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WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA. Activity Plan WFRM Development of Fund Raising activities for MARIATHON 2013. Fund Raising Department World Family of Radio Maria. Summary. KEY ITEMS Goals Methods of donation Institutional sponsors Website Institutional donors/sponsors
WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA Activity Plan WFRM Development of Fund Raising activities for MARIATHON 2013 Fund Raising Department World Family of Radio Maria
Summary • KEY ITEMS • Goals • Methods of donation • Institutional sponsors • Website • Institutional donors/sponsors • Call center and Volunteers • Associations/WF report
Mariathongoals Goal Promote the opening of 11 new radio stations in developing countries, where the presence of Radio Maria assumes great value and spiritual, social, and humanitarian importance, through prayer and with the aid of all Radio Maria associations worldwide. AFRICA: Republic of Guinea Equatorial Guinea Madagascar Mali Nigeria Liberia ASIA: China-Macao India EUROPE: Ireland Latvia AMERICA: Haiti • Resources required • The plan to open 11 new radio stations has an overall cost of 2,400,000.00 euro • Macro cost elements • The cost elements for each radio that can be considered by the associations to obtain achievable goals are: • Radio studios: 90,000.00 euros • Satellite reception receiver: from 60,000.00 to 100,000.00 euros • Premises (offices, chapel, etc.): 70,000.00 euros • Example: an RM station can target the Mariathon at the construction of the premises in Guinea which have an average cost of 70,000.00 euros.
MariathonGoals The World Mariathon can be successful only if our project is communicated in each Country in the best possible way to potential donors so that they can, with satisfaction, decide to support it Areas of essential activities for each RM: • Ability to contact and involve potential donors • Strong plug of the Mariathon by radio before and during the days of the event • Elevated motivation of the Director • Supportive communication coordinated in various ways: Internet-literature-volunteers-materials and visibility on the ground-friends (parish churches, etc.) • Prompt activities and organisational ability • Easy access to donation methods • Subsequent follow-up to give donor visibility
Donationmethods Donation methods which each RM association must propose and activate (where possible) before the Mariathon begins • Telephone: activation of support numbers to be able to donate from mobile or landline phones. • Bank transfer: communication by radio, publication on newspapers, and in promotional materials of the full data to make the bank transfer (the current account must be the same as that used for the donations throughout the year) • Credit card-Paypal: WF will activate a payment circuit for credit cards and Paypal, on the website www. Mariathon.org to receive donations from any part of the world (WF will give full visibility to the origin of the donations, in order to associate the donation with the donor’s radio). • Money boxes: volunteers will position coin boxes in crowded places (churchyards, shopping centres, chemists, shops, etc.) • Post offices or local donation collection centres: they should be communicated by radio, on the website and in any promotional material to offer an all-round view • RM promotional stand:it is important to be present in the squares, in the parish churches, and in crowded places with promotional stands and volunteers who are organised to: • collect the names of interested parties for the databases • accept donations and issue receipts • distribute, where possible, the direct debit forms for the bank • Radio: before and during the Mariathon, the radio premises should use the “open doors” initiative for those who want information or leave an offer, through a joyful and friendly hospitality
Website www.mariathon.org • It is very important to create a reference website for the event for listeners worldwide. • WF has purchased the dominion www.mariathon.org and is taking steps to create the website by the end of March. • All the communications and promotional materials of each RM should refer back to this website, where the donors will find: • What is the Mariathon • What projects will be financed by the Mariathon • The spirit of Radio Maria in the world • Declarations and testimonies • The opportunity to donate directly by Paypal or a credit card • The clear and complete indication of the donation methods of each RM (postal current account, bank account, SMS, address of premises for cash offerings, etc.) • A counter which is always updated to indicate how much we have collected worldwide • What will be collected directly on the Mariathon website will be reported to the donors’ radio stations, associating an offer to the donor’s reference radio
Institutionaldonors/sponsors The plan to open 11 radio stations has a religious/cultural/social implication which could interest COMPANIES or AUTHORITIES Before starting the Mariathon it is essential to verify who, among the radio staff and volunteers, has the possibility to present the project to companies or authorities to receive a donation. Methods of supporting the event: • Pure donation to support the project • Donation through a % of the sales of a product • Donation through a free supply of services or technologies
Call center and volunteers It is extremely important to start by March and define: Call center: how many resources will be necessary before and during the Mariathon, together with their training Volunteers on the ground: how many volunteers are necessary on the ground, how will they be coordinated and what each must do Organisation and Training 2 1 • Call center: • Make a written vademecumfor the telephone operators to: • Explain the Mariathon • Direct to the site • Give instructions for the donation • Receive donations • Volunteers: are the voice of the radio on the ground. Important meetings: • March/April: explain the project, define who does what, coordinate at best the presences during the event • During the Mariathon: collect names and donations at the promotional stands and activities on the ground.
Report between the Associations and WF The agreements defined at the last World Convention are the following: Each RM must contribute to the WF mission by: • Providing for the opening of new radios (11 planned openings) • Supporting the radio stations which do not succeed in financing themselves, at the start-up phase. To support WF each RM will have to pay annually: • 500 $ fixed quota • 10% of the gross receipts of the preceding year (the satellite costs are no longer deductible) As the planned openings require a very important effort, it has been decided to organise the Mariathon worldwide. Indications for managing the donations: • The donations collected by the radio stations through Mariathon will be allocated entirely to WF • The donations will continue for at least 30 days, so at the end of the thirtieth day the larger donations of 2013 associated with the Mariathon will be paid to the WF (by the 15th of the subsequent month) • The amount paid to WF thanks to the Mariathon contributes to the agreed quota of 10% of the receipts of the preceding year. We hope to be able to involve listeners and collect even 15%!