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Act One Review. What are your first impressions of the major characters so far? Use examples and text to influence your thoughts. Consider actions and words (Othello, Iago , Roderigo , Brabantio, Duke, Desdemona) For the above mentioned characters, also determine their motivations
Act One Review • What are your first impressions of the major characters so far? Use examples and text to influence your thoughts. Consider actions and words (Othello, Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio, Duke, Desdemona) • For the above mentioned characters, also determine their motivations • Contrast the language that the Duke and Brabantio use in relation to Othello
More….. • What additional piece of info does Iago reveal at the end of Act One? • Studying for quiz: re-read Act One, pay close attention to first lines, long speeches, persuasion techniques, and be sure you understand the major happenings. (study guide)
Persuasion • Persuasion is not always negative…but it can be. • A General Summary of Aristotle's Appeals . . . The goal of argumentative writing/speaking is to persuade your audience that your ideas are valid, or more valid than someone else's. The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three categories--Ethos, Pathos, Logos.
Persuasive Appeals: 3 major types according to Aristotle • Logos (logic)-The appeal to reason or logic. This is often an appeal to believe/see a logical set of thoughts by giving examples and support • Pathos (emotion)-The appeal to emotion. This is usually the attempt to manipulate various trigger-emotions like jealousy, hate, insecurity, etc (language choice is important here)
Persuasive Appeals • Ethos (credibility)-or ethical appeal, means convincing by the character of the author (or another person). This is very much related to reputation and past actions. • We tend to believe people whom we respect. One of the central problems of argumentation is to project an impression to the reader that you are someone worth listening to, as well as someone who is likable and worthy of respect.
Basic Examples • Logos-If you do not read or study, you will not do well on the next test. • Pathos-You must be an idiot or maybe you simply don’t understand basic ideas. • Ethos- You know me, I have been your friend for years, I would never yell at you or be rude to you.
Group A- Find two examples of Logos from Act One. GroupB-Find two examples of pathos in Act One Group C- Find two examples of ethos in act One Once you have your two examples, gather with your group members and discuss what you found. Be sure you agree that your examples are the type you were asked to find Looking Closely at Language:Act 1
Share Out • Logos- • Pathos- • Ethos-
Act One • What techniques work best on what types of people? • What rhetorical appeals are most effective on Barbantio? How about on Roderigo? • What is it about Othello’s monologue in the Duke’s court that seemingly sways the opinion of everyone (except Brabantio)? (Discuss his approach in relation to what you know of the historical background)
Act One Cont… • Who exhibits the most racist tendencies/thoughts in Act One? Why? • Examples of irony in Act One? • Roderigo’s purpose as a character? • Why is Iago so extremely upset at the end of Act One? What is he going to do about it?
Villains • Best super-villain of all time (in your opinion) and why? • Do you find that you “support the villain” in movies and reading? Explain.