge • Evaluation • EXTRA: teamroles test

  3. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Understand the importance of a self-analysis • Broadly define the functionality of a self-analysis • Conduct an self-analysis for colleagues/friends, etc • Understand the importance of an elevator pitch • Always perform an elevator pitch when the opportunity arises

  4. ABOUT SELF-ANALYSIS • Knowing what you like and don’t like and how you react can help you determine which occupations and work situations could be a better fit for you • Personalitytest gives you these insights, e.g. • Let the students find and do an on-line and free personalitytest (e.g. http://www.humanmetrics.com) • and discuss the results

  5. TIPS FOR AN EFFECTIVE ELEVATORPITCH • Know what you're trying to achieve • Know your target • 3. It's not about you • 4. Keep it real • 5. Be specific • 6. Preparation is key • 7. Solve a problem • 8. Let your passion show • 9. Practice • 10. Keep it short

  6. INTERACTIVE METHODS • Activity 1 identify individual roles • Activity 2 Team Roles Test • Activity 3 Elevator Pitch

  7. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE “what have you learned” EVALUATION “testing the quality of the module by the students” AND AN EXTRA TEAMROLES TEST

  8. Social Media for Tourism Entrepreneurs VOTTS-module written by Veluwe Tourist Board

  9. “Our head of social media is the customer” • CONTENT: • - Learningobjectives • Aboutsocial media • - Interactivemethods • - Test yourkwowledge • Evaluation

  10. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Understand the differences between traditional • and social media marketing • Define the functionality of LinkedIn, Facebook • and Twitter • Identify the target demographics of these platforms • Understand the importance of monitoring and responding • Understandhowsocial media tools influence the • distribution of the message • Explainhow different organisationsusesocialnetworks, • e.g. journalists

  11. ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA • Functions(presence-relationships-conversations-reputation-sharing-communities-identify yourself) • Lifecycle(visitors, novices, insiders, leaders, leavers) • Number of users • Mobile + social = connected • Howcompaniescanusesocial media • Plan-connect- givemeaning-experience-control

  12. INTERACTIVE METHODS • - Createyourownlinkedin-profiel (withcarreer, education, relevant experiences and skils)

  13. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE “what have youlearned” EVALUATION “testing the quality of the module by the students”

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