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Scannable & Web Résumés

Scannable & Web Résumés. Scannable Résumés. Tips for Scannable Résumés. Use smooth white paper Avoid folding and stapling Put your name on the first line of the first page Put each phone number on a separate line. Overall. Tips for Scannable Résumés, continued.

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Scannable & Web Résumés

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  1. Scannable & Web Résumés

  2. Scannable Résumés

  3. Tips for Scannable Résumés • Use smooth white paper • Avoid folding and stapling • Put your name on the first line of the first page • Put each phone number on a separate line Overall Scannable & Web Résumés

  4. Tips for ScannableRésumés,continued • Remove all your formatting • Use plenty of white space • Use as many pages as necessary • Avoid double columns Format Scannable & Web Résumés

  5. Tips for ScannableRésumés,continued • Use 12- to 14- point fonts • Use standard sans serif typeface (examples: Arial, Helvetica, and Tahoma) • Avoid unusual typefaces, underlining, & graphics • Avoid fonts that have touching letters Fonts Scannable & Web Résumés

  6. Tips for ScannableRésumés,continued • Use key words appropriate to your field • Use industry buzzwords • Be specific & quantifiable • Use abbreviations carefully • Use nouns. Some systems don’t handle verbs well • Use common headings such as Summary of Qualifications, Strengths, Certifications. etc. Language Scannable & Web Résumés

  7. For More Information on ScannableRésumés Visit: http://www.provenresumes.com/reswkshps/electronic/scnres.html Scannable & Web Résumés

  8. Web Résumés

  9. Creating a web résumé • Include an e-mail link at the top of the page under your name • Omit street address & phone • Consider having links under your name and e-mail to other parts of your résumé • Consider having links to other pages that give more information about you Scannable & Web Résumés

  10. Creating a webrésumé, continued • Put strongest qualifications immediately after your name & e-mail • Specify the job you want • List city and state for educational institutions and employers • Use lists, indentations, & white spaceto create visual variety Scannable & Web Résumés

  11. Remember: The purpose of any résumé is to get an interview. Scannable & Web Résumés

  12. Link to PowerPoint on Application Letters • Link to PowerPoint on Résumés Scannable & Web Résumés

  13. Scannable & Web Résumés

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