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SICAP & LCDP An overview for LCDC members

SICAP & LCDP An overview for LCDC members. Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU. Scope of Presentation . LCDP , its origins and development SICAP, background to the new programme LCDC roles in both.

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SICAP & LCDP An overview for LCDC members

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  1. SICAP & LCDP An overview for LCDC members Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU.

  2. Scope of Presentation • LCDP , its origins and development • SICAP, background to the new programme • LCDC roles in both

  3. LCDP (2010-2014) The Local and Community Development Programme has its origins partly in the 2000-06 Local Development Social Inclusion Programme (LDSIP), in the Community Development Programme and in a number of pilot local development initiatives undertaken with EU financial support in the late 1980s.

  4. LCDP (cont’d) January 2010 LCDP is rolled out. Aimed at tackling poverty and social exclusion in disadvantaged communities. Delivered, nationwide, through the network of 50 Local Development Companies and a number of alternative structures. Pobal administered the programme in the main on behalf of DECLG and has contracts with LDCs on behalf of the Dept in relation to LCDP.

  5. LCDP Programme Framework 4 Goals: objectives • Promote awareness, knowledge and uptake of a wide range of statutory, voluntary and community services • Increase access to formal and informal educational, recreational and cultural development activities and resources • Increase people’s work readiness and employment prospects • Promote active engagement with policy, practice and decision-making processes on matters affecting local communities

  6. LCDC Oversight of LCDP With effect from the 1st July 2014, Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) have oversight of the LCDP This means that ultimate approval of payments and LCDP activity in their areas passed from Pobal to the LCDCs A process was agreed between Pobal, the DECLG and representatives nominated by the City & County Managers Association(CCMA) on how best to allow effective interaction on relevant areas of the administration, such as the making or withholding of payments to the LDCs

  7. Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme Overview • Successor to the LCDP • Primary social inclusion programme of government • Strong focus on community activation, social inclusion and community development • Focus on and prioritisation of those hardest to reach

  8. SICAP 2015-2017 Aim To reduce poverty, promote social inclusion and equality through local, regional and national engagement and collaboration.

  9. SICAP Vision • Enabling communities which are most disadvantaged to develop and sustain their own wellbeing • Underpinned by the relevant horizontal themes • Promotion of equality • Application of community development, complementing local development approaches • Development of collaborative and partnership approaches for the benefit of end users

  10. Community Development • Underpins the entire programme • Assisted by the equalisation of the goal weightings. • Recognising the need to pay more attention to this area of work, in response to Government policy imperatives concerning renewing democracy and citizen engagement, as outlined in the Programme for Government 2011-2016 (Department of the Taoiseach), and Putting People First 2012 (DECLG).

  11. What shaped SICAP? • The need to focus on fewer outcomes in line with local needs and national priorities, in particular in line with alignment policy priorities (e.g. the establishment of LCDCs in each Local Authority area). • The programme must continue to engage with the most difficult to reach (including Travellers and Migrants) in the most disadvantaged areas. • There needs to be a focus on youth and interventions to address youth unemployment for the harder to reach youth/ youth guarantee etc. • Needs to balance the social as well as the economic dimensions of disadvantage. • The need to effectively contribute to citizen engagement in line with national policy. • Should add value to public services by ensuring it fills important local gaps in provision and by preparing disadvantaged people to take up mainstream services.

  12. Target Groups • Children and families from disadvantaged areas • Lone parents • New communities (including refugees/asylum seekers) • People living in disadvantaged communities • People with disabilities • Roma • The unemployed (including those not on the Live Register) • Travellers • Young unemployed people from disadvantaged areas

  13. Data Capture • The LCDP has its own bespoke data and monitoring system. The IRIS (Integrated Reporting and Information) system. Full set of data available since 2011. • It’s utilised for the planning and monitoring of LCDP annual plans and for evidencing progression against local objective statements contained in strategic plans. • Each participant is tracked over the course of their engagement with the LCDP and their progression is recorded. • All SICAP implementers must use the IRIS system and must work across all 3 goals. • Refinements.

  14. Performance Monitoring/Evaluation • Qualitative as well as quantitative methods necessary • Online programme monitoring system to be developed and made available to LCDCs and SICAP implementers (similar to IRIS) • Training will be provided • LCDCs will need to review returns from implementers as part of contract and payment obligations • New elements will be added to ensure implementers are engaging with SICAP priority groups/issues/areas

  15. Funding SICAP • Funding will be determined through the budgetary process, €40m estimated for 2015, but more required • Subject to formal approval within the Department and by the EU and Managing Authority, SICAP will be allocated some European Social Fund co-funding for labour market supports to young people, in particular those not in employment, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities (Investment Priority 1 A for now) • In accepting the European Social Fund offer we also sign up to meeting rigorous and onerous reporting requirements

  16. Live Register 2006-2016

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