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Green Building Councils (US) and developing world

Green Building Councils (US) and developing world. Presenter: Howard Jean-Denis UCONN Stamford. Agenda. Green Building Council Concept Sustainable Building Impact on the Environment Expansion of GBC’s Globally Haitian Green Building Council

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Green Building Councils (US) and developing world

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  1. Green Building Councils (US) and developing world Presenter: Howard Jean-Denis UCONN Stamford

  2. Agenda • Green Building Council Concept • Sustainable Building Impact on the Environment • Expansion of GBC’s Globally • Haitian Green Building Council • The Future of Sustainability in the Built Environment

  3. The Speaker: Howard Jean-Denis

  4. Howard’s Background • MBA in Global Business, LEED AP • Corporate and Entrepreneurial experience in sustainability activities • Major project work in United Nations Clean Development mechanism • Founder of Green Competitive Advantage

  5. Millennium Development Goal: • Global Environmental pollution threatens society (CO2 Levels, natural resource constraints, economic disparity) • Building Green is a solution towards this major issue • A component of this strategy is through a green building council

  6. What is a Green Building Council Council? • Non-Profit Organization focused on sustainable building • Education services and platform to address environmental issues • Created LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

  7. LEED and it’s Impact • Green building rating system is a point-based system for certifying the level of a building’s sustainability • Sustainable buildings are achieved through integrated building design and certification • Sustainability professional in the built environment developsclean projects in supply chain

  8. Sustainable Building Impact Example • In an integrated design approach, mechanical engineer will analyze the energy use and its cost implications. • A structural engineer will choose the structural system, whether steel, wood or concrete • Analyze the chances of using recycled-content materials into the building project, thus creating opportunities for green design strategies

  9. World Green Building Council • David Gottfried, Founded in 1998 • Rick Fedrizzi, Current President • Review global activities and offer support for each other's efforts • Each country has it’s own issues and opportunities and thus Councils vary in focus

  10. Benefits of Green Building Projects

  11. World GBC Survey Results • Global industry professionals have high expectations of the operating cost reductions with a green building • 19 % believe their operating costs will decrease by at an increasing rate over the next decade

  12. World GBC Survey Results • 51 % respondents state that risk management, occupant productivity, and health are added benefits • 38% of respondents point to higher building values

  13. Growth into 90 Countries

  14. Impact on Sustainable Building • Use less energy in operation through energy-efficient building design • Demonstrate high indoor air quality leading to improved learning outcomes • Stimulates investment in renewable materials/energy, and progressive systems

  15. Innovations in the U.S. (California academy of sciences)

  16. Innovations in Dubai (The Dynamic Tower)

  17. Impact on Sustainable Building • Eliminate toxic materials from places where children learn and play • Employ day lighting strategies • Improved classroom acoustics

  18. Trends in Global Green Building • In Singapore, the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) has recently launched the Green Schools Initiative • Includes sustainability themed training resources that help students and schools better appreciate the various aspects of a green building.”

  19. ECO School in Chia Colombia

  20. ECO School in Chia Colombia • Rochester School is located on the outskirts of Bogotá • The school’s two swimming pools and dressing rooms are heated with solar collectors and electric heat pumps • 12 % of the electricity demands of the campus are provided by a 20kWp solar photovoltaic array

  21. ECO School in Chia Colombia • The school has reduced potable water consumption by 35%, through their water treatment plant, which provides tertiary treatment for wastewater. • This treated water is recycled for toilet flushing and irrigation. Students and teachers study and monitor these green initiatives, as part of the school’s curriculum.

  22. Trends in Global Green Building • Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) created a practical guide to assist schools with the implementation of energy and environmental initiatives • The guide provides ideas resources on the design, construction and operation of green buildings

  23. U.S. Green Building Council • The challenge of greening schools was immense as the average age of their schools is close to 50 years • In order to meet this challenge, the U.S. Green Building Council created the Center for Green Schools • Center for green schools drive the transformation of all schools into sustainable and healthy places

  24. Country Focus: Haiti • Environmental issues: Deforestation, access to clean water and food crisis • Political issues: New Government, History of unrest domestically • Opportunities: Huge potential for new construction and redevelopment post earthquake, infrastructure, and economic drivers

  25. Post Earthquake Solutions • Shelters made from tires/shipping containers • Organizations such as Konbit Shelter and Solar Electric Light Fund and many others have built sustainably

  26. Konbit Shelter Development • http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/konbit-shelter-earthbag-homes-haiti.html

  27. Building Concerns in Haiti • Haiti has an unforgiving landscape prone to natural disasters • Lack of Building Code and Government support • Challenge with tailoring systems to cultural environment

  28. Haitian Green Building Council • An associate group member (Americas region) • Still in growth stage as country is rebuilding • Concerns: Deforestation, access to clean water, economic and political stability

  29. Clinton Bush Fund Innovators • SESA (converting jathropha plant into fuel) • Architects for Humanity (innovative construction in emerging markets) • Solar Electric Light Fund (renewable energy) • SOIL (Composting toilets and sanitation services)

  30. Solar Electric Light Fund

  31. SESA (for profit social enterprise)

  32. Government efforts (Haiti and Taiwan)

  33. GBC Collaboration Globally • Green Apple Day of Service occurs on Sept 28th of each year • Teams initiate projects in their community all over the world and broadcast their results simultaneously • Anyone can start a project: Energy Audit, Clean Energy, Water conservation etc

  34. Green Apple Day of Service • 41.5 % improvement in the health of student and teachers (such as reduced incidence of asthma, flu, respiratory problems and headaches) • up to 15 % improvement in student learning and productivity • up to 25 % improvement on test scores due to good lighting and ventilation

  35. Discussion Topic and Questions • What opportunities exist in the global supply chain? • How can we improve on current activities?

  36. Thank You!

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