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Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (S.T.A.N.D.)

Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (S.T.A.N.D.). Standnow.org and genocide intervention net Structure: Core group and general body One large group that will split into subcommittees for each individual event (such as fundraising, lobbying, publicity, event set up,…)

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Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (S.T.A.N.D.)

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  1. Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (S.T.A.N.D.) • Standnow.org and genocide intervention net • Structure: Core group and general body • One large group that will split into subcommittees for each individual event (such as fundraising, lobbying, publicity, event set up,…) • Media contact, community groups, religious groups

  2. GOALS/NEXT MEETING • Raise awareness around town • Raise money for survivors in refugee camps • Establish a media contact, establish contacts with local officials (school, community, religious, etc…), Find local sponsors for events • Increase community participation • Designate one person to send out emails, one person to keep up with current events and STAND updates. • Plan first event (Lobbying day, vigil, rally, benefit performance)

  3. VITAL STATISTICS • Over 400,000 INNOCENT civilians killed since 2003, 500 continue to die a day • Over 2.5 million Darfurians displaced • Over 4.5 million are hungry • and more than 250,000 survivors are living in make-shift refugee camps, still fighting for their lives, a large number children

  4. CURRENT SITUATION • Increased attacks on refugee camps • Tension between Chad and Sudan • Darfur Peace Agreement-, 2006 • Increased tensions as Sudan declared they will refuse the presence of UN troops • AU declared it will end its mission on Sept. 30 • Rival rebel groups continue to fight

  5. CURRENT LEGISLATION • DC to Darfur lobbying weekend in Washington and HR 723 (No flying zone in Darfur, 173 million dollars, NATO bridging force) • HR 723 has gained 50 co-sponsors since that weekend plus Congress granted an additional 173 million dollars to the African Union. • Needed legislation-international support, need for accountability, funding, UN troops • Problems-China and Russia have political and economic interests in Sudan, lack of funding and international pressure, easily swayed AU troops, size of country v. size of AU, no protection and horrible conditions for refugees, possible war with Chad

  6. SITUATION IN REFUGEE CAMPS • Disease and malnutrition • Over crowding • Lack of water, food and medical attention • Orphans • Attacks • Limited access for aid organizations • Lack of education

  7. Insert 10 images from the hyperlinks provided on slides 13 and 14.

  8. EFFORTS AT UNC • Dinner for Darfur • Spotlight Sudan • Weekly Vigils • Lobbying days (call ins, letter campaigns, email power hours)

  9. ADDITIONAL SOURCES • http://genocideinterventionfund.org • http://stand.org • http://www.savedarfur.org/ • Holocaust museum – http://ushmm.org • http://www.unc.edu/sudan • http://www.darfurgenocide.org/ • http://www.unwatch.org • http://hrw.org/ • http://africaaction.org/index.php • http://allafrica.org/ • http://witness.org/ • http://darfurinfo.org/

  10. YOU DO THE MATH 5 AM, a typical day begins in a refugee camp. Women must leave the camp to retrieve water, where they are often brutally attacked, whipped, and raped. Men do not go because they would be killed. Sometimes, it is the children who must go. 110 DEGREES is the typical daytime temperature in the shade-less camps 200,000 REFUGEES currently living in camps 30 NEW refugees enter each camp every day 1,000 NEW refugees enter each camp per month ½ of the CHILDREN in the camps have no access to any education 3,500,000 HUNGRY people due to the Darfur conflict 2,500,000 CITIZENS displaced from their homes, villages torched by the Sudanese military and Janjaweed 20,000 INHABITANTS per refugee camp 300,000 MORE predicted by USAID to die from lack of food, the death toll of children due to malnutrition is especially predicted to increase 432,329 DISPLACED in West Darfur 320,906 DISPLACED in North Darfur 233,138 DISPLACED in South Darfur. The rest are in Chad. 10,000 DEATHS per month 70,000 DEATHS from disease and hunger alone, once refugees are in a camp 400,000 DEAD, and counting, from the Darfur conflict (there are 27,000 students at UNC. Multiply our campus by 15) __+__________________________________________________________________________ WE STOPPED ADDING. Any number beyond 0 is a number too many.

  11. A FINAL WORD AND WHY WE SHOULD CARE • “The bottom line is that genocide is the worst thing that humans can do to each other. It tears at the fabric of humanity. And the only way that we here, in the US, can assert our own humanity is to stand up to genocide, even a distant one. To look the other way as babies are tossed onto bonfires, because of their skin color and tribe, is an abdication of our own citizenship in our species.” -Nicholas Kristof: A Response on Darfur

  12. Ashley Kroetsch, southeast@standnow.orghttp://standnow.org/chapter • Picture on slide 3, bottom left-http://www.thewe.cc/thewei/&/images3/darfur/village_burnt_4.jpe • Slide 3, top right-http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40427000/jpg/_40427803_refugee203bodyap.jpg • Slide 7, bottom right- http://www.mchekc.org/Assets/pictures/darfur.jpg • Slide 7, bottom left- http://caxton.stockton.edu/STAND/Crisis • Slide 7, top right- http://www.theepochtimes.com/news_images/2004-7-28-28-darfur-refugees.jpg • Slide 8, top left- collage from http://www.ushmm.org/conscience/alert/darfur/steidle/ • Slide 8, top middle- http://www.sudan.net/graphic/news/conflict/darfur/chad_sudan_refugees_malnourished.jpg

  13. Slide 8, top right- http://www1.ushmm.org/conscience/alert/darfur/steidle/photos/08.jpg • Slide 8, bottom left- http://www.alertnet.org/thefacts/imagerepository/TDchildrencamp238.jpg • Slide 8, Middle on left side- http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.satyamag.com/sat.site.images/darfor_nov04.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.satyamag.com/nov04/flint.html&h=263&w=360&sz=31&hl=en&sig2=1BYuzEZfAq8tppuJ_ZKSEg&start=104&tbnid=lLYcV9do1H2I9M:&tbnh=88&tbnw=121&ei=ILI9RbaYG7_y6QGW5PmIAQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddarfur%2Brefugees%26start%3D100%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN • Slide 8, 4 pictures bottom right- • http://www.brendoman.com/media/Darfur.jpg • Slide 8, bottom middle- http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/06/photogalleries/darfur/images/primary/darfur6_gallery.jpg

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