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Philippines AdCongress speech by Charlene Li

Speech by Charlene Li at the Philippines AdCongress, November 17, 2011 in Camarines Sur, Philippines

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Philippines AdCongress speech by Charlene Li

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 Harnessing The Power Of Social Media Charlene Li Altimeter Group Twitter: @charleneli Email: charlene@altimetergroup.com

  2. 2 © 2011 Altimeter Group

  3. OUT OUT of of CONTROL? CONTROL? © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  4. 4 © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  5. 5 © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  6. It’s about RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIPS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  7. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  8. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  9. 9 Four goals define your Strategy Strategy © 2011 Altimeter Group

  10. 10 Track brand mentions with basic tools What would happen if every employee could learn from customers? © 2011 Altimeter Group

  11. 11 Nescafe Philippines uses Facebook fans’ insights to improve service Facebook fans become market research and survey data © 2011 Altimeter Group

  12. 12 Your customers want to be “known” I walk into my local grocery store © 2011 Altimeter Group

  13. 13 The store knows it’s me • Social check-ins (Four Square, Yelp, Facebook Places) • Near Field Communications © 2011 Altimeter Group

  14. 14 I get coupons to use right away © 2011 Altimeter Group

  15. 15 And connect my phone to in-store GPS shopping cart © 2011 Altimeter Group

  16. 16 Define Your Strategy With Goals © 2011 Altimeter Group

  17. 17 The New Normal  Conversations, not messages  Human, not corporate  Continuous, not episodic © 2011 Altimeter Group

  18. 18 Boeing uses blogs to engage © 2011 Altimeter Group

  19. 19 Kohl’s updates reach 5.7M customers © 2011 Altimeter Group

  20. 20 Timely content and the power of sharing Potential reach of 7,500 engagements is over 1 million people. What would it cost to do this with traditional media? © 2011 Altimeter Group

  21. 21 Define Your Strategy With Goals © 2011 Altimeter Group

  22. 22 Cathay Pacific provides customer support on Twitter and Facebook © 2011 Altimeter Group

  23. 23 How DellOutlet drives sales with Support © 2011 Altimeter Group

  24. 24 Solarwinds’ community is strategic © 2011 Altimeter Group

  25. 25 Define Your Strategy With Goals © 2011 Altimeter Group

  26. 26 P&G uses reviews to improve products © 2011 Altimeter Group

  27. 27 ModCloth has customers merchandise new products © 2011 Altimeter Group

  28. Starbucks involves 50 people around the organization in innovation Over 100 ideas have been implemented © 2011 Altimeter Group

  29. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  30. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  31. 31 Leaderships means having followers “Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow.” - From “The Leadership Challenge” © 2011 Altimeter Group

  32. 32 Open Leadership Having the confidence and humility to give up the need to be in control, while inspiring commitment from people to accomplish goals © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  33. 33 Traits of Open Leaders Authenticity Transparency © 2011 Altimeter Group

  34. 34 How Best Buy created Open Leaders © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  35. 35 Barry’s first post © 2011 Altimeter Group

  36. 36 Retailer Best Buy has 2,500 employees providing support via Twitter © 2011 Altimeter Group

  37. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  38. STRATEGY ORGANIZATION PREPAREDNESS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  39. 39 #1 Align social with key Strategic Goals Strategic Goals Examine your 2011 & 2012 goals Pick ones where social will have an impact Start small, but now © 2011 Altimeter Group

  40. 40 #2 Create a Culture of Sharing Culture of Sharing © 2011 Altimeter Group

  41. 41 Softbank CEO shares openly, frequently © 2011 Altimeter Group

  42. #3 Discipline is #3 Discipline is Needed Needed to to Succeed Succeed 42 Take reasonable action to fix issue and let customer know action taken Negative Positive Yes Yes Does customer need/deserve more info? No Assess the message Do you want to respond? Evaluate the purpose Are the facts correct? Yes Yes No Unhappy Customer? Gently correct the facts No Response No Are the facts correct? No Yes Yes No Can you add value? Dedicated Complainer? No Yes Is the problem being fixed? Explain what is being done to correct the issue. Yes Comedian Want-to-Be? Respond in kind & share Thank the person No Yes Adapted from US Air Force Comment Policy Let post stand and monitor. © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  43. 43 Climb the Social Business Hierarchy of Needs © 2011 Altimeter Group

  44. 44 Five ways companies organize around social media © 2011 Altimeter Group

  45. 45 #4 Ask the #4 Ask the Right Questions Right Questions about about Value Value “We tend to overvalue the things we can measure, and undervalue the things we cannot.” - John Hayes, CMO of American Express © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  46. 46 #5 Master the Art of #5 Master the Art of Failure Failure No relationships are perfect Google’s mantra: “Fail fast, fail smart” © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  47. 47 Create Sandbox Covenants Create Sandbox Covenants © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  48. It’s about RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIPS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  49. Charlene Li charlene@altimetergroup.com charleneli.com/blog Twitter: charleneli For slides, send an email to slides@altimetergroup.com For more information & to buy the book visit open-leadership.com © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

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