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<br><br>A complete resource on acne, this publication covers symptoms, types of acne, causes, prevention, and both natural and medicinal treatments.<br><br><br>
INSIDE | ACNE: ONEINALL 3 | IntroductiontoAcne 4 | Howitcanmanifestitself? 5 | DifferencebetweenAcneand Pimple 6 | CausesofAcne 7 | FoodsthatcanpreventAcne 8 | HomeremediestofightAcne 8 | TreatmentofAcne 8 | Candoctorsreallyhelp?
Introduction to Acne So just what is acne? Other than the angry, red and painful pimples that you have on your face, what exactly constitutes acne, where can it occur and when? Then again, do you really need to be introduced to acne? Chronic and inflammatory, acne is one skin condition typically affecting over 85% of the population in the USA. For that reason, the chances that you are suffering from acne also are quite high, and that is why you need to know more about this skin condition. While acne can typically affect anyone between 11 to thirty years of age, teens are the most liable to suffer from acne. Secretions from sebaceous (oil-producing) glands in the skin are believed to cause acne which can, sometimes leave scars. Treatments typically depend on the severity and frequency of the issue. 03
How it can manifest itself? Acne can appear in many forms, as pimples, cysts, whiteheads, blackheads or nodules. Being a chronic and inflammatory skin condition, it mostly appears on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back and upper arms regions. Acne is caused when a pore gets clogged by excessive overproduction of corneal cells leading to the formation of a comedone. This causes sebum to collect within the pore, causing the growth of bacteria and, as the area becomes inflamed, spots develop that, in very severe cases, even turn to nodules or cysts. 04
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACNE AND PIMPLE Hearing someone talk about acne and pimples in the same breath and insisting that they have a very bad case of acne because of the ten pimples that somehow appeared on their face overnight is a common enough occurrence. How far is it true though? In reality, pimples are not the only form of acne, nor do they incorporate this broad term in its entirety. Here are the basic points of difference between acne and pimples: ACNE Sebum, hair follicles and skin cells connect, forming a mesh that becomes more prone to contamination from microorganisms. The inflammation is referred to as acne. Acne can appear anywhere on face, neck, chest shoulders and back. Acne breakout, in youngsters, is referred to as acne vulgaris. In older people, the term used for acne- related inflammations is inflammatory rosacea. Acne in older people is not only more persistent, it can also be related to a person’s genes. PIMPLES Pimples, on the other hand, are a lot simpler, and definitely more specific also. • For one thing, a pimple is a type of acne. • Pimple formation occurs when the pores in an individual’s skin are blocked by dead skin cells. The skin cells, protected by sebum, are not removed, hence causing a pore to block. • Extreme inflammation of the skin can easily affect the way that pimples are arranged. • Pimples are not subject to any hereditary causes and effects.
Causes of Acne Depending on the form of acne, there can be many causes that could trigger acne formation. Some of the most common forms of acne are formed because of the following reasons: • Sebum producing follicles in an individual’s skin get blocked. This means that sebum can no longer leave the pore and instead gets stored with it. Sebum is an oily substance that carries dead skin cells to the skin surface. As sebum, dead cells and hair follicle clump together, the plug formed begins to get infected with bacteria and a swelling begins to appear. Pimples begin to appear now, the severity and frequency of which depend on the strain of bacteria involved. • Rising androgen levels, produced around adolescence, causes growth of the oil glands under the skin, eventually leading to greater skin cell degeneration and bacterial growth. • Acne problems can be inherited also. • Androgen or lithium containing medicines can also cause acne production. • Greasy cosmetics and oil-based creams and lotions may also lead to acne breakout. • Emotional stress, hormonal changes and even menstruation can also cause women to breakout with acne. • Acne may be caused more easily in hot or humid weather conditions. • Squeezing pimples could also increase acne and even scar the skin. 06
Foods that can prevent Acne These food items are known for reducing acne and making skin healthier. • Avocados can prove to be natural moisturizers and provide protection against skin inflammation. • Nuts are a source of zinc which has even been linked with reduced acne. • Red grapes help keep the skin healthy and reduce inflammation. • Artichokes help remove toxins from the skin. • Brown rice helps prevent acne outbreaks. • Broccoli adds glow to your skin and keeps it healthy. • Fish prevents skin inflammation and acne. • Garlic helps kill bacteria and prevent inflammation. 07
HOME REMEDIES TO FIGHT ACNE ALL ABOUT GRAINS Therearedozensoftypesofwholegrains. hereare someofthemostcommonones. • Diet. A high vitamin and zinc diet reduces chances of acne outbreak. • Tea tree oil is known to aid against acne. • Tea, and especially green tea, helps prevent acne. • Moisturizers such as aloe vera can reduce and treat acne. These small household remedies and tips can help you get rid of that irksome acne problem that has been chasing you most of your life. TREATMENT OF ACNE Mild acne can be cured by over the counter medication such as gels soap or even oral medicines. For severe acne it is wise to visit a skin specialist or a dermatologist. Prescription medicines can cure acne. These include: • Corticosteroid Injections • Oral Antibiotics • Oral Contraceptives • Topical Antimicrobials • Isotretinoin CAN DOCTORS REALLY HELP? In severe conditions getting medical assistance becomes necessary. After all this is your acne you are dealing with so you do need to stay a little alert and make sure you get the necessary medical attention. If your acne becomes excessively painful or does not begin to heal with any home remedies with a day or two, contact a practitioner immediately.
Thisbookisnotintendedasasubstitutefor themedicaladviceofphysicians. Thereader shouldregularlyconsultaphysicianin mattersrelatingtohis/herhealthand particularlywithrespecttoanysymptoms thatmayrequirediagnosisormedical attention. Youmaynotshare, copyorredistributethis materialinanymediumorformatatanytime. Ourmaterialsareforyourindividualpersonal useonlyandmaynotbeusedforcommercial purposes. Youarenotpermittedtomakeany derivativematerial, includingbutnotlimited tocopying, reproducing, transforming, sharing orbuildinguponthematerialinwholeorany partthereof. T H EG O O DT A B L E | 1 2 3