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Hubble Science Briefing. CLASH Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble Hubble Uses Gravitational Lensing to Discover Most Distant Galaxies Dan Coe Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Science Briefing CLASH Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble Hubble Uses Gravitational Lensing to Discover Most Distant Galaxies Dan Coe Space Telescope Science Institute Dan Coe - STScI
Hubble is now observing galaxies97% of the way back to the Big Bang,during the first 500 million years Dan Coe - STScI
Previous searches for galaxies in the first 500 Myr came up short.Only one candidate was found where six were expected. This suggested a dramatic buildup in galaxy numbers. time TODAY (13.7) BIG BANG adapted from Bouwens12 see also Oesch12 Dan Coe - STScI
Previous searches for galaxies in the first 500 Myr came up short.Only one candidate was found where six were expected. This suggested a dramatic buildup in galaxy numbers. (billions .of years) time TODAY (13.7) BIG BANG then run out of gas galaxies build up (log suns / year / cubic megaparsec) adapted from Bouwens12 see also Oesch12 Dan Coe - STScI
Such dramatic evolution could havesurprising implications • Did galaxies only just start forming then?(Unlikely based on stellar masses observed later) Dan Coe - STScI
Such dramatic evolution could havesurprising implications • Not enough faint galaxies to reionizethe universe (stripping electrons from atoms)? - May require a more exotic energy source such as dark matter self-annihilation Reionization - - - + + + Robertson10 We are allmade of stars Atoms, they come together Atoms, they fall apart time – paraphrasing song lyrics by Moby Dan Coe - STScI
Two complementary programs have now identified five candidate galaxiesin the first 500 million years • UDF Ultra Deep Field (now even deeper!) • “CLASH” – using gravitational lensing from “cosmic telescopes” to magnify the distant universe Dan Coe - STScI
The Hubble Space Telescope,now in its 23rd year of operation,is more powerful and advanced than ever Servicing Mission 4 (2009) The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) was installed during Servicing Mission 4 (center white panel) Improved imaging at near-ultraviolet and near-infrared wavelengths May 2009 Dan Coe - STScI
Hubble now has four operational imagers / spectrographs • Two primary cameras: • Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) • Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) • Two spectrographs: • Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) • Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) J. HechtLaserFocusWorld Dan Coe - STScI
Hubble Multi-Cycle Treasury Program • To help realize Hubble’s full potential • First ever call for multi-year proposals • 39 programs were proposed, 3 were approved • Combined 5 months of Hubble observing time, carried out over 3 years: Fall 2010 – Fall 2013 • PHAT: stars • CANDELS: galaxies • CLASH: galaxy clusters Dan Coe - STScI
PHATPanchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury SurveyPI: Julianne Dalcanton stars region being observed with Hubble Dan Coe - STScI
PHATPanchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury SurveyPI: Julianne Dalcanton stars PHAT progress as of Nov 2012; Hubble will image 414 contiguous fields upon completion Dan Coe - STScI
CANDELSCosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy SurveyPIs: Sandra Faber & Harry Ferguson galaxies Dan Coe - STScI
CLASHCluster Lensing And Supernova survey with HubblePI: Marc Postman galaxy clusters Dan Coe - STScI
CLASHCluster Lensing And Supernova survey with HubblePI: Marc Postman Two primary goals of CLASH are to use gravitational lensing to: • Reveal dark matter, the “scaffolding” of structure formation • Magnify galaxies in the distant universe galaxy clusters Observing 25 galaxy clusters including MACS0416-24 (background) Dan Coe - STScI
Gravitational lensing in action Animation: http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1106a/ – NASA, ESA & L. Calçada Dan Coe - STScI
Gravitational lensing in action Cluster mass bends space according to Einstein’s Relativity Light follows the curved space to us like golf balls along a putting green Animation: http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1106a/ – NASA, ESA & L. Calçada Dan Coe - STScI
Strong gravitational lensing producesmultiple magnified images of distant galaxies distant galaxy observed when the universe was 900 million years old Abell 383 – NASA, ESA, J. Richard, J. P. Kneib; M. Postman Dan Coe - STScI
Gravitational Lensing Dan Coe - STScI
Wine Glass Lensing Phil Marshall Dan Coe - STScI
Most of the mass is dark matter Abell 1689 – D. Coe Dan Coe - STScI
Most of the mass is dark matter as revealed by gravitational lensing Abell 1689 – D. Coe Dan Coe - STScI
Dark matter makes up most of the stuff in the universe Everything Matter Dark Matter 82% Dark Matter 23% Dark Energy 72% Gas 15% Known 5% Stars 2% Heavy Elements 0.1% Neutrinos 1% Dan Coe - STScI
Dark Matter FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Is that like black holes? Black holes make up some of the dark matter, but not much Is Pluto a planet? Sorry, not anymore.Yes, we are redoing all the horoscopes. Dark matter may be made of particles we’ve yet to discover Dan Coe - STScI
Dark Matter FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Is that like black holes? Black holes make up some of the dark matter, but not much Is Pluto a planet? Sorry, not anymore.And yes, we are redoing all the horoscopes.* Dark matter may simply be made of particles we’ve yet to discover (the “next Higgs”) *We don’t actually do the horoscopes Dan Coe - STScI
MACS 1206-08 ZoltLevay Dan Coe - STScI
A river runs through it MACS 1206-08 ZoltLevay Dan Coe - STScI
A river runs through it MACS 1206-08 ZoltLevay Dan Coe - STScI
MACS 0647+70 Zolt Levay Dan Coe - STScI
Multiple images of strongly lensed galaxies AdiZitrin MACS 0647+70 Zolt Levay Dan Coe - STScI
Three strongly lensed images of MACS0647-JD:a candidate for the most distant galaxy yet known may have highest “redshift” yet observed z ≈ 11 Dan Coe - STScI
distant galaxy Galaxy redshifts are primarily due toexpansion of space, not Doppler shift Earth Emitted blue light… time Expanding universe stretches light to longer wavelengths …stretched to green… Redshift (z) = stretch factor minus one …then red (or even infrared) when observed ESO animation: http://www.eso.org/public/videos/redshiftv/ Dan Coe - STScI
Observed Lyman break reveals redshiftof a distant galaxy Ultraviolet light with wavelengths lower than Lyman-alpha (0.1216 μm) never reaches us These energetic photons get absorbed as they ionize / excite atoms - + redshifted galaxy light redshifted Lyman break ObservedFlux Lyman-alpha forest /Gunn-Peterson trough 0.1216(1+z) μm Wavelength Dan Coe - STScI
MACS0647-JDappears to be at redshift 11,its light traveling 13.3 billion years to reach us.During that time, the universe has expanded in size by a factor of 12,redshifting the Lyman break from 0.1216μm to 1.46μm. unprecedented number of J-band Hubble filters Ultraviolet light Visible light Infrared light Dan Coe - STScI
MACS0647-JD only appears in the two reddest Hubble filters JD = “J-band dropout” J-band 6σ 12σ 7σ 15σ 10σ 6σ Infrared light Visible light Dan Coe - STScI
MACS0647-JD is not visible in Spitzer images at longer wavelengths Hubble Spitzer This is good. Bright detections would have suggested a red less-distant galaxy as opposed to a blue more-distant galaxy. The current Spitzer images are relatively shallow. By observing deeper, we can hope to detect MACS0647-JD and measure its age and dust content (pollution level). Dan Coe - STScI
Redshifted or just red (old / dusty)? Starburst Galaxies do come in different colors, but the observed colors of MACS0647-JD can only be explained by a very distant galaxy Age Spiral Elliptical Dan Coe - STScI
MACS1149-JDz ≈ 9.6 (490 Myr)Wei Zheng et al.Nature 489, 406 Another candidatein the first 500 Myr Dan Coe - STScI
Ultra Deep Field 2012 • 2004 – ACS (optical) + NICMOS (infrared) • 2009 – WFC3/IR (better infrared) • released in 2012 as “ eXtreme Deep Field ” • 2012 – WFC3/IR over twice as deep R. Ellis Dan Coe - STScI
Ultra Deep Field 20127 candidates for galaxies observed in first 570 million years,including a new candidate for most distant galaxy known Dan Coe - STScI
Another candidate for most distant galaxy known Originally identified in 2011 by R. Bouwens who estimated z = 10.3 ± 0.8 (450 Myr) added in 2012: R. Ellis UDF12-3954-6284 z = 11.9+0.3-0.5(370 Myr after big bang) F140W F105W F160W only detected in the reddest Hubble filter Revised to z ≈ 11.9by R. Ellisbased on F140W non-detection, though they caution it may be a less distantextreme emission line galaxy Dan Coe - STScI
So what is the most distant galaxy yet known? “Mr. Hubble says that trophies are for people with self-esteem issues.” Dan Coe - STScI
Most distant galaxy candidates discovered to date Highest redshifts spectroscopically confirmed Dan Coe - STScI
UDF + CLASH provide our first views of first 500 million years,but more observations are required to constrain cosmic evolution Myr after big bang 600 400 500 1.5Gyr 1Gyr 800 Cosmic star formation rate density Ellis et al. Dan Coe - STScI
Lensing is more efficient atdiscovering the most distant galaxies lensed Log galaxies per Hubble image blank field Time required with Hubble Bright Faint Dan Coe - STScI
To lens or not to lens? “Blank” Field Lensed Unobstructed view: luminosities more certain Magnified: more efficient, detailed study We can map out thelensing dark matterwellbut not perfectly Simone Kay Dan Coe - STScI
We have decided to do both! Hubble will observe lensed and “blank” fields simultaneously in parallel. WFC3/IR ACS “blank” field cluster core h Dan Coe - STScI
Swap cameras 6 months later / earlier ACS WFC3/IR “blank” field cluster core h Dan Coe - STScI
The Frontier Fields: first 4 of 6 selected Hubble will obtain the first ever deep lensed IR images, while simultaneously observing more “blank”deep fields in parallel MACS0717+37 Abell 370 MACS0416-24 Pandora’s Cluster Abell 2744 nearly 2 months on Hubbleover 3 years: Fall 2013 – Fall 2016 observations of final 2 cluster-field pairs subject to approval dark matter gas http://www.stsci.edu/hst/campaigns/frontier-fields/ Dan Coe - STScI
The Frontier Fields will help address questions about the early universe • Do we find the numbers of galaxies we expect, or do we observe more dramatic evolution? • Were there enough galaxies to reionize the early universe? • Can we detect any pristine galaxies yet to be enriched by supernova explosions? Dan Coe - STScI