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Network After Imprisonment: Building a Path to Normal Life

Engaging in ordinary activities with regular people post-release. Focused on preventing loneliness, debt counseling, youth support, and vocational training for ex-convicts. Initiatives include social interaction, job placement, and economic benefits studies.

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Network After Imprisonment: Building a Path to Normal Life

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  1. Røde Kors Nettverksarbeid Network after imprisonment Frivillige som ressurs for innsatte, under og etter soning i fengsel

  2. Anewpunishmentbeginthedaytheyarereleased

  3. How to live a "normal" life? Network afterimprisonmentis a training arena in doingordinaryactivitiestogetherwithordinarypeople People needinteractionwithpeople Normalization

  4. Our efforts are concentrated within: Network after imprisonment Preventingloneliness - socialnetworks The debtproject - debtcounseling Network YOUNG – to assist the youngest offenders The work Project – a regular job

  5. Loneliness and social training Social fear Social skills Social status

  6. Sailing with traditional boats

  7. The debt project We have volunteer debt advisers 03.10.11

  8. The work project Nettverk UNG

  9. Bike race in Oslo prison Bike training in prison Bike training on road Bicycle workshop in Oslo prison

  10. Network YOUNG

  11. Today Network after imprisonment is established: • Oslo • Bergen • Trondheim • Stavanger • Østfold • Ålesund • Denmark: • Århus • Goals - 5 locations in 4 years

  12. Social economics To show the economic benefit Network after imprisonment contributes to, we engaged a research company to quantify what the societal savings will be - If one average participant in the Network after imprisonment becom a law- abiding citizen. - In a period of 20 yers the savings will be: For those who work: - Savings of at least 15 - 21 million NOK for each individual For those who receive Social Security benefits: - Savings of at least 10 – 15 NOK for each individual. A prison cell in a Norwegian high-security prison has a price of approximately 2700 NOK a day. If we divide all costs against the number of participants. Network after imprisonment had a daily price of 72 NOK a day.

  13. Together we make a difference .......

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