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Welcome. Evans Church of Christ. Eschatology. “ Last ” - - “ End-of-time ” things Hades – Place of Departed Spirits The Resurrection The Judgment Eternal Destiny Heaven Hell. Eschatology. Journey to Eternity. Hades.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Evans Church of Christ

  2. Eschatology • “Last” - - “End-of-time” things • Hades – Place of Departed Spirits • The Resurrection • The Judgment • Eternal Destiny • Heaven • Hell

  3. Eschatology

  4. Journey to Eternity

  5. Hades “The unseen realm of the dead - the receptacle of disembodied spirits” Resurrection “a standing up again” “raised to life again” Judgment Everyone will be judged by Christ according to their life.

  6. Hell

  7. Matt.13:36-43 The Wheat and the Tares Mt. 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

  8. Many believe in Heaven; fewer in hell. Jesus believed there was a place called Hell. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Mt. 23:33 I believe in hell because… • Jesus believed in it, • warned against it, • and died to keep men out of it.

  9. Wrong Ideas about Hell • Imaginary Place • Figure of Speech • Only on Earth • Annihilation

  10. Etymology of words for HELL • In 1611 - - a concealed place • “Heller” a roofer - who concealed a house • “Hell” – hiding place, hide-and-seek • Translators used this for Greek word Hades • place of disembodied spirits • Also used for eternal punishment

  11. Etymology of words for HELL KJV Hell Hell Hell Hell ASV Sheol Hades Hell Hell Sheol Hades Tartarus Gehenna

  12. Etymology of words for HELL Sheol Hebrew = dis-embodied spirits Hades Greek = place of departed spirits Tartarus Greek = lower part of Hades

  13. Hades Paradise Rest Gulf Torment Tartarus

  14. Etymology of words for HELL Sheol Hebrew = dis-embodied spirits Hades Greek = place of departed spirits Tartarus Greek = lower part of Hades Gehenna Greek = Place of eternal punishment

  15. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists Jesus spoke about reality of hell Mt. 25:41 “into everlasting fire” Hell is a reality

  16. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth Mt. 5:22 - in danger of hell fire Mt. 10:28 - destroy both soul and body

  17. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal Mt. 25:41 “everlasting fire” Mt. 25:46 “everlasting punishment”

  18. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal • Final No pardon No parole No release

  19. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal • Final 5. Fire and Torment Pain, suffering Mt. 13:41-42 “wailing and gnashing of teeth”

  20. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal • Final 5. Fire and Torment 6. Darkness Mt. 25:30 “outer darkness” Jude 13 “blackness of darkness”

  21. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal • Final 5. Fire and Torment 6. Darkness 7. Hopelessness Abandon all hope, all ye that enter here.

  22. Hell Eight Bible Facts • Hell Exists • Not on Earth • Eternal • Final 5. Fire and Torment 6. Darkness 7. Hopelessness 8. Don’t have to go

  23. “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

  24. Hell Who will spend eternity in Hell ? Sinners Self-Seeking Evil - ungodly Do not love Truth Do not obey the Gospel

  25. Hell Hell is for the Devil and His Angels Sinners

  26. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

  27. Eschatology “Last” - - “End-of-time” things Are you Prepared For Heaven ?

  28. Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 evanscoc@bellsouth.net www.evansgachurchofchrist.org Sunday Morning November 17, 2013

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