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Part 5 . Adrenoceptor antagonists (肾上腺素受体阻断药). Classification of adrenoceptor blocking drugs ① receptor blocking drugs phentolamine ( 酚妥拉明 ) ② receptor blocking drugs propranolol ( 普萘洛尔 ) ③ , receptor blocking drugs: labetalol ( 拉贝洛尔 ).
Part 5. Adrenoceptor antagonists (肾上腺素受体阻断药)
Classification of adrenoceptor blocking drugs ① receptor blocking drugs phentolamine (酚妥拉明) ②receptorblocking drugs propranolol (普萘洛尔) ③, receptorblocking drugs: labetalol (拉贝洛尔)
Ⅰ. Adrenoceptorblockingdrugs Classification of adrenoceptor blocking drugs: 1 , 2 receptor blocking drugs: short-acting drug: Phentolamine(酚妥拉明) long-acting drug: Phenoxybenzamine(酚苄明) 1 receptor blocking drug: Prazosin(哌唑嗪) 2 receptor blocking drug: Yohimbine(育亨宾)
1, 2 receptor blocking drugs: Phentolamine(酚妥拉明) 1. Pharmacological effects: It can block 1 & 2 receptor. The results of -blockade of peripheral nerve: ▲ 1 receptor blockade: 1 receptor is located in blood vessel, when 1receptor of vessel is blocked, vasodilatation.
▲2 receptor blockade: 2 receptor is located in presynaptic membrane of peripheral nerve terminal: negative feedbackregulation When 2 receptor of presynaptic membrane of peripheral nerve terminal is activated, the release of NA can be inhibited. When 2 receptor is blocked, the negative feedbackof NA release is cancelled,the release of NA increase.
(1)Vasodilatation:lead toBp, ①1 receptor of vessel is blocked, vasodilatation. ②direct relaxation on vascular smooth muscle. (2)Heart stimulation: ①Bp,reflexlyheart stimulating; ②presynaptic2-blockade,cancelnegative feedback, to promotNA release, and NA activate 1-receptor of heart. (3)Other action: ①cholinomimetic ②promoting histaminerelease.
2. Clinical uses: (1)Peripheral angiospastic disease (外周血管痉挛性疾病): Raynaud’s disease(雷诺氏病, 或acrocyanosis, 肢端青紫症). (2)Vasoconstructorextravasation (血管收缩剂外漏): local infiltration injection. (3)Pheochromacytoma(嗜铬细胞瘤) pre-operational administration, to prevent Bp .
(4)Antishock: especially septic shock (脓毒性休克). (5)Acute myocardial infarction (心肌梗死) and congestive cardiac failure (充血性心力衰竭): ●Venous dilatation: preload ●arterial dilatation: afterload (6)To diagnose and treat impotence (阳痿).
3. Adverse reactions: (1)Orthostatic hypotension(体位性低血压,or 直立性低血压) (2)Heart stimulation Palpitation(心悸), Tachycardia(心动过速) (3)Gastrointestinal effects: abdominal pain; diarrhea; nausea (恶心); vomit; and inducing or worsening of peptic ulcer.
Tolazoline(妥拉苏林) 1.Effectsare similartophentolamine, but▲ weaker, ▲ effective by po, ▲adverse reaction is more. 2.Clinical uses: ●Peripheral angiospastic disease(外周血管痉挛性疾病): po. ●Pheochromacytoma(嗜铬细胞瘤), to control symptoms. 3.Adverse reaction: more than phentolamine.
Phenoxybenzamine(酚苄明) 1.Pharmacological effects: blocking 1 and 2 receptor, but slowly, powerful and lasting. 2. Clinical uses: (1)Peripheral angiospastic disease (外周血管痉挛性疾病) (2)Pheochromacytoma(嗜铬细胞瘤) 3. Adverse reaction: Orthostatichypotension(直立性低血压)
1 adrenoceptor blocking drugs Prazosin(哌唑嗪) It selectively block 1receptor of artery and vein, the blockade to 2 receptor is very weak. Itcan antagonize BP↑of NA, but can’t promote NA release, so that it can’t cause heart rate↑. used to treat hypertension.
2 adrenoceptor blocking drugs Yohimbine(育亨宾) Itcan selectively block 2 receptor in peripheral & central nerve system, to elevate BP and heart rate . Its uses: ▲a tool agent in laboratory; ▲other uses: male sexual disfunction.
Ⅱ. adrenoceptor blocking drugs CH3 HO— —CH—CH2—NH—CH HO OH CH3 Isoprenaline blocking drug与Isoprenaline有共同结构: CH3 —CH—CH2—NH—CH OH CH3
Classification of blocking drugs 1: 1 , 2 receptor blocking drugs: 1A: without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity(ISA, 内在拟交感神经活性): Propranolol(普萘洛尔), Timolol 1B:with ISA: Pindolol(吲哚洛尔) 2:1 receptor blocking drugs: 2A:without ISA: Atenolol(阿替洛尔) 2B:with ISA: Acebutolol(醋丁洛尔) 3: , receptor blocking drugs: Labenolol(拉贝洛尔)
Propranolol(普萘洛尔) 1. Pharmacological effects 1 , 2receptorblockingdrugs without ISA, belong to 1A. (1) receptor blockade: ①Heart:1 blockade ▲ Negative inotropic (负性肌力) effect: cardiac output ▲ Chronotropic effect: heart rate ▲ Oxygen consumption ▲A-V conduction ▲ Automaticity
②Blood vessel and BP: ▲Normal subjects: peripheral resistance ▲ Hypertensive patients: Bp ③Bronchial effects: 2 blockade ▲Normal subjects: no problem ▲ Asthmatic subjects (bronchial responsiveness): ●resistance of airway ●inducingandworseningasthma.
④Renin (肾素): Owing to 1 receptor blockade of juxtaglomerular cell(肾小球旁细胞). ⑤Metabolism: can block 2 receptor of liver cell, to inhibit glycogenolysis (糖原分解); can block 3 receptor of fat cell, to inhibit lipolysis (脂肪分解).
(2)Membrane-stabilizing effect: at high concentration. (3)Inhibiting platelet-aggregation: reducing viscosity (粘性) of blood. 2. Pharmacokinetics: ▲first pass elimination is obvious, 60%~70%,bioavailability is low, about 30%. ▲large variation between individuals, about 20 times. dose individualization !
3. Clinical Uses: (1)Arrhythmia(心律失常); (2)Coronary heart disease and angina pectoris(冠心病和心绞痛); (3)Hypertension(高血压); (4)Hyperthyroidism and thyroid crisis(甲状腺机能亢进和甲状腺危象).
4. Adverse reactions: (1)Inducing acute heart failure; (2)Inducing and worsening asthma; (3)Withdrawal syndrome (戒断综合征); (4)Contraindication: heart failure; sinus bradycardia (窦性心动过缓); high grade A-V block; bronchial asthma.
Timolol(噻吗洛尔) Itis the most powerful receptor blockade, 5~10 times stronger more than propranolol. eyedrops(0.25% solution) used totreatglaucoma. To lower intraocular pressure by reducing the production of aqueous humor(房水).
Part 6. Sedative-hypnotics (镇静催眠药)
Brief Introduction1. History of Sedative-hypnotics 19 century Sedatives: from 1853, Bromide(溴剂): KBr, NaBr, NH4Br; Hypnotics: Chloral hydrate(水合氯醛) 20 century Sedative-hypnotics: from 1903, Barbiturates (巴比妥类) from 1961, Benzodiazepines (苯二氮卓类)
2. Classification: According to the chemical structure, sedative-hypnotics can be divided into 3 kinds: (1)Benzodiazepines(苯二氮卓类); (2)Barbiturates(巴比妥类); (3)Others(其他类).
Ⅰ. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮卓类, BZ, BDZ): According to the duration of action, they can be divided into 3 kinds: ▲ Long-acting: diazepam(地西泮) ▲Intermediate-acting: clonazepam(氯硝西泮) ▲Short-acting: triazolum(三唑仑)
Diazepam(地西泮, Valium, 安定) 1. Pharmacological effects & Clinical uses: (1)Anti-anxiety(抗焦虑): Small dose and high effective, to treat anxiety: 2.5 ~5 mg, tid, po.
(2)Sedative-hypnotic effect: Sedation:5 mg, tid, po. Hypnotism:10 mg, qn. The merits ofdiazepam: ①TI higher, safety of margin larger; ②effect on REM is small; ③don’t induce P450; ④dependence & addiction small; ⑤side reaction is light. Preanesthetic medication: 10mg iv.
(3)Anti-convulsant and anti-epilepsy effect(抗惊厥和抗癫痫作用) Convulsion(惊厥): 10 mg, iv. Status epilepticus(癫痫持续状态) 10 mg, iv. (4)Centrally acting muscle relaxant (中枢性肌肉松弛): Central myotonia(中枢性肌强直) Lumbar muscle strain(腰肌劳损) (5)Other effect and clinical uses: Transient dysmnesia(暂时性记忆缺失) Endoscopy(内窥镜检查)
2. Mechanism of BZ effects: GABAreceipt site GABAAreceptor Cl- BZ receptor
GABA: Gama-Aminobutyric acid ( - 氨基丁酸) (1)There are GABAergic neuron in CNS, the terminal release GABA; (2)GABAA receptor is a ligand-gated Cl- channel(配体门控性 Cl- 通道), which located at post-synaptic membrane of GABAergic neuron. GABAA receptorconsistsof4groups of , , , , and 14 subunites;
(3)When GABA combine with GABAA receipt site, the Cl- channel open, Cl- influx, then postsynaptic membrane super-polarization, to produce post-synaptic inhibition; (4)WhenBZcombinewithBZreceptor, to promote GABA combine withGABAA receipt site, the frequency of which Cl- channel open increases, more Cl- influx.
Mechanism of BZ effects: GABAreceipt site GABAAreceptor Cl- BZ receptor
3. Pharmacokinetics: (1)Absorption: po: fast and wholly, im: slow and irregular: im× (2)Elimination: t1/2= 44 ±13 hr, its metabolites are demethyldiazepam (去甲西泮)and oxazepam(奥沙西泮), theyhave pharmacological activity. Diazepam can be secretedfrom milk, to inhibit CNS of baby.
4. Adverse drug reaction(ADR): ADR of Diazepam are less,toxicity low and safety margin large. When overdose, especially takingother CNS inhibitorsordrinkingat same time, it will lead to intoxication easily. Whenintoxication,flumazenil(氟马西尼) canbeusedtofirst-aid,thelatter is an antagonist ofBZreceptor. Taking long time: tolerance, dependence, addiction.
5. Other drugs(1): Chlordiazepoxide(氯氮卓, 利眠宁) belong tolong-acting, t1/2 = 7~13(10 ±3.4) hr, Clinical uses: ①anxiety, 10 mg began; ②hypnosis, 10~30 mg, qn; ③alcohol abstinence symptoms (酒精戒断症状). Nitrozepam(硝西泮, 硝基安定) belong tointermediate acting (6~8hr). t½=26hr,used to treat convulsion (抽搐), clonic seizure(肌阵挛性发作), status epilepticus (癫痫持续状态), preanesthetic medication (麻醉前给药).
5. Other drugs(2): Clonazepam(氯硝西泮, 氯硝安定) belong tointermediate-acting, t1/2=15 hr, used tocontrol Petit mal(癫痫小发作). Triazolum(三唑仑, 三唑安定) belong toshort-acting, t1/2=2.3±0.4hr, used to treat various isomnia(各种失眠症), 0.25 ~ 0.5 mg, qn. Estazolam(艾司唑仑, 舒乐安定) belong tointermediate-acting, t1/2=10 ~30hr,the effects ofsedation, hypnosis, anti-anxiety,anti-convulsionare stronger,used to treat various isomnia (失眠),convulsion, pre-anesthetic medication.
Part 2. Barbiturates 1. Classification: ● Ultrashort-acting: Thiopental sodium(硫喷妥钠),15’ ● Short-acting: Secobarbital(司可巴比妥),2-3 hr ● Intermediate-acting: Pentobarbital(戊巴比妥) and Amibarbital(异戊巴比妥),3-6 hr ● Long-acting: Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥, Luminal, 鲁 米那),6-8hr
2. Pharmacological effects: Most drugs:dose from small to large, its effect: ▲sedation ▲hypnosis ▲anesthesia ▲respiratory inhibition Some drugs:anti-convulsant and anti-epileptic (抗癫痫) effects
3. Mechanism of action: Cl-Barbiturate receptor GABAA receipt site GABAAreceptor
4. Clinical uses: (1)Intravenous anesthesia&induced anesthesia(Thiopental sodium); (2)Anticonvulsion(phenobarbital); (3)Antiepileptic(phenobarbital); (4)Sedation& hypnotism ? × 5. Adverse reaction: (1)After effect:hangover(宿醉); (2)Respiratory inhibition/overdose; (3)Allergy; (4)Tolerance and dependence.
6. Acute barbiturate intoxication: (1)Oral intoxication: gastric lavage promptly (及时洗胃); (2)Artificial respirator + intravenous infusion (静脉滴注) + stimulants (兴奋剂) (3)Alkalinizing the urine + diuretics(利尿药); (4)Hemodialysis(血液透析). 7. Drug interaction: Enzyme inducer — Phenobarbital
Part 3. Others Chloral hydrate(水合氯醛) 1. Pharmacological effects and clinical uses: (1)Hypnosis:15’, 6-8hr. 5~10 ml(10%), dilution, po (2)Anticonvulsion:10-20 ml(10%), pr. 2. Adverse reaction: (1)Irritant action (2)Tolerance,dependence,addiction 3. Contraindication: severe heart, liver and kidney disease.
Melatonin(褪黑素, MT) The other name: “美拉托宁” MT is a main hormone secreted from pineal body(松果体), there are many physiological effects. After taking MT, normal subjects fall asleep fast, and the quality of sleep is very good. Clinical uses: ①hypnosis; ②togetovertimedifference(时差, jet lag), its ADR is less.
THANK YOU!!! 应颂敏 yings@zju.edu.cn