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Learn about the MCAS-Alt assessment, accessibility, accommodations, and graduation requirements for students with disabilities. Understand the decision-making guidelines and testing options available. Stay updated on the new MCAS score scale and accountability measures.
Administrators Overview: Next-Generation MCAS, MCAS-Alt, and Students with Disabilities Fall 2019 Dan Wiener Administrator of Inclusive Assessment and Robert Pelychaty Accommodations and Competency Portfolio Coordinator
MCAS Overview, including Graduation Requirements Who Should Take the MCAS-Alt? Grade-level and Competency Portfolios Accessibility and Accommodations MCAS-Alt Overview TOPICS MCAS-Alt Statewide Results Supporting Teachers Who Conduct MCAS-Alt Information, Resources, and Contacts
MCAS Participation Requirements • All publicly-funded students must participate in the MCAS assessments required for their grade. Districts should ensure that: • in- and out-of district students are assessed • ELs and students with disabilities are assessed • students’ grades are reported accurately in SIMS, especially those placed out-of-district. • Participation in MCAS ensures that all students • receive instruction based on the MA Curriculum Frameworks • are included in statewide reporting and accountability • receive district resources, as needed, to achieve standards
Decision-Making Guidelines for Students with Disabilities • IEP teams determine annually how students with disabilities will participate in MCAS in each subject. • Options include: • computer-based MCAS testing • MCAS with accommodations, including paper-based testing • MCAS-Alt • Grade-level/Competency portfolios • IEPs and 504 plans must list all assessment decisions, including accommodations and alternate assessments. • Reminder: Assessments beyond grade 10 are optional, but team should determine whether student is expected to graduate. • If so, student should continue to take MCAS retests, or submit an MCAS appeal or competency portfolio.
New MCAS Score Scale, Achievement Levels, and Accountability • “Next-Generation” MCAS Test Scale: 440 to 560 (previously 200-280) • New “cut scores” on “next-generation” ELA and Math MCAS (above) • School accountability determinations have changed. • No more CPI scale (0-100 points) • Instead, average scaled MCAS scores are determined for each school (plus other measures like absentee rate, student growth, graduation rate) • Equivalent MCAS score is assigned for MCAS-Alt: Incomplete (455), Awareness (470), Emerging (485), Progressing (500)
Massachusetts Graduation Requirements • “All students who are attempting to earn a Massachusetts public high school diploma, including publicly funded students in educational collaboratives and approved and unapproved private special education schools within and outside the state, must meet the Competency Determination (CD) standard, in addition to meeting all local graduation requirements.” -- Massachusetts Education Reform Law of 1993, G.L. c. 69, § 1D For the classes of 2021 and 2022: • Students must earn a “next-generation” test score equivalent to a score of 240 on the grade 10 MCAS ELA and Mathematics tests (and a “legacy” 220 on STE), OR: • earn “next-gen” score equivalent to 220–238 (or equivalent of Needs Improvement on a competency portfolio), and • fulfill the requirements of an Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP).
Reporting MCAS Results Using a New Test Scale and Achievement Levels • “Next-Generation” MCAS Test Scale: • An interim grade 10 passing standard for classes of 2021 and 2022 was established in Summer 2019 as a “similar level of achievement to the required standard on legacy tests.” • “Next-gen” ELA (455) and Math (469) equivalent to “legacy” 220 (Needs Improvement), plus fulfillment of an EPP. • “Next-gen” ELA (472) and Math (486) are equivalent to “legacy” 240 (Proficient). • “Next-gen” ELA (501) and Math (504) are equivalent to “legacy” 260 (Advanced). • A new graduation standard is possible for class of 2023 and beyond.
Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) Tests and MCAS Retests • Grades 5 and 8 STE tests are based on “next-generation” standards in the 2016 Science Curriculum Framework. • High School STE tests as follows: • February 2020 Biology: paper-based “legacy” test • June 2020 Biology and Intro Physics • Grade 9: computer-based “next-gen” tests • Grade 10-12: paper-based “legacy” tests • June 2020 Chemistry and Technology/Engineering • Grades 9-12: paper-based “legacy” tests • Memo posted to www.doe.mass.edu/news/news.aspx?id=25582 • Only paper-based “legacy” retests will be given in ELA and Mathematics in November 2019 and March 2020.
How should students participate in MCAS tests? • Virtually all students in grades 3–8 and 10 are expected to take computer-based tests. • Paper tests are available as an accommodation for students unable to test on a computer due to a disability, if listed in an IEP or 504 plan. • Provide the following to all students during testing: • Untimed test sessions • Blank scratch paper (including blank, lined, or graph paper) • Assistance, as needed, from a test administrator in using (navigating) the computer-based testing platform • Opportunities before testing to take Practice Tests and view the online Tutorial before testing (mcas.pearsonsupport.com/)
Important Team Decisions Prior to Spring 2020 Testing • Teams should: • Review next-gen MCAS participation guidelines and accessibility/accommodations policies at www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/accessibility. • Determine whether student will take the test, or meets criteria to take MCAS-Alt. • Team decisions needed for each student with a disability: • Can student take test on computer? • List “paper-based test” as an accommodation, if needed. • Review Tutorial and take Practice Tests at mcas.pearsonsupport.com. • Students may be well-suited for computer-based testing if they need typed responses, large print, answers written in test booklet, or monitor placement of responses. • Which computer-based features and accommodations will be needed? • For read-aloud, can student use text-to-speech (TTS) with headphones, or does student require a human reader?
New and Notable: Accommodations • Students with the graphic organizer and/or reference sheet accommodation may only use the Department’s pre-approved supplemental mathematics reference sheets or ELA graphic organizers, available at: http://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/accessibility/organizers/ • Familiarize students with these before testing • Additional ASL video tests in high school Biology and Intro Physics • Transition to Unified English Braille (UEB) from English Braille American Edition (EBAE) and Nemeth Code will include high school tests in Spring 2020. • All MCAS tests in grades 3–8 are already UEB.
Accessibility Features and Accommodations: Overview • Universal Accessibility Features(UF): Available to all students, either on computer-based tests or as paper-based equivalent (see Accessibility and Accommodations Manual, pp. 34). • Designated Accessibility Features(DF): Flexible test administration procedures available to any student, at the discretion of principal • Includes changes in test setting, group size, seating, scheduling (p. 4) • Accommodations (A): Specific supports available only to students with disabilities and English learners • Special Access Accommodations (SAs): Formerly called nonstandard accommodations, these may be provided to students who meet certain guidelines and criteria (see pp. 2024). • Narrated Training Module available at mcas.pearsonsupport.com.
Accommodated Test Forms • Accommodated test forms are offered for computer-based MCAS tests, including • text-to-speech • screen reader for students that are Blind and use NVDA or JAWS, and • assistive technology edition for compatible software • Accommodated test forms are offered for paper-based tests, including • Large-print • Braille • ASL video (gr. 10 mathematics, HS Biology and Introductory Physics) • Kurzweil (retests and high school STE tests).
Designated Accessibility Features (DF) for any student, at principal’s discretion
Text-to-Speech Control Icons
Special Access Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (formerly called Nonstandard Accommodations)
Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) In January: • ESE will upload student demographic information to school and district DropBoxes, including selected accommodations from previous year’s tests. • Schools will verify/update this information and: • Add students enrolled after October SIMS. • Add selected accommodations for grade 3 students. • Update selected accommodations, if needed. • Import file to Pearson Access Next (PAN) • Register for spring tests: Schools will select paper- or computer-based tests for each student, and request accommodated forms (large-print, text-to-speech, Braille, etc.) • ESE training will be offered in fall and winter (webinars, concalls, and face-to-face)
Purposes of Alternate Assessment • To include students with significant cognitive disabilities in the assessment and accountability systems (It’s the law!) • To ensure that standards-based skills and content are taught to all students at levels that are meaningful and challenging. • To determine which knowledge and skills in the current versions of the Curriculum Frameworks students have learned. • To provide information to schools and parents on the achievement of students with significant disabilities.
“Essence” of standard:Solve mathematical problems involving geometric shapes. High School Standard H.G-GMD.3 Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. Calculate the surface area of a cube. Calculate the diameter of a circle given its radius. Sort two-dimensional shapes by attribute (e.g., number of sides). Match similar shapes of different sizes. Visually track geometric shapes. Standard Access Skills Entry Points Less Complex More Complex Determining Student Outcomes for the MCAS-Alt: Geometry
Data Chart • documenting performanceof the measurable outcome on at least 8 different dates, with brief descriptions of each activity Firstpiece of primary evidence*showing performance of the measurable outcome Second piece of primary evidence*showing performance of the measurable outcome + + A complete Portfolio Strand includes at least the following… MCAS-Alt Skills Survey completed for each student in required strands + • *PRIMARY EVIDENCE: • can include work samples, videos, or photographs (or series of photos) clearly showing a final product • must assess the measurable outcome, and be labeled with name, date, brief description, and percent accuracy and independence. Exceptions:ELAWriting and Science and Technology/Engineering (STE)
ELA–Writing: Expressive Communication assessed in each MCAS grade • ELA–Writing portfolio assesses expressive communication by the student. • sharing experiences, opinions, ideas, or facts/information • The annual ELA–Writing requirement encourages students with significant cognitive disabilities to develop and use a primary method of communication • Handwriting/word processing/dictating to a scribe • Sign language • AAC symbol-based communication system • Portfolio must include 3 writing samples in any text type (no data charts); plus a rubric for each sample, pre-scored by teacher. • Argument/opinion • Informative/explanatory text • Narrative, including Poetry
NEW for 2020: MCAS-Alt Skills Survey • The skills survey requires pre-testing each student on a range of skills in the required strands/domains. • Teachers select entry points based on results of skills survey. • Results of skills survey must be included in the portfolio. • Skills survey will be included in the portfolio score. • This process will resolve several lingering challenges: • Familiarize teachers with the full range of standards and possible entry points • Help select more appropriate entry points (or access skills) • Discourage choosing entry points and access skills that are too easy • May result in moving some students off the MCAS-Alt to other MCAS formats (e.g., standard test or grade-level/competency portfolios) • Assist DESE to meet federal requirements
Provision in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) • Assessments based entirely on a portfolio design will no longer be permitted, USED says. “…student assessments for accountability…may [only] be partially delivered in the form of portfolios, projects, or extended performance tasks.” —Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) • States must redesign or replace their portfolio assessments. • Proposed solution: add a component to the existing MCAS-Alt that is: • Standardized • Meaningful • Measurable • Included in the Score
Data Chart • documenting performanceof the measurable outcome on at least 8 different dates, with brief descriptions of each activity Firstpiece of primary evidence*showing performance of the measurable outcome Second piece of primary evidence*showing performance of the measurable outcome + + A complete Portfolio Strand includes at least the following… MCAS-Alt Skills Survey completed for each student in required strands + • *PRIMARY EVIDENCE: • can include work samples, videos, or photographs (or series of photos) clearly showing a final product • must assess the measurable outcome, and be labeled with name, date, brief description, and percent accuracy and independence. Exceptions:ELAWriting and Science and Technology/Engineering (STE)
ELA–Writing: Sample Data Chart Student will determine the meaning of common suffixes with 85% accuracy and 85% independence.
“Zero-Prompt Instruction:” Always Independent, Working on Accuracy
“Errorless Teaching:”Always Accurate, Working on Independence
What Does This Data Chart Tell You About the Student’s Achievement? • Student mastered the skill after 2-3 attempts: probably too easy. • Better to spend time teaching student more challenging skills.
How is a Portfolio Scored? • Scored based on: • Level of Complexity of the skills addressed by student • Accuracy and Independence of student responses during the final 1/3 time frame. • Self-evaluation, or how frequently the student makes choices and decisions regarding their own learning • Generalized Performance, or how many instructional approaches were used to teach the knowledge or skill. • Scores for Complexity, Accuracy, and Independence are combined for each strand and a subscore given.
How the overall strand score is determined from LOC, DSC, and IND scores • Based on the “final 1/3 time frame” of the data chart, the scores in LOC, DSC, and IND are combined into a “strand score.” • Then, all strand scores are averaged toto give an overall score in a content area. For LOC=3, this table is used to calculate strand scores. (SeeEducator’s Manual, p. 49)
A score of 100% accuracy and 100% independence isn’t required to earn a score of Progressing! Scores above 51% accuracy and 51% independence earn a score of Progressing. • The Take-Away: • Students can attempt more complex entry points without fear of lowering their score. • Push students to learn more challenging skills. • Have students attempt new and different skills each year.
A score of Progressing on MCAS-Alt is not “Passing” • A score of Progressingmeans the student is making progress: • steadily learning new knowledge, skills, and concepts • requires minimal prompting and assistance • performance is basically accurate …but is still achieving below grade-level expectations. • Progressing does not mean a student has achieved Needs Improvement (legacy) or Partially Meeting Expectations (next-gen). • Included in Warning/Failing or Not Meeting Expectations level in school/district results • For school accountability, schools still receive disproportionate credit for MCAS-Alt scores.
MCAS-Alt Statewide Results: How Many Took It? How Did They Do?
2019 MCAS-Alt Participation, Training, and Score Appeals Summary • 7,421 MCAS-Alt portfolios were submitted (in one or more subjects) in 2019 • A decrease of 180 students from 2018 • 45,204 portfolio strands were scored and reported. • 4,285 educators participated in 17 face-to-face training sessions last year. • 241MCAS-Alt score appeals were submitted last June. • 61 were approved (25.3%); 180 were denied (74.7%)
2016-2019 MCAS-Alt: Statewide Results (All Content Areas - All Grades) 2016 70.37% 70.35% 67.29% 66.87% 2017 2018 2019 22.05% 20.46% 21.03% 19.12% 10.09% 9.14% 9.10% 7.83% 1.75% 1.46% 1.31% 1.22% .14% .19% .10% .13% Incomplete Awareness Emerging Progressing Partially Meeting Expectations/Needs Improvement+ 48
Which Students Should Take MCAS-Alt? A student with a significant cognitive disabilitywho is…. • Working on learning standards that have been substantially modified due to the severity of the disability, and is • Receiving intensive, individualized instruction in order to acquire, generalize, and demonstrate knowledge and skills, and is • Unable to demonstrate knowledge and skills on a standardized paper or online test, even with accommodations, . . . should take the MCAS-Alt in that subject. (Teams decide annually in each content area)