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TEKS 3 rd Grade: Participate in appropriate exercise for developing flexibility in arms, shoulders, legs, back, and trunk. (3.3C) Identify eight major muscle groups and the movements they cause. ( 3. L) 4 th Grade:
TEKS 3rd Grade: Participate in appropriate exercise for developing flexibility in arms, shoulders, legs, back, and trunk. (3.3C) Identify eight major muscle groups and the movements they cause. (3.L) 4th Grade: Identify and demonstrate a variety of exercises to promote flexibility. (4.3C) Improve flexibility in arms, shoulders, trunk, back, and legs. (4.3D) Identify major muscle groups and the movements they cause. (4.4D) 5th Grade: Describe common skeletal problems and their effect on the body such as spinal curvatures. (5.4G ) Match different types of physical activity with health-related fitness components such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. (5.4C ) Identify eleven major muscle groups and describe the structure and function of the muscular system as they relate to physical performance such as muscles pull on bones to cause movement, muscles work in pairs, and muscles work by contracting and relaxing. (5.4E) Flexibility and Muscles 3rd – 5th Grade 3-5
3rd and 4th Grade • Why is it important to be flexible? • What is the purpose of the muscular system? • How do your muscles cause movement? • 5thGrade • How do muscles and bones work together to produce movement? • How can you become more flexible? • Why is it important to be flexible? 3-5
Flexibility – ability to bend, reach and stretch comfortably • Muscle – muscles control movement and are attached to bones • Contract – totighten a muscle • Relax – to make less tense • Joint– the place where two bones meet • Range of motion – how much a joint will allow its bones, ligaments, and tendons to move • Static stretch – a stretch that is held for a specific amount of time • Ballistic stretch – a bouncing stretch that increases the risk for muscle injuries, unless associated with a specific sport 3-5
What is the muscular system? The muscular system is all of the muscles in our body that help us move. www.123rf.com
How many muscles do you have? • About 650 muscles • They make up half of your body weight.
Flexibility is the ability to bend, reach and stretch comfortably. • You lengthen your muscles when you stretch. • Stretching will increase your flexibility and range of motion. (How far your joints are able to move.)
How can stretching improve your flexibility? • Why is it important to be flexible? Teacher Note: Advance to the next slide for another question.
Why is the muscular system important? • Help move your bones • Open and close eyelids • Pump blood • Help you to run and play • Help you to smile Muscles control movements. But muscles cannot work alone. Teacher Note: Advance to the next slide for more information. 3-5
Tendons Muscle Tendon When you use a muscle, it pulls on the tendon which moves the bone that it is attached to. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons.
Try This... Feel your tendon right above your heel in the back of your leg. http://www.activemotionphysio.ca/article.php?aid=253 This is the thickest tendon in your body.
How do muscles and bones work together to produce movement? 3-5
Muscles Abdominal Pectoral Your pectoral muscles are on each side of your chest. They help you move your arms across your body. Your abdominal muscles are also known as stomach muscles. They are part of your core muscles which help keep your body stable and balanced. We use them to do curl ups. 3-5
Muscles Quadriceps Hamstrings Your hamstrings muscle is on the back and side of your thigh. It helps you sit, walk, jog, and do almost any activity involving your legs. Hamstrings Your quadriceps muscle is on the front and side of your thigh. It helps you stand, walk, jog, and do almost any activity involving your legs. Quadriceps 3-5
Muscles Gluteus Maximus Gluteus maximusis a large muscle on your bottom. It helps the leg straighten at the hip when you walk, run, or climb. It also helps you stand from a sitting position. Gluteus Maximus 3-5
Muscles Biceps Triceps Your biceps muscle is in the front of your upper arm. It helps you bend your elbow and rotate your arm. Your triceps muscle is in the back of your upper arm. It helps you straighten your elbow and rotate your arm. Biceps Triceps 3-5
Muscles Trapezius Deltoid Your deltoid muscle is rounded part of your shoulder and upper arm. It helps move your arm. Your trapezius muscle is on back of your neck and runs down the middle of your back to a point. It helps you tilt your head back. 5
Muscles LatissimusDorsi Gastrocnemius Your latissimusdorsimuscle located low to middle of your back. It pulls the arm backward so you can swim or row. Your gastrocnemius muscle is your calf muscle. It helps push the body forward as you walk or run. 3-5
Where are the muscles you have learned? 1. 4. 2. 3. Abdominals Biceps Pectorals Quadriceps Teacher Note: Advance to the next slide for the rest of the Muscles 3-5
Where are the muscles you have learned? 1. 4. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. Deltoids Gastrocnemius Gluteus Maximus Hamstrings LatissimusDorsi Trapezius Triceps 3-5
FITT Formula Frequency3 - 7 times per week Intensity10% beyond normal length of muscle Time 15-60 seconds, 3-5 reps (rest 30 sec between reps) Type Static stretching 5
Types of stretching Static stretch -still Ex. Bend your leg and pull your heels towards your gluteus maximus. Hold it still in the position for 10 seconds Dynamic stretch – moving Ex. Walk and with every 3rd step, bend your leg and pull your heels towards your gluteus maximus. http://learning.summitrehab.ca/media/img/344099/stretch_quads_standing.jpg
Pectoral/BicepsStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
Abdominal/CobraStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
TricepsStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
DeltoidStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
Trapezius / LatissimusDorsiStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
QuadricepsStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
HamstringsStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
GastrocnemiusStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
GluteusMaximusStretch Perform each stretch. 3-5
What stretch is this? • Triceps • Hamstring • Quadriceps C) Quadriceps
What stretch is this? A) Triceps • Triceps • Hamstring • Quadriceps
What stretch is this? • Triceps • Hamstrings • Quadriceps B) Hamstrings
What stretch is this? • Gastrocnemius • Pectoral/Biceps • Trapezius C) Trapezius
What stretch is this? A) Gastrocnemius • Gastrocnemius • Pectoral/Biceps • Trapezius
What stretch is this? • Gastrocnemius • Pectoral/Biceps • Trapezius B) Pectoral/Biceps
What stretch is this? • Gluteus Maximus • Deltoid • Abdominals C) Abdominals (Cobra)
What stretch is this? A) Gluteus Maximus • Gluteus Maximus • Deltoid • Abdominals
What stretch is this? • Gluteus Maximus • Deltoid • Abdominals B) Deltoid
Review • 3rd and 4th Grade • Why is it important to be flexible? • What is the purpose of the muscular system? • How do your muscles cause movement? • 5thGrade • How do muscles and bones work together to produce movement? • How can you become more flexible? 3-5
Flexibility – ability to bend, reach and stretch comfortably • Muscle – muscles control movement and are attached to bones • Contract – totighten a muscle • Relax – to make less tense • Joint– the place where two bones meet • Range of motion – how much a joint will allow its bones, ligaments, and tendons to move • Static stretch – a stretch that is held for a specific amount of time • Ballistic stretch – a bouncing stretch that increases the risk for muscle injuries, unless associated with a specific sport 3-5