8.11 Layer of the Earth
8.11 Warm up – Find dv/iv • Esther became interested in insulation while her parent’s new house was being built. She decided to determine which insulation transferred the least heat. She filled each of 5 jars half-full with water. She sealed each jar with a plastic lid. Then she wrapped each jar with a different kind of insulation. She put the jars outside in the direct sunlight. Later, she measured the temperature of the water in each jar.
8.11 Warm up – Find dv/iv • Esther became interested in insulation while her parent’s new house was being built. She decided to determine which insulation transferred the least heat. She filled each of 5 jars half-full with water. She sealed each jar with a plastic lid. Then she wrapped each jar with a different kind of insulation. She put the jars outside in the direct sunlight. Later, she measured the temperature of the water in each jar.
Announcements • 8/8: Quiz #2 Scores recorded • This week: • Lab book check #1 • 8/15: SF: 2 Project Proposal Forms DUE • 8/15: Quiz #3 – Layers of Earth & Convection
Science Fair • 7/29: Parent Letter • 8/8: Project Topic Survey + 4 articles • 8/15: Project Proposal Forms (2) • 8/22: Hypothesis Development Form • 8/29: Final Project Approval for all projects • REVIEW PROJECTS: • 9/3 & 4: Mandatory Meeting for projects needing review • 9/5: Research Paper DUE & Materials and Methods Paper DUE • 9/9: Review Forms due to district • Non REVIEW PROJECTS: • 9/9: Research Paper DUE • 9/12: Materials and Methods Paper DUE
Learning Goal:Describe the properties and composition of the major layers of the Earth. (S6C1PO2) • 4 – I can compare and contrast the layers of the earth based on properties and composition • 3 – I can identify the layers of the earth using characteristics • 2 – I know the names of the layers of the earth • 1 - I’ve heard about the layers of the earth
Unit 1 • Layers of the Earth • Plate movement • Rocks & Minerals • Rock Cycle • Changes to Earth’s Surface • Fossil Record
Review Density • What is it? • How dense something is
Notes: Layers of the Earth • http://ed.ted.com/on/88t2sB4g
Fill out the chart as we watch the video 5 miles = Fiesta Mall 25 miles = Saguro Lake or Glendale 1800 miles = 60 miles = Globe or Payson 1400 miles = Chicago Illinois 780 miles = Yellowstone (WY) Deepest explored part of the ocean is 7 miles
Fill out the chart as we watch the video 4000 mi 5-25mi S rock, loose material air – 1600 F Smallest 1800 mi S super heated rock 1600 F – 7900 F Largest heat currents 60 mi S crust + mantle - smaller 60 mi S/L mantle - smaller 1400 mi L Iron 7900F – 11000F larger cause magnetic field 780 mi S Iron & Nickel 13000 F medium solid bc of pressure
8.12 Layers & Heat Currents
8/12 WARM UP Draw the Earth Cake and label the correct layers on your cake:
8/12 WARM UP CRUST Draw the Earth Cake and label the correct layers on your cake: MANTLE Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere OUTER CORE INNER CORE
Announcements • 8/8: Quiz #2 – if absent – you need to get with me • This week: • Lab book check #1DUE FRI • 8/15: SF: 2 Project Proposal Forms DUE • 8/15: Quiz #3 – Layers of Earth & Convection • 9/5 or 9/9 Research Paper DUE
Fill out the chart as we watch the video 4000 mi 5-25mi S rock, loose material air – 1600 F Smallest 1800 mi S super heated rock 1600 F – 7900 F Largest heat currents 60 mi S crust + mantle - smaller 60 mi S/L mantle - smaller 1400 mi L Iron 7900F – 11000F larger cause magnetic field 780 mi S Iron & Nickel 13000 F medium solid bc of pressure
Solid Solid/Liquid Solid Solid
THINKING MAP: LAYERS • Properties • Composition • As a table make a thinking map that represents your layers
Learning Goal:Describe the properties and composition of the major layers of the Earth. (S6C1PO2) • 4 – I can compare and contrast the layers of the earth based on properties and composition • 3 – I can identify the layers of the earth using characteristics • 2 – I know the names of the layers of the earth • 1 - I’ve heard about the layers of the earth
Heat currents (Convection) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt_K_bfKxTc
Heat Currents (convection) • Draw in notebook what you noticed
Come up with your own representation of the layers of the earth • Story of your journey to the center of the earth or from center out • Act out a day compared the distance of the layers of the earth • Your food model of the earth