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November 13 th -15 th , 2004, KEK, Japan. New Bunch Compressors for ILC. Yujong Kim , K. Floettmann, and T. Limberg DESY Hamburg, Germany Dongchul Son and Y. Kim The Center for High Energy Physics, Daegu, Korea. TESLA-S2E-2004-47. Yujong.Kim@DESY.de, http://www.desy.de/~yjkim.
November13th-15th, 2004, KEK, Japan New Bunch Compressors for ILC Yujong Kim, K. Floettmann, and T. Limberg DESY Hamburg, Germany Dongchul Son and Y. Kim The Center for High Energy Physics, Daegu, Korea TESLA-S2E-2004-47 Yujong.Kim@DESY.de, http://www.desy.de/~yjkim
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Bunch Compressor in TESLA TDR BC Parameters Energy ~ 5.0 GeV Charge = 3.2 nC Initial energy spread at DR exit = 0.13% Initial rms bunch length = 6 mm Final rms bunch length = 0.3 mm Compression factor = 20 Initial horizontal emittance = 8.0 mm.mrad Initial vertical emittance = 0.02 mm.mrad - One stage : sensitive to RF jitter - Many dipoles : twelve for 3.23 deg bending six for 6.46 deg bending - ISR & CSR problem, even microbunching instability - Short-range wakefields in TESLA modules are not included in TDR BC part
ACC5 ACC6 TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New BC Layout for ILC (10NOV04 Version) Initial parameters E = 5.000 GeV = 0.13% (small !) z=6.0 mm nx= 8.0 m, ny= 0.02 m 1/8.9 1/2.2 z=6.00 mm 673 m 300 m Q=3.2 nC e-beam BC1 BC2 ACC2 ACC1 ACC3 ACC4 ACC39 Damping Ring E = 5.689 GeV ~ 2.4% R56 = 236 mm = 5.3 deg E = 6.0 GeV ~ 2.174% R56 ~ 17 mm ~ 1.4 deg 13.3 MV/m -21.5 deg 24.8 MV/m 170.0 deg 23.4 MV/m -45 deg Up to main Linac : ELEGANT with CSR, ISR, and geometric short-range wakefields. but without space charge Final parameters E = 6.0 GeV = 2.173% z=300 m nx= 8.7 m, ny= 0.02 m
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulations and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Twiss parameters along BC beamline
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Longitudinal phase space around modules Head
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Longitudinal phase space around BC1 Linearization by two ACC39 modules (3.9 GHz)
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Longitudinal phase space around BC2 Edges : over (or under)compression by the nonearlity due to wakefieds, T566, RF curvature
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Longitudinal phase space around BC2 Edges : over (or under)compression by the nonearlity due to wakefieds, T566, RF curvature
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages.
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages. 8.9 times reduction 2.2 times reduction
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages. 8.7 mm.mrad
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages. Before BC1 After BC2
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages. Before BC1 After BC2
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New Bunch Compressors Layout for ILC From various experiences in Start-To-End simulation and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, PAL XFEL, we have chosen two BC stages. Before BC1 After BC2
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Summary From various experiences in Start-To-End simulations and BC designs for TTF2, European XFEL, SCSS, and PAL XFEL projects, we have chosen two BC stages, we have designed one possible new BC layout for ILC. Detail design methods will be discussed during discussion time. Checking of possibility of 2nd harmonic modules (2.6 GHz) We should check end effects by simulating from gun to damping ring. See next pages, which are related with discussion.
Tail Head from precompressor linac from chicane TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Bunch Compressor (BC) Working Principle Bunch Compressor Layout for SCSS Project - Y. Kim et al, NIMA 528 (2004) 421 dE dt
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) in BC In BC where dispersion is nonzero, bunch length becomes smaller. Short electron bunches in dipole can radiate coherently (CSR) at wavelength CSR from tail electrons can overtakes head electrons after the overtaking length. CSR generates correlated energy spread along bunch: Electrons are transversely kicked at the nonzero dispersion region or in BC Hence, projected emittance is increased in BC due to CSR. LOT Tail Head CSR from tail Electron path Dipole region
Projected emittance growth due to CSR TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) in BC Courtesy of M. Dohlus Without CSR self-interaction Head with lower energy DM1 DM2 DM3 DM4 With CSR self-interaction Head : energy gain by CSR x Tail : energy loss due to CSR z
If there is a nonlinearity in current distribution, the local charge concentration or spike is generated during the bunch compression process. In this case, CSR is enhanced due to the local charge concentration. (R. Li, LINAC2000) Courtesy of Dr. R. Li [Longitudinal Charge Distribution and CSR force for a compressed bunch] TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider CSR Wakefield for None Uniform Beams
14.3 GeV at undulator entrance [x versus z without SC-wiggler] 230 fsec [x versus z with SC-wiggler] TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider LCLS CSR Microbunching Instability in BCs Courtesy of P. Emma and M. Borland slice emittance and energy spread are changed ! projected emittance growth is simply ‘steering’ of bunch head and tail 0.5 m ELEGANT Tracking slice emittance is not altered without space charge force
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Action of Longitudinal Space Charge (LSC) If there is a density modulation, space charge pushes electrons from higher density region to lower density region, creating energy modulation in the process. Density modulation Energy modulation Space charge oscillation frequency (Z. Huang et al, PRST-AB Volume 7, 074401, 2004):
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Gain of LSC Microbunching Instability – 1D Gain of LSC Microbunching Instability Z is intergrated LSC impedance.(Schneidmiller et al, TESLA-FEL-2003-02). Here amplitude damping due to emittance and 2D model are ignored ! 1-D longitudinal space charge impedance (LSC) per unit length & oscillation frequency are: (Z. Huang et al, PRST-AB Volume 7, 074401, 2004).
by longitudinal space charge force (LSC) in the drift & linac by coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the bunch compressor by the geometric wakefields in Linac Slice emittance Projected emittance Slice energy spread Growth !!! dzf = dzi +R56(dE/E)i in BC Amplified current density modulation TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider LSC & CSR Microbunching Instability Induced energy modulation Initial current density modulation
σz =2.09 mm 339 µm 67 µm BYPASS BC2 BC3 ACC39 RF-GUN ACC1 ACC2 ACC3 ACC4 ACC5 ACC6 LOLA COLLIMATOR SEEDING UNDULATOR E = 120.9 MeV R56 = 169.9 mm σδ= 1.03% Θ= 17.5 deg E = 437.9 MeV R56 = 48.7 mm σδ= 0.57% Θ= 3.8 deg DUMP TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Microbunching Instability at TTF2 Analytically estimated maximum gain is about 320 at ~ 2.0 ps Beam energy : 1.0 GeV (2006) Peak current : 2.5 kA rms bunch length : 50 μm ~ 166 fs Bunch separation : 111 ns Number of bunch per train : 7200 Repetition rate : 10 Hz Slice transverse normalized rms emittance : 2 μm rms beam size : 68 μm rms energy spread : 1 MeV @ 1.0 GeV Undulator period : 27.3 mm Undulator gap : 12 mm K-parameter : 1.17 Undulator length : ~ 30 m Peak magnetic field : 0.495 T SASE source wavelength : 6.4 nm ~ 120 nm Saturation length : 27 m Peak power : 2.8 GW Average power : 40 W (Schneidmiller et al, TESLA-FEL-2003-02) FEL pulse length (FWHM) : ca. 100 fs Peak (average) spectral brightness : 2.4×1030 (3.5×1022) photons/sec/mrad2/mm2/0.1%BW
σz =2.09 mm 339 µm 67 µm BYPASS BC2 BC3 ACC39 RF-GUN ACC1 ACC2 ACC3 ACC4 ACC5 ACC6 LOLA COLLIMATOR SEEDING UNDULATOR E = 120.9 MeV R56 = 169.9 mm σδ= 1.03% Θ= 17.5 deg E = 437.9 MeV R56 = 48.7 mm σδ= 0.57% Θ= 3.8 deg DUMP gain projected emittance slice emittance TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider New S2E Simulations on TTF2 Microbunching 2.0 ps modulation with 1.5 million particles (Yujong Kim et al, EPAC2004) Gain of Microbunching Instability at TTF2 is not so high !!!
Strong slice emittance growth !!! No strong slice emittance growth !!! 4-bends normal chicane 6-bends S-type chicane TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider BC Design Concepts against Microbunching Under 2.0 ps modulation with 20% amplitude, S-type chicane generates much stronger microbunching instability after BC3 Therefore, we choose the normal 4-bend chicane instead of S-type chicane !
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider BC Design Concepts against Microbunching Strong compression at BC1 to increase uncorrelated energy spread at BC2. Large uncorrelated energy spread at BC2 by putting the BC2 at a lower energy region, which is useful to avoid over-compression at BC2 due to long. wakefields. BC for Phase-I of SCSS Project (Before BC) (After BC) To keep longitudinal normalized emittance during compression, uncorrelated energy spread is automatically increased by the compression factor.If we consider space charge force in BC, this is bigger ! (Private communication with M. Dohlus)
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects • Choosing a somewhat larger energy spread, we can choose a smaller R56 • Choosing a long drift space ΔL to reduce bending angle for a required R56 European XFEL (10AUG04 Version)
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects • Linearization of longitudinal phase space with a higher harmonic cavity “-” means deceleration ! Linearized range ~ 60 degree ~ 29.2 ps ~ 3.7 times of 8 ps bunch -70 MeV deceleration Only C-band Linac C-band Linac + X-band Correction Cavity SCSS BC Y. Kim et al, NIMA 528 (2004) 421
Longer bunch length at BC1 Weaker CSR at BC1 Stronger compression at BC1 • Shorter bunch length at BC2 Stronger CSR at BC2 Weaker compression at BC2 TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects European XFEL (10AUG04 Version) BC1 : 1.76 µm → 94 µm Compression factor = 18.7 BC2 : 94 µm → 21.5 µm Compression facto = 4.4
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects • Strong focusing lattice around BCs to reduce CSR induced emittance growth Strong focusing against CSR -functions ~ 0 -functions~ 3 Before BC1 After BC1
after L2 after BC2 TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects • Shorter linac with a lower frequency between BC1 and BC2 to control over- compression and CSR at BC2 due to the short-range longitudinal wake fields. BC2 for LCLS Courtesy of P. Emma Over-compression after BC2 due to longitudinal wakefields in the long L2 linac
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Concepts against CSR & Chromatic Effects • Small quadrupole length (shortest = 5 cm) around BCs to reduce chromatic effects. Triplet with 5cm-10cm-5cm length for TTF2 BC2
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider BCs for European XFEL (13JAN04 Version) With TESLA XFEL Injector, n= 0.9 m z=1.76 mm 113 m 23 m Q=1.0 nC e-beam BC1 BC2 ACC2 ACC39 RF-GUN ACC1 ACC3 ACC4 ACC5 ACC6 E = 510 MeV ~ 1.89% R56 = 87 mm = 3.95 deg E = 510 MeV ~ 1.88% R56 = 4.8 mm = 0.93 deg 20.65 MV/m 0.0 deg 20.5 MV/m -29.6 deg 34.8 MV/m 160.6 deg 11.5 MV/m 25.0 MV/m -18.3 deg 60 MV/m 38 deg ASTRA with Space Charge To the end of Linac : ELEGANT with CSR with geometric wakefields without space charge 0.0 m 12.0444 m z=20.5 m FODO MODULES 1567 m UNDULATOR, 200 m ACC7 ACC8 ACC9 ACC118 All projected parameters ! E = 20.0 GeV = 0.008% x= 37.3 m, y= 31.6 m,z=20.5 m nx= 1.15 m, ny= 0.94 m 20.65 MV/m 0.0 deg
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Longitudinal Phase Space (13JAN04 Version)
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Slice Parameters at LINAC END (13JAN04) u = 4.8E-5 before BC2, which is about four times higher than that of TTF2 Therefore we are safe from the strongest microbunching with 2.0 ps period.
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Slice Parameters at LINAC END (13JAN04) No slice emittance growth in core ! RED : before BC1 BLUE : LINAC END
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider BCs for LCLS Without any laser heater and SC-wiggler, u = 3.0E-6 before BC-2 Laser Heater to give u = 9.0E-5 at the undulator entrance SC-wiggler to give u = 3.0E-5 before BC-2 6 MeV rf gun Linac-X L =0.6 m Linac-3 L =550 m new Linac-1 L =9 m Linac-2 L =330 m Linac-0 L =6 m 14.1 GeV undulator L =130 m 21-1b 21-1d 21-3b 24-6d 25-1a 30-8c X ...existing linac BC-1 L =6 m BC-2 L =22 m DL-1 L =12 m DL-2 L =66 m 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.54 GeV Over-compression at BC2 due to strong longitudinal wakefield at long L2 linac. Strong CSR at BC2 due to low compression at BC1 and high compression at BC2 High beam energy at BC2 Strong microbunching instability due to small uncorrelated energy spread at BC2
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider LCLS BC Performance Courtesy of P. Emma Compression factor at BC 1 ~ 4.4 Compression factor at BC2 ~ 8.6 → Strong CSR at BC2
after L2 after BC2 ~3.2 µm BC2 Courtesy of P. Emma TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider LCLS BC Performance Even though projected emittance is large, slice emittance is good enough for SASE source saturation when laser heater is operated well. projected emittance along linac without any heater
Existing PLS Linac New Linac & BCs Existing PLS Linac TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider BCs for PAL XFEL (05DEC03 Version) With S-band Photoinjector, n= 0.9 m z=829 m 114 m 26 m Q=1.0 nC e-beam BC1 K3 X2 X2X X3 BC2 K2 X1 RF-GUN E = 442 MeV ~ 1.84% R56 = 38.9 mm = 3.5 deg E = 700 MeV ~ 1.31% R56 = 6.7 mm = 1.45 deg 30.0 MV/m -45.0 deg 20.0 MV/m 0.0 deg 30.0 MV/m -27.5 deg 56.75 MV/m 180.0 deg 18.0 MV/m 30.5 MV/m 5.5/-2.5 deg 120 MV/m 32.02 deg ASTRA with Space Charge To the end of Linac : ELEGANT with CSR with geometric wakefields without space charge 0.0 m 8.7 m z=26 m 227 m UNDULATOR, ~ 60 m K4 K5 K6 K12 All projected parameters ! E = 3.389 GeV = 0.033% x= 68 m, y= 62 m,z=26 m nx= 1.0 m, ny= 0.9 m 20.0 MV/m 0.0 deg
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Parameters along PAL XFEL Linac No slice emittance growth in core ! Projected emittance RED : before BC1 BLUE : LINAC END 1.0 µm
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Slice Parameters at PAL XFEL LINAC END
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider 1st BC Performance Comparison ASTRA simulation and measured result give about 4.0 keV intial uncorrelated energy spread. LCLSTESLA XFELPAL XFEL BC type Two StageOne StageTwo Stage Beam energy 250 MeV 511 MeV 442 MeV Relative energy spread 1.78% 1.89% 1.84% Uncorrelated energy spread Bending angle 4.62 deg3.95 deg 3.5 deg Momentum compaction R56 35.9 mm87 mm38.9 mm Total chicane length 6.56 m20.0 m 12.2 m Dipole length 0.20 m 0.30 m 0.30 m Drift length ΔL 2.6 m8.9 m 5.0 m Initial rms bunch length 0.83 mm1.76 mm0.82 mm Final rms bunch length 190 m113 m 114 m Compression factor 4.4 15.6 7.2 Initial projected emittance 0.900 m 0.907 m0.900 m Final projected emittance 0.995 m 1.020 m1.010 m Initial uncorrelated energy spread is rms value which is estimated at +/- 0.1 mm core region
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider 2nd BC Performance Comparison Initial uncorrelated energy spread at BC2 is increased after compression atBC1 LCLSTESLA XFELPAL XFEL BC type Two StageOne StageTwo Stage Beam energy 4.54 GeV511 MeV 700 MeV Relative energy spread 0.76%1.88% 1.31% Uncorrelated energy spread Bending angle 1.878 deg0.930 deg1.450 deg Momentum compaction R56 22.5 mm4.8 mm 6.7 mm Total chicane length 22.1 m20.0 m 12.2 m Dipole length 0.40 m 0.30 m 0.30 m Drift length ΔL 10.0 m 8.9 m5.0 m Initial rms bunch length 195 m113 m 114 m Final rms bunch length 22 m 20.5 m 26 m Compression factor 8.865.5 4.38 Initial projected emittance 0.995 m 1.020 m1.010 m Final projected emittance 2.725 m (SW on) 1.200 m 1.116 m All uncorrelated energy spread is estimated at +/-0.1 mm core region and without any heater !
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Optimized BCs for various XFEL Projects PAL XFEL (21JUL04 Version) by Yujong Kim European XFEL (10AUG04 Version) by Yujong Kim
TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator Projects - TTF-2, TESLA X-ray FEL, TESLA Linear Collider Optimized BCs for various XFEL Projects 6 GeV SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (30SEP04 Version) by Yujong Kim