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January 22 nd & 23 rd ,2011 Virginia Beach, VA LAST CATN till REVISION Sponsored by Tidewater ENA. CATN-II
January 22nd & 23rd ,2011 Virginia Beach, VA LAST CATN till REVISION Sponsored by Tidewater ENA
CATN-II The Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing: A conceptual approach to injury and illness is a program designed to expand trauma nursing knowledge and enhance complex decision-making skills. Advanced trauma nursing is based on physiologic principles and human responses to injury and illness. The nurse applies critical decision-making to optimally impact the outcome of critically injured/ill patients. CATN-II concepts correlate broad psychophysiologic and pathophysiologic processes to specific clinical problems. CATN-II is designed to meet the diverse needs of nurses practicing in a variety of settings and at various points along the continuum of trauma care. Topics Presented: Scientific Foundations, Oxygenation & Gas Transport, Transport and Perfusion, Consciousness, Host Defense, Mobility & Sensation, Pain, Professional Practice Issues, Critical Decision-making in Trauma Nursing Course Structure: CATN-II is intended to be a continuing education offering. This course uses case studies and group discussions/interaction to teach the concepts and clinical decision-making Credit Hours: Course participants will receive 13 CECH through ENA. Participants: It is recommended that RN participants have at least two years of emergency, trauma or critical care experience. TNCC verification is encouraged but not required. There is NO written exam with this course, only interactive group scenarios. THIS WILL BE LAST CATN –II class until 3rd edition and Newly revised ACEN comes out in 2012 Registration/Fees: ENA members: $200.00 All others: $250.00 Registration fees include course manual, Lunch, breaks, and CECH. Registration is limited to 24 participants. NO spaces will be held without registration fees. Registration deadline is January 7, 2011 Call early for Hotel reservations in Va Beach, the VBGH HEC building is only 10 minutes from the oceanfront!!!! Location: Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital HEC(Health Education Center) 1060 First Colonial Road Virginia Beach, Va 23454 For Hotel info Contact Cathy Fox Closest Airport: Norfolk, Va For further information please contact one of the VA CATN course directors: Cathy Fox 757-434-2782 CATN-II Registration Form January 22 &23, 2011 Virginia Beach, VA 8:00-4:30 Name____________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone______________________ Employer______________________ Employer Address _________________ __________________________________________________________________ Work Phone______________________ E-Mail:__________________________ ENA member: Yes_____ No_____ ENA member number______________ (ENA number must be included to receive discounted registration) Please return this form by: January 7, 2011 with payment (made payable to Tidewater ENA) to: Cathy Fox RN CEN CPEN 1016 Hollins College Court Virginia Beach, Va 23455 cfoxerrn@vabch.comccfox@sentara.com Home: 757-473-1704 Work:757-395-8079 Cell 757-434-2782