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Utena. Utenos rajono žemėlapis. Utena region map. `. Utenos rajonas. Utena Region
` Utenos rajonas. Utena Region Utena Region – the Land of Lakes.The region of eastern Aukštaitija is the land of one thousand lakes.Oneof the most interesting places in Eastern Aukštaitija is the district of Utena. The district of Utena is a part of the region comprising the bigger part of ethnographic region of Eastern Aukštaitija, which is second in significance (after the seacoast) tourism area of Lithuania. The district occupies the area of nearly 1 300 square kilometers, 1/3 of which is covered by forests of Minčia, Ažvinčiai, Kuktiškės and Labanoras.Utenais one of the oldest places of Lithuania. Its beginning has links to the mounds of Norkunai that had been mentioned many times in the chronicles of the Knights of the Sword. In written sources, specifically in the letter of King Mindaugas, the wooden castle by the Utenele stream was first mentioned in 1261. According to the legend, that castle was built by the duke Utenis.The /Highlanders(aukštaičiai) have got their own specific dialect and those who succeeded to comprehend it, like to joke imitating the stress and pronunciation of the words in the manner aukštaičiai.
The old Utena is located in the valley through which even four rivulets flow together: Vieša, Krašuona, Rašė, and Utenėlė. A small town sprang up in this confluence in the 14th century. Later the church was built and merchants and handicraftsmen came to settle down in Utena.The Warsaw-Sank-Petersburg highway built in 1835 was of major importance to the town. In 1889 the narrow railway Švencionėliai-Panevėžys was built and the large post-office station by the highway changed the face of the town. The oldest horse post-office station with basements has survived up to now. It was built according to the first class project of those days and after the restoration the Picture Gallery was established there.Today Utena (the capital of Eastern Aukštaitija) is the center of the region with the population of 37 000. There are 28 educational institutions.This part of Lithuania is known for horse races. Every summer traditionally the lovers of this sport are entertained by the spectacular view of horse racing.Utena is a developed industrial center with dominating industries of food, textile, machine engineering, building materials and energy production.
Utenos miestasUtena town • Utena, oneoftheoldesttonwsinLithuania, wasfirstmentionedinwrittensourcesin 1261. • ThetownwasestablishedalongtheUteneleriverinthe 14th century. • Populationtoday - 28 thousandinhabitants
Rajonas turtingas upėmis ir upeliais. Theregionof Utena isrichinriversandrivulets
Utenos rajone tyvuliuoja 185 ežerai.There are 185 largerandsmallerlakesin Utena region
HISTORICAL PLACE MOUND OF NARKūNAI Archeologists say that there was a settlement on Narkunai mound as early as the 11th century before Christ. Legend tells us Duke Utenis built the castle and settled the town. The people of Utena named the town square, newspaper and town football team after the Duke. MOUND OF TAURAGNAI
Kristaus žengimo į dangų bažnyčia Church of Christ entering the heaven It is a mixture of Romantic and Byzantine style. Next to the church there is high stone bell tower, built approximately in 1876
Pagrindinis altorius The central nave of the Church of Christ entering the heaven
Dievo apvaizdos bažnyčiaThe Church of God’s providence , built in 2005
Koplyčia ThechapelofMarry the queen of martyrs, built in 1993.
Senasis Utenos paštasUtena oldpost-office– the oldest still surviving brick building in Utena, the city’s oldest architectural monument. The first-class horse postal station complex was built in 1830-1835. In nineteenth century Utena postal station was visited by Russian Tsar Nicholas I and his son Alexander, the famous French writer Honore de Balzac, the famous Russian painter IlyaRepin, Lithuanian poet AntanasBaranauskas and many famous people. Utena post station served as an optical telegraph line. It was the world’s longest, 1,250 km., line, built between St. Petersburg and Warsaw. Utena post office served until 1992. Later old post was referred to the House of Utena art school. Nowadays, exclusive exhibitions tell about the old post office, the nineteenth and twentieth century events, peasant uprisings days, the world wars.
Utenos kraštotyros muziejus Utena LocalLoremuseumwasfoundedin1929. Themuseumbuildingisthesecondoldestbuildingin Utena
During World War II and Afterwards • - Here the majority of Utena Jews (žydai) were murdered • The mass graves and the monument in Rashe (Rašė) forest • Masinės žydų žudynės. Masdinė kapavietė Rašės miške
Senoji traukinių stotisTheoldrailwaystationandwastertowernext to it
. Anoldtraincarriagethat 73 yearsagocarriedhundredsofguiltlesspeopleto SiberiaremindsusthefactofthesadSoviethistory
Darželiai, mokyklosNowadays there are 6 kindergartens ,3 gymnasiums , 4 progymnasiusmsand 2 primaryschoolsin Utena
2008 metais pastatyta moderni A. ir M. Miškinių viešoji biblioteka ir atidaryta dalyvaujant Prezidentui Valdui Adamkui.Centrallibrary
1934 Boleslovo Plungės sukurtas ir pastatytas J. Basanavičiaus paminklas.In 1934 Bronislovas Plungė made a monumentof Jonas Bsasanavičius, who was an activist and proponent of Lithuanian National Revival and founder of the first Lithuanian language newspaper Aušra. He was one of the initiators and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 1905 Great Seimas of Vilnius. He was also the founder and chairman of the Lithuanian Scientific Society (1907). As a member of the Council of Lithuania, he was a signatory of the Act of
Kalėdų eglė centrinėje Utenio aikštėje. Chirstmastimeinthecentralsquareof Utena
Pramonė. Industryin Utena Utena is a developed industrial center Utenos mėsa“ (meat) , Švyturys-Utenos alus" (brewery), textile “Utenos trikotažas“ (knitwear) machine engineering, building materials and energy production.
Kasmetinė Utenos gimtadienio šventėAnannual Utena townbithdaycelebration
Thank you for your attention „Languages, CulturesandGreenerFutureConnectingPeople“Comeniusbilateral, 2013-2015LithuaniaUtenaVyturiai progymnasium