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Unit 4:Human Geography. Penelope Fennell & Nallely Aguilar. Vocabulary. Immigrant - a person who leaves one country and settles in another.
Unit 4:Human Geography Penelope Fennell & Nallely Aguilar
Vocabulary • Immigrant - a person who leaves one country and settles in another • Population - to mean the total number of people who live in a specific area • Population Density - shows on average how many people are living in a specific size area such as a square mile or square kilometer • Demographers - are geographers who study the characteristics of human population • Habitable lands – are lands that are suitable for human living. • Urban - areas refer to cities • Rural areas - are areas that relate to the country or farms • Migration - is the process of relocating to a new region
What is population? Population Density Rural vs. Urban Rural- open land, farms, plains Urban- full of people, lots of cities, no space for farms • Environmental- Land, Water Source, Climate, Geography. • Political- Government. • Economic Factors- Population, Good Jobs, Money.
Migration Push factors Vs. Pull Factors Things That Affect Migration Environment- Geography. Political- Government. Economic Factors- Population, Good Jobs, Money, Resources. • Pull- Freedom, Economic Opportunity, Abundant Land • Push- Population Growth, Agricultural Changes, Crop Failures, Industrial Revolution, Religions and Political Turmoil
History example of migration • Cavemen
Where do people settle • Most people settle by good geography like… • Rivers • Some with protection… • Mountains • Deserts • Large bodies of water
Challenges of Rapid Growth • Some Places Are Very Crowded Because Of Different Type Of Things. Some Are Because…. • Population • Resources • Jobs • Money • Climate
Rapid growth examples • Brazil • Japan