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Visual basic 6

Visual basic 6. Programs. Program 1. Create a project that add a command button Change its caption to (ok), and its Name to ( cmdfinish ) Add a Label Button and change its caption to ( Welcome ) Write a code in the command button to end the application.

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Visual basic 6

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  1. Visual basic 6 Programs Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  2. Program 1 Create a project that • add a command button • Change its caption to (ok), and its Name to (cmdfinish) • Add a Label Button and change its caption to (Welcome ) • Write a code in the command button to end the application

  3. . Private Sub Label1_click() End Sub ------------------------------------------ Private Sub cmdFinish_click() End End Sub 3

  4. Program 2 color Create a program that addthree Commands Button control tools, clicking one of these tools will change the Form1 background color.Change the properties of each command button as following: ------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  5. Code Private Sub cmdBlue_click() Form1.BackColor= vbBlue End Sub ----------------------------------------- Private Sub cmdGreen_click() Form1.BackColor= vbGreen End Sub ---------------------------------------- Private Sub cmdRed_click() Form1.BackColor= vbRed End Sub

  6. Program 3 In this application use the Label tool and the Mouse Move Event, then write a code to: Allow the tool TextColor to be changed into yellow when the mouse pointer moves over it -------------------------------------------------- Steps: Add a Label tool and change its Captionproperty to (Yellow Color), and its Name to (lblYellow)

  7. code Private sub lblYellow_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As single, y As Single) lblYellow.ForeColor= vbYellow End Sub

  8. Program 4 I n this application we will work with the Text Box Tool: Steps: • Start a new Project • Create a Text tool. • Delete the word Text from the Text property. • Change the Name property to be txtFont Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  9. . • Double click the Font property for the TextBox so the Font Dialogue box appears • Select 18 Size and a Bold Italic Font Size and let the Font Style be Arial and click OK • Execute the program then enter any text in the Text Box • Add another TextBox tool change its name property to txtAge Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  10. lblName lblAge Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  11. Program 5 Create a new project: • Change the title bar for the form to My First Program(using caption property) • Add a command button, change its caption to Change Properties • Write a code that changes form properties to the followings: • Width=400, Height = 600 • Top = 0, Left = 0 • BackColor= RGB(100,100,200) Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  12. Program 5 Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  13. Program 6Q: Write a vbcode in the MouseMove event that gives the following shape when executed,then explain the code in arabic Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  14. . Code: Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)  Line (0, 0)-(X, Y) End Sub ---------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  15. Addition Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  16. Write this code in command1_click Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  17. Write this code in command2_click Private Sub Command2_click( ) End End Sub Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  18. Naming Controls

  19. .

  20. 11/5/1435 Tuesday Lecture 4 Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  21. Control StructuresSelection Logic Structure I • F condition THEN statement • IF condition THEN           statement(s) END IF • IF condition THEN           statement(s)1 ELSE           statement(s)2 END IF Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  22. . IF condition1 THEN           statement(s) ELSEIF condition2 THEN           statement(s) ELSEIF condition3 THEN           statement(s) … END IF Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  23. Factorial Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  24. . Private Sub Command1_click( ) Dim n As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim s As Long s = 1 n = Val(Text1.Text) For i = 1 To n s = s * i Next i Text2.Text = s End sub Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  25. Calculator Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  26. . Private Sub Command_click( ) Dim A,B A=Val(Text1.text) B=Val(Text2.text) If Option1.Value=True Then Text3.Text=A + B End if If Option2.Value=True Then Text3.Text=A - B End if Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  27. . If Option3.Value=True Then Text3.Text=A * B End if If Option4.Value=True Then Text3.Text=A / B End Sub Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  28. Pass word Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  29. . Private Sub Command1_click( ) If Text1.Text="8k5" Then MsgBox “Hello in the program”, vbInformation Form2.Show Unload me Else MsgBox "Wrong pass Word”,vbCritical End if End Sub Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  30. 17/5/1435 Tuesday Lecture Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

  31. P 325 Dialogue Boxesصناديق الحوار Q: Mention Types of Dialogue Boxes • Message Boxes [MsgBox] • Input Boxes • Built-in Dialogues

  32. Messages Boxesصناديق اظهار الرسائل MsgBox Message, Symbol, Title Q:Write a general format for the message Box(box(sentence P (325 Q: Create a New Project, add a command button then adjust its caption and let it MBOX and Box’s Title to Example and it shows OK button only P(327) Q: Create a Message Box, which contains the question mark icon and OK and Cancel buttons P(328)

  33. . Private Sub Command1 Click( ) Symbol = 1 MsgBox”A message Box”, Symbol, “Example” End Sub

  34. MsgBox Functionالإدخال عبر دالة صندوق الرسائل P 329 Q:Write a general format for the message box Function Sentence Q: Design a MsgBox (using a function)that shows: • Click yes to quit (Message) • Write a VB code that enables you to quit the program when clicking Yes button Variable = MsgBox ( Message, Symbol, Title)

  35. . Private Sub Command1_Click Dim Symbol As Integer Dim Res As Integer Symbol = 36 ‘(32+4) Res = MsgBox(“Click Yes to Quit” , Symbol, “Quit”) If Res = 6 Then End End Sub

  36. Input Box FunctionP 330دالة صندوق الإدخال Q:Write a general format for the Input Box Function Sentence Variable = InputBox(Message, Title)

  37. Page 3 31 Q: Create a project that uses two Input Boxes Num1 , Num2 then enter any two values, find the sum and receive the result in a label Tool

  38. P 331 Private Sub Form_Load( ) Dim Num1 As Integer Dim Num2 As Integer Dim Sum As Integer Num1 = Val(InputBox(“enter first number”,”Num1”)) Num2 = Val(InputBox(“enter second number”, ”Num2”)) Sum = Num1+Num2 Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption&Str(Sum) End Sub

  39. Built-in Dialogue Boxesصناديق الحوار الجاهزة Q: Mention four types of Built-in Dialogue Boxes that VB provides • File Dialogue • Font Dialogue • Color Dialogue • Printer Dialogue

  40. P 333-334Project – Components – Common Dialogue Control 6Components – OK – Common Dialogue Control P 335 • File Dialogue Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Common Dialog1.showOpen If CommonDialog1.FileName = “ “ Then Text1.Text = “No File is Selected” Else Text1.Text = CommonDialog1.FileName End if End Sub

  41. Font Dialogueصندوق حوار الخط P336 Private Sub Command_Click( ) CommonDialog.Flag = 1 ‘ Screen Fonts CommonDialog1.ShowFont Text1.FontName=CommonDialog1.FontName Text1.FontSize = CommonDialog1.FontSize Text1.FontBold = CommonDialog1.FontBold End Sub

  42. Color Dialogصندوق حوار الألوان Private Sub Command1_Click( ) CommonDialog.Flags = CdlCCRGBInit CommonDialog1.ShowColor Text1.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.color End Sub

  43. . Private Sub Command1_Click( ) CommonDialog.Flags = CdlCCRGBInit CommonDialog1.ShowPrinter Text1.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.color End Sub

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