A Brief History of C++ • In the early 1970s, Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories was engaged in a project to develop a new operating system. Ritchie discovered that in order to accomplish his task he needed the use of a programming language that was concise and that produced compact and speedy programs. • This need led Ritchie to develop the programming language called C. • In the early 1980's, also at Bell Laboratories, another programming language was created which was based upon the C language. • This new language was developed by BjarneStroustrup and was called C++. • Stroustrup states that the purpose of C++ is to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer. .
When he designed C++, he added OOP (Object Oriented Programming) features to C without significantly changing the C component. • Thus C++ is a "relative" (called a superset) of C, meaning that any valid C program is also a valid C++ program
Needed Acronyms CPU - Central Processing Unit -the heart (brains) of the computer system.It is comprised of the control unit,the arithmetic logic unit,and temporary storage (RAM). IDE-Integrated Development Environment - a system where you can control the editing and compiling of language code from one program.
LAN-Local Area Network-a set of computers connected in order to share programs and storage space."Local” implies that the network is contained within a relatively small OOP-Object Oriented Programming-the use of small,reusable components to construct large software systems. OS-Operating System - the program that manages all the other programs in a computer.Some popular operating systems include MS-DOS, Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, MacOS, Unix, and Linux. RAM - Random Access Memory - temporary memory lost when the computer is turned off. ROM-Read Only Memory - hardwired memory which cannot be changed.Contains the system directions.