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Instructional Technology Plan 7801 Instructional Technology Dr. Regina Merriwether. By A. Francine Goodman. Vision Statement.
Instructional Technology Plan7801 Instructional TechnologyDr. Regina Merriwether By A. Francine Goodman
Vision Statement Goodman Elementary School is striving to combine the efforts of the home, school and community by meeting students where they are and helping them maximize their greatest potential.
Mission Statement The mission of Goodman Elementary School is to collaborate with the home and community to provide rigorous and relevant learning experiences for students that promote skills, knowledge and attitudes that prepare students to compete globally.
Ten Components of Effective Technology Planning • Consult teachers • Establish a technology committee • Determine educational objectives • Conduct an inventory of existing hardware, software, and human resources • Develop professional development strategies • Establish a timeline • Create budgets • Review the draft of the plan • Identify new software, curricula, and instructional techniques • Establish linkages of technology-based assessment and administrative tasks, including scheduling and record keeping -Education Commission of the States http://www.nsba.org/sbot/toolkit/tpt.html
Technology Vision Statement Our school’s technology goal incorporates the National Educational Technology Standards goal as well as our school goal and correlates technology education to the student as an assertive learner: The Goodman Elementary School will create innovative learning environments that promote the effective use of technology as students live, learn, and work successfully in an increasingly complex and information- rich society. -National Educational Technology Standards Project Homepage http://cnets.iste.org/policy http://cnets.iste.org/policy
Technology Planning Committee Internal and External Stakeholders met on several occasions to research, develop and implement this plan. The Technology Planning Committee consists of the following: • School’s Better Seeking Team • Computer Technology Support Specialist • Library Media Chairperson • School Council Members • Partners in Education • Business Owners in the Community • District Office Personnel
Needs Assessments The Technology Planning Committee completed a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threat) Analysis and CBAM-LOU (Concerns-Based adoption model (CBAM) levels of use of an innovation (CBAM-LOU) to determine the current reality in our school and levels of technology use amongst the staff.
SWOT Analysis for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is our current reality in our school?
Initiatives for Success Goodman Elementary School recognizes three initiatives for success in technology implementation: Student Achievement, Professional Learning and Community Outreach. Our strategies to achieve this initiative are based on the National Educational Technology Standards Project (NETS) http://cnets.iste.org/students/s
Initiative One: Student Achievement 1. Basic Operations and Concepts • All students understand the basic function of a computer workstation • All students use the computer for various educational software applications, or for data gathering on a weekly basis. • All students will receive formal keyboarding training so that may become more proficient in word processing skills
Initiative One: Student Achievement 2. Social, ethical , and human issues • All students and their parent/guardian have signed our school’s Acceptable Use Policy, ensuring responsible use of technology systems, information, and software
Initiative One: Student Achievement 3. Technology productivity tools • All students will have the opportunity to present their research projects in typewritten form, upon achieving the adequate skills necessary to be proficient in word processing software applications
Initiative One: Student Achievement 4. Technology Communication Tools • 5th grade students will receive district email addresses to correspond with teachers on school website and teacher blogs
Initiative One: Student Achievement 5. Technology Research Tools • All students will become familiar with using the Internet as a means of gathering information and using reliable search engines for finding facts as they relate to their research topics.
Initiative One: Student Achievement 6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools • Students will use the FAST Math and Go Solve software applications to improve their skills in the areas of computation and problem-solving
Technology Innovation for 2008-2009 • Decrease the number of Level 1 Math students in grades 3-5 • Increase scores of 3rd; 4th and 5th grade students in Numbers/Operation and Data Analysis/Problem Solving on CRCT • Decrease the number of Level 1 Math students entering 6th grade
Implementing a Math Safety Net for Level 1 Students at Goodman Elementary School The purpose of this initiative is to provide a math safety net for Level 1 3rd; 4th and 5th grade students at Goodman Elementary School. This will increase student’s fluency with basic math facts and improve their abilities to understand and solve arithmetic word problems.
Initiative Two: Professional Learning Strategies • Provide training for all staff during smaller learning community meetings with CTSS in various software applications • Research and evaluate various technology resources for use in the classroom. Include in Consolidated School Improvement Plan (CSIP) • Prepare in-class training lessons for students on software applications during Computer Specials Time • Encourage staff to attend state, regional and national technology conferences. Include in CSIP(GAETC; NECC)
Initiative Three: Community Outreach Strategies • Create PowerPoint presentations to inform various internal/external stakeholders of educational programs and upcoming events • Prepare parent education sessions, using multimedia software applications, at PTA meetings and school sponsored events • Use the school website to provide the most up-to-date information about the school and events • Faculty and staff create individual web pages linked with email • Offer computer tutorial sessions in conjunction with Title I Parent Involvement Activities
My Accounts afrancinegoodman.wikispaces.com gcast.com/u/afrancinegoodman/main afrancinegoodman
My Accounts http://futuredrafrancinegoodman.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com
Sample Class Project for Math http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ1Bt0jR1Ck
References Griffin, D. & Christensen, R. (1999) Concerns-Based adoption model (CBAM) levels of use of an innovation (CBAM-LOU). Texas: Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning http://www.nsba.org/sbot/toolkit/tpt.html http://cnets.iste.org/policy http://www.youtube.com/watch?=GJ1Bt0jR1Ck http://www.wikispaces.com http://gcast.com http://blogspot.com http://facebook.com http://teachertube.com http://photostory.com Scholastic Research & Results (2005) Research Foundation& Evidence of Effectiveness for FASTT Math™ New York: Tom Snyder Productions Scholastic Research & Results (2005) Research Foundation & Evidence of Effectiveness of GO SOLVE™ New York: Tom Snyder Productions