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Internet Computing. The Next Generation Starts from Now Richard P. Sinn. Agenda. Introduction - Who am I, Style of Presentation - Internet/Intranet Technology Problems and Solutions Big Picture Client Side Processing: Java, JavaScript, Image Map, Code Generation
Internet Computing The Next Generation Starts from Now Richard P. Sinn
Agenda • Introduction- Who am I, Style of Presentation- Internet/Intranet Technology • Problems and Solutions • Big Picture • Client Side Processing: Java, JavaScript, Image Map, Code Generation • Server Side Processing: CGI-BIN, Integrated Solution • Bring Backend to the World (DB Access and Workstation Gateway) • Security of the Internet/Intranet • DBCS Processing - A World Wide Problem • Integration and Build Problems • Internet Agent • Conclusion
Introduction • Web as a “top-level” protocol: Source (Browser) Destination (Server) • Using MINE (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) to define rules for exchanging informationWeb encapsulate other protocols including FTP, Gopher, WAIS (Wide Area Information Server), NNTP (USENET News) and telnet, etc. Web Web FTP FTP TCP TCP IP IP Phy Net
Introduction • Web as a powerful Business ToolWeb Server = Platform + Software + Information - Information Can be accessed in different Platforms - Local Network Ring, PC Lan, Mainframe and the World can link together • Enhance the Re-engineering of business process (e.g. Traditional Q&A process for new products, Support Line, Networked Marketing, etc) • Collaborative Management and Communication(Intranet as the heart of business administration) • Business Applications(Web link to legacy systems, data warehouse and data mining)
How can we get the volume of support questions down ? Can we market new products better using the internet ? Can we use the question and answer better (data warehouse, data mining) ? Can we use the internet as proactive tool instead of traditional reactive ? Will chat room help ? What is the cost and profit ? Interactive New products Preview Lessons on new products Interactive Support Wizards Knowlege Base with problem reports Software Troubleshooting Wizards Frequently Asked Questions Download help files and fix packs Newsgroups and Chat Room Email A Question Support Options and Phone Numbers Introduction: Business Case
Introduction • Web as a new source of problems • Performance Problem • Availability on Different Platforms • Scaleability • Security • DBCS Processing on the Web • Business Case • ISO 9000 Standard
The Big Picture Current/Future Server Architecture Servers - Files - Mail Service - Print - Directory (x.500, LDAP) Directory, File, Printing, Mail Internet/Intranet Socket Service Application Server Performance, Available Client 3270, 5250, TCP/IP Traditional Application System MVS, VM, CICS, etc Security Availablility DBCS Integration Web Servers HTML, JavaScript Java Applet/Appl Availability Security HTTP Performance Security, Maintance
Divide And Conquer • Client Side Processing • Java • JavaScript • Browser Tricks • Code Generation • Server Side Processing • Server Integrated Solution • HTML Gateway • WWW DB2 Gateway, Java JDBC API
Advantage Platform Independent (Portable) Enhance Software Reuse “Hot” in the market Relative short Learning Curve OO Internet Programming Secure ?? High-performance ?? Dynamic (Load class when needed) Multithreaded Disadvantage Do not have information about browsers (vs JavaScript) Not available to all platforms(Only 56% of OS is windows base) Firewall block java applet from running Multithreaded problems (Scheduling information needed) Client Side: Java
<html><head><title>An Applet</title> </head> <body> <p><applet code="HelloApplet.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=50> <PARAM NAME=inputString VALUE="TESTING input string"> <PARAM NAME=colorString VALUE="cyan"> </applet> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="list.cgi"> <P><PRE> Link name: <INPUT NAME="name" SIZE="45"> Link URL: <INPUT NAME="url" SIZE="45"> </PRE> <P> This URL will be added to the <SELECT NAME="section"> <OPTION>home page <OPTION>commercial <OPTION>misc </SELECT> section of the list. <P><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Add link"> <INPUT TYPE=reset> </FORM> </body> </html> Client Side: Java Applet Button 1 Button 2
Client Side: JavaScript • Derived from Java, From LiveScript to JavaScript by Sun 1995 • Integrated into HTML • Supported by Sun, Netscape, MS • The Java Glue(“Glue Java Applets into Web Pages” by using capabilities to trap user events and pass relevant information to Java applets)
Advantage Integrated with Browser- Have access to history list- Use cookies to remember Integrated with HTML Supported by Sun and Netscape Object based language ?? Can be used in client and some server side Good for simple user interface Disadvantage Slow performance (Interpreted Language) Not fully extensible (limited set of base object) No code hiding Lack of debugging and development tools Not good for Big Application Client Side: JavaScript
Cookies provide a method to store information at the client side and have the browser provide that information to the server along with a page request Cookie Information is shared between the client browser and a server using fields in the HTTP header. When the user requests a page in the future, if a matching cookie is found, the browser sends a Cookie field to the server in a request header. The header will contain the information stored in that cookie. Custom Search Tool User calls the site by using an URL that request a CGI script The script checks whether it is the user’s first time at the site by checking whether cookie exist in the http header. If no cookies, all choices unselected If cookies exist, previous choices selected If user perform a search, the search results along with a Set-Cookie field in the header to reset the new cookie Client Side: JavaScript
Client Side: JavaScript Custom Search Custom Search Last Name Sinn First Name Richard
// Function to create or update a cookie. function SetCookie (name, value) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } // Function to delete a cookie. (Sets expiration date to current date/time) function DeleteCookie (name) { var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1); // This cookie is history var cval = GetCookie (name); document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } <!-- HIDE FROM OTHER BROWSERS // Cookie Functions // "Internal" function to return the decoded value of a cookie function getCookieVal (offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } // Function to return the value of the cookie specified by "name". function GetCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null;} Client Side: JavaScript
Client Side: JavaScript • The Navigator Object function checkBrowser(){ if ((navigator.appVersion.substring(0,6) != “2.0b6a”) && (navigator.appName != “Netscape”)) alert(“Please use Netscape with version 2.0b6a”); } • The History Object The history list of a browser is accessible in JavaScript. For example: history.back() goes to the previous page history.go(-3) goes back to the page visited three pages ago (like clicking the back button three times) • The form Object and document Object
We enjoy limited interaction between applets and the browser environment, using JavaScript today. With JavaScript capability to dynamically generate HTML code, a form in one frame could easily reload a Java applet in another frame, with new parameters. <HEAD> <TITLE>Example 14.3</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <H1>Growing Text Java Applet Tester</H1> <FORM METHOD=POST> Text to display: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="text" SIZE=40><BR> Delay between updates: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="delay"><BR> Font to use: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="font" SIZE=40><BR> <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="bold"> Bold <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="blur"> Blur<BR> <INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Test Applet" onClick="parent['applet'].location='applet.htm';"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> Client Side: Java and JavaScript
<!-- SOURCE CODE FOR applet.htm --> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- HIDE FROM OTHER BROWSERS document.write('<APPLET CODE="GrowingText.class" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=200>'); document.write('<PARAM NAME="text" VALUE="' + parent["form"].document.forms[0].text.value + '">'); document.write('<PARAM NAME="delay" VALUE="' + parent["form"].document.forms[0].delay.value + '">'); document.write('<PARAM NAME="fontName" VALUE="' + parent["form"].document.forms[0].font.value + '">'); document.write('<PARAM NAME="boldBold" VALUE="' + parent["form"].document.forms[0].bold.value + '">'); document.write('<PARAM NAME="blur" VALUE="' + parent["form"].document.forms[0].blur.value + '">'); document.write('</APPLET>'); // STOP HIDING --> </SCRIPT> </BODY> Client Side: Java and JavaScript Text to display Delay between display Font to use [] Bold [] Blur Csci 8180 By Prof Tsai 250 Courier Test Applet Csci 8180 By Prof Tsai
Client Side: Java and Javascript • JavaScript should work with CGI-BIN and Java. • Applet object should be added to enhanced interaction with Java. • database object should be added to allow quick access to local DB systems. • Using netscape product like LiveWire, CGI-BIN can be written with JavaScript. • Make use of the current plug in to allow JavaScript to work with a range of file formats (Acrobat Amber Reader; ASAP WebShow, Corel Vector Graphics, EarthTime, VRML viewer, VR Scout, etc)
Traditional server side image maps involves extra communication with the server. <IMG SRC = "clientimage.gif" USEMAP = "#clientimage.map"> <MAP NAME = "clientimage.map"> <AREA SHAPE = "RECT" COORDS = "0, 0, 109, 74" HREF = "#T1"> <AREA SHAPE = "RECT" COORDS = "110, 0, 218, 74" HREF = "#T9"> </MAP> Spyglass Mosaic, Netscape, MS-IE do client side image map differently With browsers do not have build-in image map, a combination of image maps might be needed. Client Side: Image Map Go to Top Page Go to Title T9
Client Side: Code Generation • With different platforms of databases exist out in the fields, an efficient way of extracting information for data warehouse and data mining is needed. • As database exist in different platforms, program automation is needed to ensure consistence. • The concept of Netobj is born. As with any object, a Network Object contains both data and operations on the data. The object itself is actually logically exists in the network. That means that a Network Object can "reside on" and "be accessed by" any system (VM, MVS, AIX, OS/2, and AS/400) connected to the network. • The goal for a collection of Network Objects is to provide a "logical" data warehouse for a business enterprise. This warehouse will contain both data and information necessary for running a business.
Code Generation Fourth generation language The following type of files are generated:- DDS Files (Data definition files)- IDL File (Definition files for rpc)- Client Code (Stub of connect)- Server Code (Stub listening)- Procedure Code (Code contain SQL statement, does operations) C with imbedded SQL Java with JDBC Client Side: NetObj DB 1 DB 2 Server Code 1 Server Code 2 Client 1 Client 2
Pushing the concept of NetObj all the way to the client side, we have WinObj WinObj are user interface that reside on any platform on the network (Unix, Browser, VM, MVS) It provides consistent user interface to data and information (represented by Network Objects). It will link with Network Objects, and access common data and information from any system. It can generated Visual C++, REXX for Mainframe, C for UNIX, Java and HTML for browsers Remember we still have 44% of non-windows clients. Client Side: WinObj Client 1 from Netobj Client 2 from Netobj User Interface 1 User Interface 2
Server Side Processing • We needed an Integrated Server Solution Instead of Different Machines will all kind of different information • Single Sign-on for Authentication to Internet/Intranet, Legacy Application, x500, LDAP, NetWare, NT and any other LAN application. • Internet/Intranet File Serving with choices of system (NetWare, AS/400, Unix, etc). • All Information from LAN (NetWare, NT, Lanserver) available for Internet/Intranet usage. • All Information from Legacy Application available for Internet/Intranet usage. • CGI-BIN has access to Database, Application Data and all the information from the LAN.
Server Side Processing Integrated Solution From the Server Side Internet/Intranet Servers - Files - Mail Service - Print - Directory (x.500, LDAP) Service Application Server Clients Web Servers HTML, JavaScript Java Applet/Appl Traditional Application System MVS, VM, CICS, etc HTML Gateway NetWare “Gateway” NT “Gateway”
Backend of Server: Database • A Web Server gateway is needed to allow the access of relational database management system • An easy-to-use Web page paradigm for Web application development: no complex programming is required. • Ability to work from any Web client (browsers) • JDBC might be one of the solution(But what happen to all the non-java platforms ?) • Picking the common denominator, a CGI-BIN implementation should be used
WWW Database Connection • One example to make your database information available through the internet.
WWW Database Connection • A Web server gateway can be build to access database. An application programmer writes macros, which are stored on the Web Server, letting customers query databases using HTML forms. The result of the query are displayed on the browsers.
WWW Database Connection • Authentication- Using the web server to control access to directories.- Same pwd and userid can be used to authenticate to database. • Encryption- With SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) or SHTTP. • Firewall- Web Database Gateway can be protected under a firewall as well.
For most transactions you will find it useful to call an input section before making the query. The macro can be called using <A href="http://www.ibm.com/cgi-bin/db2www/equiplst.d2w/input"> List of hardware</A> Macro Section: %DEFINE DATABASE="MNS95" %HTML_INPUT{ <H1>Hardware Query Form</H1> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi-bin/db2www/equiplst.d2w/report"> <dt>What hardware do you want to list? <dd><input type="radio" name="hdware" value="MON" checked>Monitors <dd><input type="radio" name="hdware" value="PNT">Pointing devices <dd><input type="radio" name="hdware" value="PRT">Printers <dd><input type="radio" name="hdware" value="SCN">Scanners </dl> <input type=submit value=Submit> </FORM> %} %SQL{ SELECT MODNO, COST, DESCRIP FROM DB2USER.EQPTABLE WHERE TYPE=$(hdware) %SQL_REPORT{ <B>Here is the list you requested:</B> <TABLE> <TR> <TD>$(N1)</TD> <TD>$(N2)</TD> <TD>$(N3)</TD> %ROW{ <TR> <TD>$(V1)</TD> <TD>$(V2)</TD> <TD>$(V3)</TD> %} </TABLE> %} %} %HTML_REPORT{ %EXEC_SQL %} WWW Database Connection
Macro file format uses cross-language variable substitution (Code Generation) A JDBC Runtime can be provided to add advance functions DB2 World Wide Web Connection is an example products Access to other kind of database might be needed (Sybase, Access, Oracle, etc) WWW Database Connection Hardware Query Form What hardware do you want to list ? [+] Monitors [] Pointing devices [] Printers [] Scanners Submit
Put All Existing Applications on the Web !!! The Workstation Gateway • A lot of applications still runs under text-based workstations and emulators • Open all the applications to the internet market • Port to internet without re-coding • Port to internet even without having to run conversion program • Use existing tools to do development for the web • No need to retrain all programmers • Traditional applications sent out in a 5250 data stream to the workstation, which then displays the text. • Workstation Gateway intercepts the 5250 data stream and converts it to HTML, which any WWW browser can display
Workstation Gateway • A real example from IBM … Any PC that has a Web browser installed can run AS/400 applications !!!
After the 5250 connection from the Web browser to AS/400 is made. A set of events occurs: The request is received and processed The user job processes the application The workstation I/O is converted from 5250 to HTML The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) code is sent to the browser The connection is ended The processes involved in establishing, processing, and ending this connection are: The Workstation gateway server jobs The user job (one per client) The communications router tasks The virtual terminal task The Telnet task Workstation Gateway
Workstation Gateway • Instant WWW access for all existing AS/400 applications without re-coding • Use of existing development tools to develop for the internet • Use Web browsers to run AS/400 applications • Add graphics to AS/400 applications without disrupting workstation users
Client and Server Processing • Recap … • Client Side Processing usually being used as performance solution. • JavaScript and Java as well as CGI-BIN should work together to produce the best results. • Different Platforms still exist without Java or JavaScript. Code generation can be used. • A lot of opportunities still exists for research topics. • Client Side Processing has to work together with Server Side in order to produce the best possible business results.
Security on the Internet • Do you know an internet a carrier has the ability to "take a peek" at your private information ? • The following technology is available for providing limited security: • Security ProtocolsMostly developed by commercial sites • Methods of Securing CommunicationsRestrict access to your computer OR encrypt your communications • Secure Applications and Netscape’s Broken SecurityLet’s look at how people break Netscape security • Surveillance on the InternetThe government steps in …
Secure Transfer Protocols SSLSecure Sockets Layer from Netscape. It provides low-level security for application protocols such as NNTP and HTTP SHTTPDeveloped by NCSA and RSA. Add message-based security to HTML. Can be used with SSL. Both under development Securing Communications FirewallsLimit the internet traffic from the rest of the world (More later) Public Key CryptographyAnyone may encode a message and send it to you using the public key, but only you can decode and read a message with your private key (Electronic signatures and certification) RSATwo prime numbers multiplied together as key Anonymous RemailersAnonymous remailers forward your mail anonymously to their destinations (FBI can find it anyway) Security Issues
Secure Applications Application suppose to provide security functions July 14, 1994. The key of Netscape message is broken by 120 and two parallel supercomputers in eight days. (Netscape is using 40bit instead of 128bit encode method.) To deduce any key in about 25 second. Only a few seeds were used to generate random number by the system. (Increase the number of seeds.) Surveillance on the Internet Clipper Chip (Skipjack algo by National Security Agency) Government access to the decryption key for ‘“tapping” of internet traffic Encryption algo restricted only to the government It is voluntary for now May enforce later ??? Security Issues
Security: Firewall Technology • A firewall is a control point between the private inner network and the untrusted outside network • The basic building-block are • Packet filtering router (normally a piece of hardware) • Circuit Gateways (Two software modules) • Proxy software (Aka application gateways) • Common configurations are “Dual Homed Gateway”, “Screened Host” and “Screened Subnet”.
Security:Packet filtering routers Router No Denied Send me to 141.131.22 OK 141.131.22 Flow of traffice Send me to Physical Network Private networks (inside firewall Internet (Outside of Firewall)
Router acts as network traffic cop Read the packet header with source network address, destination network address, and the port of the source and destination address Enhanced to selectively pass on packets according to rules Permit or denied a set of network addresses and ports Some protocol requires that a call be made from outside to inside the firewall to set up connection (I.e. the outside party must callback) FTP and X Windows are examples With FTP, no way to know remote port in advance Complex to setup, test and maintain Security:Packet filtering routers
Security: Circuit Gateways No, denied; talk to the circuit gateway No, denied; talk to the circuit gateway Application and Circuit Gateway Software Gateway Relay Port P4 Port P2 Port P3 Port P1 Internet Server Client Inside Firewall Flow of traffice Physical Network Private networks (inside firewall Internet (Outside of Firewall)
Computers sit between two networks (Internet and private net) Software module on the client computer on the inner net Software module (relay) on the gateway machine Connection on P1 to P2, P3 to P4 Packets management by copying data packets on P2 and P3 “Dual-homed gateway” May be a bottom neck if not management correctly Still FTP will not work as there is no network callback support Security: Circuit Gateways
Security: Application Gateways No, denied; talk to the circuit gateway No, denied; talk to the circuit gateway Telnet Application T Telnet Server TS Firewall Components Telnet Proxy TP Packet Filtering Router R Port P4 Port P2 Port P1 Port P2 Port P3 Internet Server (weeble.other.com) firewall.any. com Client Inside Firewall (daisy.any.com) Flow of traffice Physical Network Private networks (inside firewall Internet (Outside of Firewall)
Aka Proxies Application protocol can be understand Special version of server software and understands a subset of client programs commands Client has to telnet to the gateway Data packets copied between P2 and P3 Router added to ensure only packet exchange between TP and Internet Packet only send from outside to P3 Router only accept incoming packet from P3 FTP and others will work “Screened host firewall” Security: Application Gateways
Security: Screened subnet Gateway Web Client Private Inner Subnet Packet Filtering Router R2 Packet Filtering Router R1 Screened Subnet Web Server Other Clients
Security:Screened subnet firewall • “Screened subnet firewall” • Good choice to offer public service (web service) • R1 blocks internet traffic from accessing info on private inner subnet • R2 gives an extra level of protection to the private inner subnet by blocking all network traffice from the Web server • One of the best choice today