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HONKAKELO. Karelia Petrozavodsk 2012. Our company Honkakelo based in North-West of Russia in city of Petrozavodsk , Karelia region . What we do:
HONKAKELO Karelia Petrozavodsk 2012
OurcompanyHonkakelobased in North-West of Russia in city of Petrozavodsk, Karelia region. What we do: • Wearea harvestingandmanufacturingcompanythatbuildshousesandotherstructuresmade of thenorthernpine (specializing in kelo wood structures).
Besideslifecutpinetreeswealso specialize in harvestingandproducingstructuresfromKelowood(drieddeadpinetree). • Ifyoudecidetobuildahouseorsaunabuildingoranyotherstructure, wearetherightcompanytoorderfrom.
Ourcompanyharvestskelowood in thenorthernparts of the Republic of Karelia. • Kelowoodfromthisregionhasbeendriedformanyyearsandthereforehasastrongstructure. • Wecanharvestneededdiameter of kelowoodall yearroundonyourorder. • Wehaveourownsites and harvesting equipment in the northof the Republic of Karelia.
We areusingdifferenttypes of lognotches.MostcommonlyusedSaddlenotch(RoundorScandinavian) andDovetailnotch.
Ourexperienceisover 17 years.We have assembled manyloghousesnotonly in Russia butalso in • Finland, Norway, Germany, Ukraine.
We speak English • Youwillbegivenpersonaltouchwithallyourquestionsabout building fromlogs. • Weworkofficiallyunderthecontractwherealldetailsare described(in English).
Our company is looking for the new market in your country to sell log houses and other structures. • We can work as a partner for your company with the mutual interest.
Contact information: Honkakelo company Karelia, Petrozavodsk city Karl Marks street 14 office16 Owner: Teterin Andrei Vl. phone:+7921 621 8684 email: ateterin@yahoo.com http://www.honkakelo.ru