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Explore the world of programming with Scratch! Learn the fundamentals of writing, testing, and maintaining source code to create unique computer programs. Develop problem-solving skills and attention to detail while having fun with practical exercises. Understand statements, Boolean expressions, conditions, loops, variables, threads, and events through engaging projects like Cat Walk, Tweak a Game, and Your First Game. Enhance your programming knowledge and creativity in this beginner-friendly course.
Intro to Programming Algebra-Geometry
Computer Programming? • What is programming? • The process of writing, testing, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. • Telling the computer what to do • Why learn to program? • Develops logic and problem-solving skills • Improves attention to detail • It’s fun!
But I’m Not a Geek! • Until recently, programming required knowledge of computer language syntax
Anyone Can Program! • New tools, like Scratch, allow ANYONE to create computer programs without learning complicated syntax.
Programming with Scratch • Open Scratch from either the desktop icon or Start Menu
Homework • Make sure you have the latest version of Scratch installed on your Tablet PC • Finish working through the Scratch Getting Started Guide • Feel free to experiment and explore!
Scratch Syntax: Part 1 Algebra-Geometry
Statements • In programming, a statement is simply a directive that tells the computer to do something. Think of it as a command or an instruction. • In Scratch, any block whose label reads like a command is a statement.
Boolean Expressions • Sometimes, you only want a statement to be executed under certain conditions. Such conditions are defined in terms of Boolean expressions. • In programming, a Boolean expression is an expression that is either true or false. In Scratch, any block shaped like an elongated diamond is a Boolean expression.
Boolean Expressions • One such block is: After all, it is either true that the mouse button is down or it is false. • Another such block is: After all, it is either true that some number is less than another number or it is false. • With Boolean expressions can we construct conditions.
Conditions • In programming, a condition is something that must be true in order for something to happen. • A condition is thus said to "evaluate to true" or "evaluate to false." • In Scratch, any block whose label says "if," "when," or "until" is a sort of conditional construct.
Conditions • If Construct: Instruct a sprite to say hello only if, say, the user has depressed the mouse button: • If-Else Construct: Instruct a sprite to say hello or goodbye, depending on whether the user has depressed the mouse button:
Conditions • When Construct: Instruct a sprite to do something when an event occurs: • When Construct: Instruct a sprite to wait to do something until a condition is true:
Loops • In programming, a loop can induce multiple executions of statements. • In Scratch, any block whose label begins with "forever" or "repeat" is a looping construct.
Follow Me Follow Me applet
Homework • Complete the Cat Walk Project • You may wish to use the Scratch Reference Guide and the Programming Concepts Handout as resources • Completed projects need to be submitted via Interact by the due date.
Scratch Syntax: Part 2 Algebra-Geometry
Variables • In programming, a variable is a placeholder for some value, much like x and y are popular variables in algebra. • In Scratch, variables are represented with blocks shaped like elongated circles, uniquely labeled by you.
Threads • In programming, a thread is like a mini-program within a program that can execute at the same time as other threads. • In Scratch, any block whose label begins with "when" essentially demarks the start of a thread.
Events • An event is a signal from one thread to another. • Blocks whose labels begin with "broadcast" signal events whereas blocks whose labels begin with "when" handle events.
Pac Man and Pong • Games like Pac Man use Threads • A Variablecould be added to Pong
Homework • Complete the Tweak a Game Project • Remember that the video tutorials can be very helpful • Completed projects need to be submitted via Interact by the due date. Don’t forget to include your brief written summary!
Scratch Syntax: Your First Game Algebra-Geometry
Adding a Level • Levels can be added using threads and events.
Homework • Complete the Your First Game Project • You may wish to use the Copter Game and Levels program as resources • Completed projects need to be submitted via Interact by the due date.