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Knowledge and territorial-resource dynamic. Younes ABOUTAIB Université Pierre Mendès France - Grenoble CREPPEM Globelics academy Ph. D School 07. Introduction. Two theoretical ideas:
Knowledge and territorial-resource dynamic Younes ABOUTAIB Université Pierre Mendès France - Grenoble CREPPEM Globelics academy Ph. D School 07
Introduction • Two theoretical ideas: • knowledge externalities in agglomeration activities is more important than the pecuniary externalities (P. Krugman) • Knowledge are diffused, acquired and created more in closed geographical area. • Two questions: • How does knowledge influence territories ? • How this knowledge are diffused, acquired and created in territories ?
What does territories mean? • This concept is an evolution of the introduction of space in economic analyses. • Standard Localization Theory (Weber, Von Thunen) • Geographical Economy (Krugman, Thisse) • Regional Science (Benko, Lipietz, Courlet, Scott, Storper, Pecqueur)
Territory • Territory referred to a place and links, where we have a special common history, social structure and institutional rules and norms. Where the actors (social, economic…) coordinate and cooperate to answer to a common problem not only economic. In this view we moved from an development for territories to an development by territories and give some tools of learning, intermediation and social organization matrix. • Territory is not closed area, but it’s open to global and local actors. Every territory is created by the combining proximity. • Geographical proximity • Institutional proximity • Organizational proximity
Characteristics of territory • Territory have different type of proximity and different combinations of this proximity determine different type of territory. (Rallet, Torre, Pecqueur, Zimmerman…) • Territory depend on his specific created resource (Pecqueur, Colletis, Kebir, Crevoisier, Maillat) • What is territorial resource? • What is the dynamic of this territorial resource?
Territory and specific-resource • « Territorialized economic development is something quite different from mere location or localization of economic activity. It consists, for our purposes, in economic activity that is dependent on territorially specific resources. These resources can range from asset specificities available only from a certain interorganizational or firm-to-market relationships that necessarily require geographical proximity, or where relations of proximity are markedly more efficient than other ways of generating these asset specificities. » (STORPER, 2000, p.43)
What about knowledge ? • Knowledge is dynamic construction incorporate continual interaction between “object” (what is known) and “subject” (who knows). Reveling his capacity of creation and production. This dynamic process has cognitive logic and institutional logic. The former involves to the learning capabilities and the latest involves to the relations and the interactions between “supports” and “contexts” (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1997; Mangolte, 1997; Nelson & Winter, 1982)
Knowledge structure • Know-what and information • Know-why and science • Know-how and competence • Know-who socio-institutional capabilities to establish relationship • Lundvall & Johnson (1994), Lundvall (1996) & l’OCDE (1996)
Types of knowledge • Codified Knowledge (R&D, Expenditure in education…) • Tacit Knowledge: is an more difficult diffusing knowledge, it’s embedded in his support. • The more important is the latest one and also the moving type of knowledge • In order to learn the tacit knowledge you have to be closed (proximity) to the “support” of this knowledge and also have frequent interaction.
Empirical study • Financial service in Casablanca (Morocco) • Why we choose this sector ? • Moroccan economy is based on the financial banking • All the private banks and some public banks is localized in closed area in Casablanca • It’s an developing sector and also opening sector • Innovation is an incremental and also organizational innovation • the six important bank in morocco: • Attijariwafabank (30% ONA, 1.4% Credit Agricole (FR)) • Credit Populaire du Maroc (Public, cooperative) • BMCE (10% CIC (FR)) • BMCI (63% BNP (FR)) • CDM (51% CA (FR), 34% Attijariwafabank) • SGMB (51% SG (FR))
Methodology • Historical analyses • Foreign bank localized in morocco near of a Casablanca harbour (market information) • Public bank sustain economy (profit about the foreign know-how) • Local and foreign bank and also a joint-venture (creating a new knowledge) • Questionnaire of banks (18) localized in this area • Reason of this localization (Proximity of our partner and competitor is very important) • Human resource and formation (mobility and common formation center)
Preliminary result and characteristics • Concentration of all the banks in 2 or 3 Km around • Two of this banks moved from far place to an closed place • High level of institutional cooperation (proximity) • GPBM (Moroccan professional bank association) • In the join-venture bank some seminar and formation done by the manager of foreign bank • High level of mobility of the employees • Organizational proximity • The same activity • Formation center (GPBM decide of the program) • The closed managerial organization
Innovation example • Prepaid credit card: combination between codified knowledge (external) and Local Tacit knowledge.