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T aiwan S trait NOW cast s ystem

T aiwan S trait NOW cast s ystem. N ational C enter for O cean R esearch Taiwan, ROC. Development of A Nowcast System for the Taiwan Strait (TSNOW). Sen Jan and Yu-Huai Wang. National Center for Ocean Research, Taiwan, R.O.C. Shenn-Yu Chao

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T aiwan S trait NOW cast s ystem

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  1. TaiwanStraitNOWcastsystem NationalCenterforOceanResearch Taiwan, ROC

  2. Development of A Nowcast System for the Taiwan Strait (TSNOW) Sen Jan and Yu-Huai Wang National Center for Ocean Research, Taiwan, R.O.C. Shenn-Yu Chao University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, U.S.A. Dong-Ping Wang Marine Science Research Center, SUNY, Stony Brook, U.S.A.

  3. Matsu Keelung Taipei Taichung Dongshan Kaohsiung Maopitou

  4. ”NOWCAST” ? T = 0 T = 24 hrs time sea levels currents

  5. CONCEPT of TSNOW WWW • Disaster warning • Marine rescue • Pollutant dispersion • prediction • Scientific study • Environmental • policy making • Marine resources • management Observations Prediction Demonstration Applications

  6. OBSERVATIONS Sea levels from tide gage station Velocities from BM-ADCP Velocities from SB-ADCP T and S from CTD Observations

  7. NUMERICAL MODEL Model resolution Boundary conditions Prediction

  8. MODEL DEVELOPMENT Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

  9. VALIDATION FOR SEA LEVELS Black-observed Red -calculated Kaohsiung Dongee

  10. VALIDATION FOR CURRENTS Blue - currents measured using ship-board ADCP mounted on OR-I Red - currents extracted from model results

  11. DEMONSTRATIONS Penghu Islands Dongee -24 0 +24

  12. APPLICATIONS • Disaster warning • Marine rescue • Pollutant dispersion • prediction • Scientific study • Environmental • policy making • Marine resources • management Applications

  13. APPLICATIONS • Disaster warning • Marine rescue • Pollutant dispersion • prediction • Scientific study • Environmental • policy making • Marine resources • management 16:00 May 15 1999 Applications

  14. APPLICATIONS • Disaster warning • Marine rescue • Pollutant dispersion • prediction • Scientific study • Environmental • policy making • Marine resources • management Applications

  15. APPLICATIONS • Disaster warning • Marine rescue • Pollutant dispersion • prediction • Scientific study • Environmental • policy making • Marine resources • management Applications


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