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“Welcome Me to Your Digital World”

“Welcome Me to Your Digital World” A brief Introduction to the new Education 2.0 Platform of Intel Turkey Dec 2008. INTEL INTERNAL USE ONLY. Usage Guidelines. Purpose of this Presentation

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“Welcome Me to Your Digital World”

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  1. “Welcome Me to Your Digital World” A brief Introduction to the new Education 2.0 Platform of Intel Turkey Dec 2008

  2. INTEL INTERNAL USE ONLY Usage Guidelines Purpose of this Presentation • This presentation summarises “Welcome me to your Digital World” project of Intel Turkey that was officially launched during Craig R. Barrett’s official visit to Turkey on 3 Dec 2008. How to Use this Presentation • The presentation covers • Intel Turkey’s new Education 2.0 Social Media Platform (www.benidahilet.org), • the scope of this project in its entirety (including yet to be developed features), • post-launch media coverage and planned improvements. Important Notices This version was published on 22 Dec 2008. The project portal is currently being reviewed for compliance with Intel’s Privacy (especially children’s privacy), Security and Legal Guidelines and regular updates will follow as we plan to announce additional portal functionality. For all comments, feedback and future updates please contact Afsar Akal (afsar.akal@intel.com) Intel Turkey BDM Digital Inclusion Programs

  3. Contents Part I : Introduction to Project Part II : Brief Tour of Project Portal Part III : Launch Event and Media Coverage Part IV : Future Plans, Action Items Loading…please wait

  4. Part 1: Introduction to Project: Key Features An Intel lead local DANGO* alliance in the education space to improve ICT access in Turkey and close digital divide. A full-fledged Education Web 2.0 platform www.benidahilet.org is a social meeting place for the education community to foster co-creation of rich, entertaining and engaging educational content in local language, using social media. A Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR) initiative to bridge well-off/urban and less well off/rural citizens. Accessibility Connectivity Education Content Education IWA pillars addressed by the Project * Development Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations

  5. Objectives Improving digital literacy of younger generations Facilitating localized educational content creation An Intel Istanbul Innovation Centre Project Increasing accessibility of ICT through PC donations Preparing Turkish Youth for Knowledge Age 2020 Closing the digital divide

  6. Alliance Partners and their Roles • Intel Istanbul Innovation Centre • Conceptual project design • Development of social media portal with partners • Conduct school pilots and provide field training • Other Intel Teams • Engage ecosystem for PC donation and new plaftorm sales campaigns • Youth for Habitat (NGO) • Key national scaling partner to reach beyond pilot schools. • Web admin and moderation of benidahilet.org portal • United Nations Development Program (Development Agency) • Stakeholder management • Enroll new alliance members • Ministry of National Education • Assist School Pilot implementations • Validating portal members/data security • Organizing Digital Content Olympic Games • Validating Student PC Donations • Turkish Informatics Foundation • Assist public advocacy campaigns in various forums to increase project’s impact and reach to a wider audience

  7. Intel is conductuing Pilots with Ministry of National Education (Aug 2008-End 2009) Scope of MoE Pilots

  8. Part 2: What’s Benidahilet? • “Beni-Dahil-Et” a-3-word Turkish phrase meaning “Count me in” or “Include Me”. • The portal has two distinct flavours Social Networking between teachers, students and parents to collaborate and co-create content. 2.5D virtual presence in museums, schools etc. especially for young users.

  9. What’s inside benidahilet.org? Virtual Environments Main Page (museums and schools) Educational Content User Pages/Tools In Rich Media

  10. Personal Info • Statistical Activity Summary Functions • Content Filtering tools by course/subject • User Guide • Feeds • Search Results • User Interfaces

  11. Web 2.0 Functions • Content Commenting and Rating Tools

  12. Part 3: Launch Event,Usage Models,Media Coverage The project was officially launched by Craig Barrett, Ministry of Education and other alliance partners on 3rd of Dec 2008 with the attendance of >200 visitors including 40 press members.

  13. Usage Models • School-to-School collaboration among teachers and students • Student community content creation and sharing e.g. white board videos • Social Networking • Virtual Presence e.g.virtual schools, museums • Teacher community generated content e.g. E-Lesson creation and delivery • Edutainment • Democratisation of localised content creation, commenting and rating with Web 2.0

  14. 1 Usage Models 2 Steps: 1-Login-pick avatar 2-Take School Bus 3-Depart City-Arrive Destination 4-Select Virtual Space (museum or school) 5- Enter Museum or School 6- Enjoy user generated content 6 3 Community Generated Content 5 4

  15. Usage Models 2 3 • Acessing Student White Board Content • Attending E-Lessons prepared by Teachers 1 5 4

  16. Media Coverage Online Printed Printed : 9 Online : 41 News Agency : 1 Total: 51

  17. Part 4-Future Plans • Finalise Privacy Plan and Terms of use to open the portal to general public membership beyond 11 Pilot School users • Expand on-line community participation to grow active use and local educational content creation. • Enroll new Alliance members from private sector and NGOs • Add Digital Content Olympic Games modules. • Start PC Donation Campaigns with OEMs under CnSR( (Consumer Social Responsibility) • Evaluate scaling opportunities to other countries • 46,000 Schools • 15 M. Students • 12 M. Housewives • 500K Teachers

  18. CnSR based PC Donations Corporate Donors The less well off Charity Flow Government Empowerment Flow Donate and RefreshDonate now Buy laterVolume Corporate DonationsEmployee Purchase ProgramsBuy and Donate New Well off Consumers

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