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CI CHECK LIST FOR Chenical Survey Also see AR 50-6. AREA %. 1. NBC Readiness----------------------------- 2. Training------------------------------------- 3. Control Party/Equipment Operators a. Rad------------------------------------------
CI CHECK LIST FOR Chenical SurveyAlso see AR 50-6 AREA % 1. NBC Readiness----------------------------- 2. Training------------------------------------- 3. Control Party/Equipment Operators a. Rad------------------------------------------ b. Chem--------------------------------------- c. Decon-------------------------------------- d. Control Party----------------------------- 4. Logistics----------------------------------- 5. Publications------------------------------- NOTE: QUESTIONS MARKED WITH AN ASTERIX(**) WILL RENDER THE SECTION NOT MISSION CAPABLE IF STANDARDS ARE NOT MET.
1 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE TASK: Establish an NBC defense training/readiness program. CONDITIONS: Given Commander's guidance on NBC defense training/readiness, personnel assigned and administration support. STANDARDS: Establish NBC defense training/readiness program IAW 1AD Reg. 350-4. 1. NBC READINESS. a. Does the unit have a written NBC checklist that is used to inspect the NBC readiness of subordinate units? b. Does the checklist include a method to evaluate training and maintenance of NBC equipment? c. Does the NBC checklist include a method to evaluate chemical defense equipment (CDE) status? d. Does the unit retain records reflecting NBC inspection results of subordinate units and have steps been taken to correct deficiencies or discrepancies discovered? ** e. Does the unit have 100% of NBC MTOE/CTA equipment on hand or valid requisition? ** f. Does unit MTOE, and latest USR (2715) and Chemical Defense Equipment report match in required, authorized and on hand quantities? g. Does the unit have a trained NBC officer and enlisted alternate and on appointment orders?
2 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE 2. NBC TRAINING. a. Does the unit have written NBC training guidance programs which comply with 1 AD Regulation 350-4? b. Do the unit training schedules or Range MOI’s reflect that NBC defense training is planned to meet requirements? ** c. Does the unit integrate NBC training into the overall METL focused training plan? (Long/Short range training calendars)? (1) Prepare to defend against a chemical attack. (2) Plan and conduct decontamination operations. (3) Plan for and use the NBC Warning and Reporting System. (4) Plan for crossing a contaminated area. d. Does the units command training guidance ensure that subordinate company level units integrate NBC tasks that emphasize contamination avoidance, protection, and decontamination into training scenarios that are longer than 72 hours? (1) Evaluate options to avoid or cross chemical contamination. (2) Take protective action: conduct individual and collective protective actions. (3) Exchange mission oriented protective posture (MOPP) gear. (4) Conduct both Immediate and Operational Decontamination operations. e. Are semiannual visits/inspections conducted by Div/Bde? (1AD Reg 1-201, chapter 2) (1) Are inspection results from previous inspection maintained? (2) Has an effort been made to correct noted deficiencies? (3) Has every soldier received his/her yearly NBC threat briefing? (4) Are equipment operators certified on a semiannual basis? ** f. Is there documentation showing the tasks outlined in UR 350-1, para 4-15(f), were evaluated during an ARTEP, TACEVAL, and during unit rotation to CMTC? (a) All skill levels (all soldiers)? (b) Skill level 2 soldiers? (c) Skill level 3 soldiers? g. Have all soldiers, including leaders, completed NBC battle drills (or STX lane) in the last year? h. Is the unit conducting individual protective mask certification at a CS chamber or banana oil confidence test. (This certification is required no more than six months prior to deployment). i. Has the unit conducted common task evaluations within six months to meet USAREUR deployment criteria?
3 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE 3. NBC CONTROL PARTY AND NBC EQUIPMENT OPERATORS.It is the responsibility of the unit commander to ensure that unit personnel are trained to operate and maintain assigned NBC equipment. All unit NBC equipment must have at least two trained operators assigned to operate and maintain each piece. The headquarters company appointed NBC equipment operators will be evaluated. Battalion and higher commands, must have training guidance, reflecting training and certification of subordinate unit (company/detachments)NBC Control Parties and equipment operators on the following tasks: a. Radiological and Survey Equipment Operators. (a) Operate and maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set (b) Operate and maintain the AN/PDR-13 Pocket Radiac (c) Operate and maintain the AN/PDR-77 Radiac Set (d) Operate and maintain the AN/PDR-75 Radiac Set (e) Operate and maintain the IM 93 Dosimeter (f) Operate and maintain the PP1578/PD Radiac Detector Charger (g) Fill out DA Form 1971-R, Radiological Data Sheet - Monitoring or Point Technique (h) Fill out DA Form 1971-1-R, Radiological Data Sheet, Route or Course Leg Technique (i) Operate and maintain the M274 Marking Set (Mark a Contaminated Area) (j) Prepare NBC 4 Nuclear Report b. Chemical Detection and Identification Equipment Operators. (a) Operate and maintain the M256/M256A1 Chemical Agent Detection Kit (b) Operate and maintain the M8A1 Chemical Agent Alarm (c) Operate and maintain the Chemical Agent Monitor(C.A.M.) (d) Operate and maintain the M272, Water Test Kit (e) Operate and maintain M8/M9 Chemical Detection Paper (f) Operate and maintain the M274 Marking Set (Mark a Contaminated Area) (g) Fill out DA Form 1971-2-R, Chemical Data Sheet; Monitoring or Survey (h) Prepare NBC 4 Chemical Report
NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS 4 OF 8 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE c . Decontamination Equipment Operators. (a) Operate and maintain M17 series Light Decontamination System (LDS) (b) Operate and maintain Pump Centrifugal, 65GPM (c) Operate and maintain the M13 Decontamination Apparatus Portable (DAP) (d) Operate and maintain the M291, Skin decontamination and the M295, Equipment decontamination Kit (e) Operate and maintain the M274 Marking Set (Mark a Contaminated Area) (f) Prepare NBC 4 Chemical Report d. NBC Control Party. (a) Knowledge of the NBC Warning & Reporting System. (b) Knowledge of unmasking procedures. (c) Plotting of simplified fallout predictions. (d) Plotting of detailed fallout predictions. (e) Plotting of chemical hazard predictions. (f) Knowledge of field chemical agents and toxins. (g) Request procedures for decontamination support. (h) NBC threat assessment. (i) Conducting radiological monitoring and survey operations. (j) Performing total dose, time of entry/time of stay calculations, and optimum time of exit. (k) Preparing subordinate elements personnel, vehicles and equipment for crossing contaminated areas. (l) Knowledge of biological weapons and toxins. (m) Knowledge of NBC IPB and doctrine.
5 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE 4. Does the unit maintain records reflecting that assigned operators are trained and certified on (-10) level maintenance and operation of each piece of equipment as applicable? 5. REQUIRED PUBLICATIONS. The unit commander must ensure that the unit has on-hand or access to all required publication and working aids, with current changesas follows: a. ARMY REGULATIONS (1) AR 350-41 Training in Units. (2) V Corps 50-3 Requisition/Issue of Supplies and equipment of NBC materials (3) UR 350-1. USAREUR Training Directive (4) 1AD Reg 350-4 NBC Defense Training (5) 1AD Pam 750-4 Storage, Inspect, Use, Maintenance of NBC Supplies/Equipment b. FIELD MANUALS (1) FM 3-3 Cml/Bio Contamination Avoidance. (2) FM 3-3-1 Nuclear Contamination Avoidance. (3) FM 3-4 NBC Protection. (4) FM 3-4-1 Fixed Site Protection. (5) FM 3-5 NBC Decontamination. (6) FM 3-6 Field Behavior of NBC Agents. (7) FM 3-7 NBC Field Handbook. (8) FM 3-19 NBC Reconnaissance. (9) FM 3-50 Smoke Operations. (10) FM 3-100 NBC Defense, Chemical Warfare, Smoke & Flame Operations Injuries.
6 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS PUBLICATIONS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE c. Technical Manuals (1) TM 3-216 Technical Aspect of Biological Defense (2) TM 3-4230-204-12&P Decon Apparatus M11 (3) TM 3-4230-214-12&P Decon Apparatus M13 (4) TM 3-4230-218-12&P/c1 Light weight Decon Apparatus PD, Port, M17 (5) TM 3-4230-280-10/c1&2 Operator’s Manual for M24/25 Masks (6) TM 3-4230-239-10 Operator’s Manual for CB Mask: Field M40A1 (7) TM 3-4230-340-10 Operator’s Manual for CB Mask: Field M42A1 (8) TM 3-4230-300-20&P Unit Maint Manual for CB Mask: M40A1&M42A1 (9) TM 3-4230-312-12&P/c3 Operator’s/Unit Maintenance for M43 Mask (10) TM 3-6665-303-10 Calculator Set, M28A1 (11) TM 3-6665-304-10/c1 Area Predictor, M5A2 (12) TM 3-6665-307-10 Detector Kit, M256A1 (13) TM 3-6665-311-10 Operator’s Manual M9 Paper (14) TM 3-6665-312/12&P/c3 Operator/Units Maintenance for M8A1 Alarm (15) TM 3-6665-331-10 Operator’s Manual for CAM (16) TM 3-9905-001-10/c1 NATO Marking Set (17) TM 9-2805-256-14 65 GPM Pump Unit (18) TM 10-8415-209-10 Individual Chemical Protective Clothing (19) TM 11-6665-214-10/c1 Radiacmeter IM-93/IM-147/PD
7 OF 8 NBC DEFENSE TRAINING & READINESS PUBLICATIONS 1 DECEMBER 2001 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE (20) TM 11-6665-251-10 Radiac Set, AN/VDR-2 (21) TM 11-6665-236-12 Radiacmeter, AN//PDR75 (22) 1AD FSOP w/ANNEX H NBC (23) BDE/BN/CO/TRP/BTRY SOP/FSOP (NBC Annex) d. Additional required publications (1) Maintenance Update ( CURRENT ). (2) Unit NBC SOP, Field & Admin and next higher headquarters SOP.. (3) SB 3-30-2 CML/BIO canister & filter element serviceability list. (4) STP 3-54B1-SM Soldiers Manual. (5) STP 3-54B2-SM Soldiers Manual. (6) STP 3-54B3/4 SM-TG Soldiers Manual/Training Guide. (7) STP 21-1-SMCT Common Task Manual Skill Level 1. (8) STP 21-24 Common Task Manual Common Task Manual Skill Level 2-4. (9) TB 43-0199 Storage, Shipment, Handling, & Disposition of DS2. e. WORKING AIDS. (1) M5A2 Radiological Fallout Area Predictor. (2) M28A1 Radiac & Nuclear Yield Calculator. (3) GTA 3-2-2 Smoke Pot. (4) GTA 3-4-1 Depleted Uranium Hazards. (5) GTA 3-5-9 Flame Field Expedients. (6) GTA 3-5-15 Chemical Protection and Decontamination. (7) GTA 3-6-8 NBC Warning and Reporting.
8 OF 8 DIVISION CHEMICAL OFFICE 1. NBC LOGISTICS. It is the responsibility of the unit commander to ensure the unit has an established program to assess and evaluate subordinate units chemical defense equipment. a. Does the unit maintain pertinent NBC equipment authorization documents on hand such as the TDA, MTOE, CTA, etc? b. Does the unit maintain a copy of subordinate units latest CDE report? c. Does the CDE Assist correspond with subordinate units ?(View lower unit to verify) d. Does the unit have a system established to track CDE status, shortages, requisition status, to include estimated ship dates for all valid requisitions? (1) Are all shortages of CDE/IPE on valid requisition? (2) Has the unit identified gross overages of CDE/IPE and directed cross-leveling within the command to maintain NBC defense readiness? (3) Has the unit established and active NBC shelf life program that identifies CDE/IPE of subordinate unit by manufacture, manufacturing date, lot numbers, expiration dates, to include BDO, CP gloves, CP overboots, M293 maintenance kits, BA3030, BA5600, 3517 batteries, DS2, water test kits, M8/M9 detection paper, M256A1 kits, etc? d. Does the unit have a program ensuring size distribution of on hand Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) is consistent with unit requirements either through the unit in processing or other specified unit events, such as PDP? NOTES: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ VERIFICATION x_______________ Unit POC Signature, Name, Rank, Date x_______________ Inspector”s Signature, Name, Rank, Date