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‘Soft’ FM Category Procurement Plan Presentation for Schools October 2015

The plan aims to streamline procurement in schools, enhancing partnerships with suppliers, driving value, and improving contract governance. Objectives include LEAN solutions, supplier relationships, and cost transparency. The plan emphasizes sustainable outcomes and supporting the local economy. Engaging schools is a key focus through workshops, surveys, and stakeholder groups.

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‘Soft’ FM Category Procurement Plan Presentation for Schools October 2015

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Initiation June 2015 • ‘Soft’ FM Category Procurement Plan • Presentation for Schools • October 2015 Commitment 2016/17 Baseline July 2015 Strategy Dec 2015

  2. ‘Soft’ FM Category Plan Contents • Objectives • Scope • Spend • Governance • Timescales • Engaging schools

  3. High Level Objectives • More strategic, commercial, LEAN procurement solutions • Current solutions are fragmented, tactical frameworks with many suppliers entailing high levels of administrative effort • Fewer, longer term partnership relationships with suppliers (Corporate goal) • LEAN call-off mechanisms for schools and partners • Better take up by Schools and Partners • Current take up is low • Move to County Supplies managing the interface with schools in future for all Categories, extending current role for common use goods and services • Enable Contract Governance • No corporate ownership of the Category contracts at present • There is virtually no Supplier Relationship Management or contract management at present • Corporate goal to work with fewer suppliers, more strategically • Proactively drive value during the contract lifecycle, shift resource from admin

  4. Category Objectives (1) (Soft FM) Source: Soft FM Category Steering Group Workshop 16.6.15 • Overarching • Flexible – can grow and shrink with changing business needs • Being able to adjust to building occupancy – charging mechanisms linked to business drivers • Be able to opt in and out without penalty • Being able to support joining partners e.g. Fire • Being able to support traded/shared services – including outside Hampshire’s boundaries • Length of opportunity to partner – contract length • Value/ Performance • Best value – not necessarily cheapest – fit for purpose, evidenced of service delivery – audit trail – current audit trail is minimal • Ongoing benchmarking e.g. price per unit • KPIs • Cost transparency • Good quality, consistent Management Information, Billing arrangements, spend data • Contract Governance • Identified, appropriate and properly resourced contract management • Levels of governance – Strategic Board and operational management • Contract management on behalf of schools – escalation route • Customer relationship management – involvement in managing the contract • Need succession planning in contract management and client contacts

  5. Category Objectives (2) (Soft FM) Source: Soft FM Category Steering Group Workshop 16.6.15 • Partners/traded services • Demonstrate to schools why they would buy from the contract • Continue assurance in HCC procurement arrangements to schools/partners • Needs to be sold to existing and new customers • Recognise the level of support needed to many clients, it is secondary to what the clients do • Need succession planning in contract management and client contacts • Consistent financial models across clients • High client satisfaction, High take-up by schools and partners • Process • Process simple and transparent for call-off • Minimum administration under the contract • Route to sort out problems quickly and effectively • If we do have call-off, manageable call-off – appropriate no. of bidders • LEAN call-off processes, Appropriate use of Procurement Resource • Sustainability • Commitment to equality and diversity • Sustainability outcomes – Environmental, Social, Economic • Support the local economy through the supply chain

  6. Soft FM (premises related) Category Scope Hierarchy of Key Areas Interface with Corporate Services Category Interface with Hard FM Category

  7. Minor areas of spend in scope Low value spend lines which are in scope – we will need to consider whether corporate procurement solutions are needed

  8. Minor areas of spend in scope Low value spend lines which are in scope – we will need to consider whether corporate procurement solutions are needed

  9. Soft FM Category Procurement Steering GroupTerms of Reference

  10. Timescales • Initial Workshops with Steering Group inc. school reps June 2015 • Survey with Schools July-Oct 2015 • Further workshops with Steering Group Oct, Nov 2015 • Children’s Services/Schools engagement Oct, Nov 2015 • Proposals to Corporate Board MMG Dec 2015 • Member Approval and commence Sourcing early 2016 • Next generation procurement solutions implemented mid-2017

  11. Engaging Schools • Schools representation at Steering Group Workshops • Survey with Schools • Attending existing meetings and forums • Schools comms to follow • Stakeholder Group with representatives from schools and other Children’s Services establishments

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