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Explore the importance of verifying compilers for financial applications, their characteristics, techniques used, and the advantages and disadvantages of using annotated programming languages. Also, discover the Specify-Refine-Generate approach and how it can be adapted for investment banking applications.
Verifying Compilersfor Financial Applications David CrockerEscher Technologies Ltd.
Why financial applications? • Lots of money at stake if the software delivers incorrect results • FSA sets tough audit regulations backed up by very large fines • Business-critical software development is mostly not outsourced to low-cost countries Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Characteristics ofinvestment banking software • Often very complex • Many hundreds of classes • Agile techniques required • Need to value handle new exotics quickly • Lots of floating-point maths • Used to represent money and often time • Multi-threading is increasingly important • To make the best use of processor resources Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Techniques and languagestypically used • Component-based object-oriented development • Helps to manage the complexity • Provides agility • Object-oriented programming languages • Mainly C++ and C# • Some Java, little or no UML • Often integrated with Excel spreadsheets Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
What sorts of verifying compilermight an investment bank use? • Verifying compilers for C++ and C# • Much too difficult in practice • Verifying compilers for annotated C++ and C# • e.g. MS Research “Spec #” project • Verifying compilers for specifications • e.g. Perfect Developer Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Advantages: Based on a standard programming language Easier to introduce into a development process Can use on existing code by adding the annotations Disadvantages: Java, C# etc. were not designed for verification Correctness and completeness must be sacrificed, or the language must be severely subsetted Large volume of annotation needed Loops and aliasing are big problems Hard to express data refinement Verification with annotated programming languages Examples: ESC/Java, SPARK, Spec # Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
The problem with loops • Consider a method that contains a loop • To verify code that follows the loop, we need to know the state of the system just after the loop • This means we need to know the loop invariant • Loop invariants are often very difficult to determine even for experts! Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
The problem with aliasing • Changing the value of one variable also changes the values of other variables it is aliased to • Most O-O languages use reference semantics by default • Inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic binding greatly increase the possibility of aliasing • The number of anti-aliasing annotations potentially needed becomes HUGE! Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Why are we still usingpeople to write programs? • Our view: Traditional programming is obsolete! • C, Ada, C# etc. should play the same role today that assembly languages did 20 years ago • Most code should be generated from specifications • Manual refinement is sometimes needed • Where a more efficient data representation is needed • Where code generated directly from specifications is [currently] not efficient enough Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Specify-Refine-Generate approach Examples: B-method, Perfect Developer • Specify the system at multiple levels • Behavioural and state-based specifications • Verify the specifications for consistency and “completeness” • Refine the specifications • Manually (within the same notation) and automatically • Verify that the refinements are correct • Generate code in a standard programming language • C++, Java, C#, Ada… Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Advantages • The notation is designed for verification • e.g. value semantics by default, polymorphism only on demand • Automated verification is much more tractable • The user is largely spared from writing loop invariants • 92% of all loops are generated from specifications • The user is encouraged to write the specification first • The most expensive errors are detected earlier Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Adapting Perfect Developerfor investment banking • Floating point model had to be relaxed • e.g. we now assume (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) for type real • Multiple inheritance of interfaces was added • Component-based systems are typically built around interfaces • C# code generation will be needed • Currently we generate C++ (subset), Java, partial Ada Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Example: valuing European options • Vanilla European call and put options can be valued using the Black-Scholes formula • Based on stochastic calculus • There is an expected relation between the values of a call option and the corresponding put option • A “no arbitrage” agreement predicts “call-put parity” • We wish to verify: • For any input that obeys the declared preconditions, the valuator shall not crash • The valuator obeys call-put parity Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
First attempt at verification Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
“Unproven” output file Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Correcting the Specification function putValue(today: Date, assetPrice: Money, rate: real, vol: Volatility) : Money pretoday <= maturity, assetPrice > 0.0 ^= ( let ttm ^= maturity - today; let vSqrtT ^= vol * sqrt(ttm); let d1 ^= (log(assetPrice/strike) + (rate + vol*vol/2.0) * ttm)/vSqrtT; let d2 ^= d1 - vSqrtT; strike * exp(-rate * ttm) * cunorm(-d2) + assetPrice * cunorm(-d1) ); Insufficientprecondition Incorrect sign Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Verifying the corrected specification Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Extract from the generated proofs Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Does Perfect Developer meet the challenges of financial software? • Complexity • Complexity is less than PD itself, so not a problem • We now have a 64-bit version of PD to handle larger proofs • Floating point maths • Using the relaxed FP model we can prove some useful properties • We cannot guarantee absence of overflow/underflow or the accuracy of the result Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
What about multi-threading? • Processor clock speeds have reached a plateau • But transistor counts are still increasing • Processor development is now centred on multiple cores • Future applications must be multithreaded to take advantage of increasing processor power • We need to handle two sorts of concurrency: • Distributed systems (use CSP + model checking) • Thread-level concurrency with shared variables Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
How should we handlethread-level concurrency? • The traditional approach is to use locks • Implemented in some languages as synchronised methods/objects • But programmers frequently use them incorrectly • The compiler should manage access to shared variables • But automating the creation and use of locks is not very satisfactory because… • Locks do not compose • If we compose components that use locks, we can get deadlock, priority inversion and other problems Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Transactional Memory to the rescue! • Relieves the programmer from having to worry so much about access to shared variables • Avoids deadlock and priority inversion • Can be implemented in software • STM has been implemented for a Java compiler • Even better, implement it in the Java or .NET runtime • See (e.g.) the paper by Simon Peyton-Jones et al for more details • http://research.microsoft.com/Users/simonpj/papers/stm/stm.pdf Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Further work needed • Formalising practical floating point maths • In conjunction with experts in numerical algorithms • Concurrency • Do CSP and TM between them cover all our needs? • Reaching 100% automated verification most of the time • Inductive proofs are occasionally needed • Handling proof failures • Provide even better suggestions to the user Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Conclusion • Verifying compilers for specifications of complexsingle-threaded applications already exist • 95% to 100% automated proof is currently achieved • Extending this to cover shared-memory multi-threaded applications should be possible within 5 years • Provided that transactional memory lives up to expectations • More research is needed before we can fully verify systems using floating point arithmetic Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
“Software inevitably contains bugs” - let’s dispel that myth!
Appendix: What others think of Perfect Developer “PD is the only tool of the four that comes close to the ideal of automatic and easy program verification.” Ingo Feinerer, MSc thesis, Technischen Universität Wien “In comparison with other tools, PD offers a software oriented approach to refinement rather than a brutally mathematical one … … PD supports specification and implementation in a relatively simple language, so its learning curve is quite gentle for practicing software engineers.” Gareth Carter, Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2005 Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications
Appendix: Some application statistics 1 Including comments 2 No comments; runtime checks not generated Verifying Compilers for Financial Applications