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Addressing the Needs of Older Prisoners at HMP Wakefield

Learn how HMP Wakefield caters to the aging prison population through tailored healthcare, activities, and employment opportunities, promoting wellness and cognitive skills. Explore the unique support provided to elderly inmates in a high-security setting.

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Addressing the Needs of Older Prisoners at HMP Wakefield

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  1. HMP WAKEFIELD Meeting the needs of older prisoners and responding to the challenge of an aging prison population.

  2. Introduction to HMP Wakefield • Maximum Security Prison within the High Security Estate. • Established as a prison on this site for over 400 years. * • Operational capacity of 749 prisoners. • Role as of 08:00 hours on 1st October 2013 = 740 with 150 Category A’s & 2 High Risks. *

  3. High Security Prisons Age Breakdown • High Security Prisons Population Breakdown at July 2013: *

  4. In comparison with other High Security Estates HMP Wakefield had the oldest population with 44.1% of prisoners over the age of 50! This comes as no surprise given HMP Wakefield’s large sex offender population. Breakdown of age groups at HMP Wakefield at July 2013: 18-20 = 0 21-24 = 16 25-29 = 56 30-39 = 130 40-49 = 213 50-59 = 184 60-69 = 110 70+ = 33 HMP Wakefield Facts & Figures

  5. HMP Wakefield Age BreakdownJuly 2013

  6. Community Retirement age = 68 Custody The Chief Inspector of Prisons describes the older prisoner to be 50+ * How old is Elderly?…

  7. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield HEALTHCARE SERVICES HMP Wakefield has a Registered General Nurse who carries out the following role: • Specific responsibility for the provision of care for the older population. • Rolling programme enabling annual assessments. • Those with specific needs referred to relevant service provider. * • These services are in addition to the primary care medical services.

  8. LIBRARY SERVICES Available Every Wednesday morning. Opportunity to use facilities with no pressure. General quiet time reading. Tea/Coffee available. Comfortable high back chairs. Located flat from the wings. PRISONER’S VIEWS “No hustle or bustle” “Quieter, more peaceful” “Don’t feel any pressure to be quick” “There is no rush, I can use the couple of hours well” “Enjoy the company of others in a nice setting” “Easy activity to attend with my walking difficulties” Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont….

  9. CHAPEL Chaplaincy offer a weekly group for the older population. Every Thursday Afternoon. * Variety of activities. * Informative talks by professional visitors. * Parlour games. EMPLOYMENT Prisoners at HMP Wakefield are able to retire with appropriate pay at the age of 60; unless medically retired. With the exception of 2 workshops; all areas of the prison are accessible as ramps/lifts are available. Prisoners over the age of 60 can continue in employment until they see fit. When choosing to work, the Over 60’s are able to attend two activities of their choice each week. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont….

  10. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont…. GYMNASIUM SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB • Every Tuesday afternoon. • Variety of games. * • Opportunity to relax. * • Socialise and interact. * • Activities & some gym equipment available. * Supervised in an informal manner by Physical Education Instructors.

  11. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont…. GYMNASIUM COGNITIVE SKILLS GROUP • Every Friday morning. • Main aim is to help delay the onset of Alzheimer's & Dementia. • Play games that require the prisoner to ‘think’. Triominoes/Scrabble/Puzzles/Word searches • Relevantly new activity; commenced July 2013. • Number of attendee’s steadily increasing each week. • Social & interaction. Tea/coffee available

  12. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont…. GYMNASIUM/Healthcare Every Friday morning alongside Cognitive Skills Group: Although not specific to the older population; they do pose a higher risk • A programme for those with heart problems. * • 15 week programme. • Regular tests by Healthcare. * • Circuit training specific to strengthening the heart. * • Other aerobic exercises available. * STRICT CRITERIA; THE INDIVIDUALS CONDITION MUST BE STABLE.

  13. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield cont…. CORE DAY UNLOCK The prison regime has been adapted to offer ‘core day unlock’ to older retired or disabled prisoners who do not wish to attend either off wing activities or paid work. • Interact with peers. • Additional time to use showering facilities etc. • Additional time to engage with wing staff.

  14. Opportunities/activities for the older population at HMP Wakefield a conclusion. So….that is what HMP Wakefield currently offer the elderly population. All the while remaining in a High Security Estate continuing to be mindful of: • Security. • The prison regime. • Decency & Diversity. FOR THE FUTURE…..

  15. Due to a new build Kitchen at HMP Wakefield the old kitchen building offers a number of opportunities. There are discussions taking place regarding the possibility of a project for this building; the prison is currently seeking funds. Ideas include the building being used specifically for the elderly population: To complete Offending Behaviour Programmes (OBP) To be used as a day room To complete surgeries for example blood pressure checks. …..The future for the elderly at HMP Wakefield

  16. …..The future for the elderly at HMP Wakefield concludes. In prison the elderly are getting older: • Prisoners are committed to prison for longer. • Society is living longer therefore individuals are committed to prison older. • Dormant crimes are now being brought to light due to advanced technology. Our policy at HMP Wakefield is continuous improvement and learning.

  17. …..The future for the elderly at HMP Wakefield concludes. Thank you for your time.

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