Welcome Back New & Returning Families! Hello, my name is Stephanie Haas and I am the new Site Director at Bay View CKC. I am really happy to be here at Bay View and to get started with the new school year! We also have new teacher Jamie from Delaveaga Elementary CKC. Take a moment to learn about us on our parent bulletin board under “Staff Bios!” You will also find some helpful information such as our snack menu, daily schedule, and any upcoming events or news. On behalf of Jamie and myself we are so excited to be a part of this awesome community. We very committed to creating a safe and positive environment for your children to learn, grow and have fun. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk with us. -Bay View CKC staff Important Info *It is very important you notify us if your child will not be attending their assigned day, whether they are out sick or have a play date! Please Call (831)427-1667 *Please Let us know if someone other than a parent will be picking up from CKC and that person has their I.D. and they are on the pick up list *Don’t forget to sign your child in/out everyday Important Dates Monday, Sept. 1st- No CKC Labor Day Holiday Bay View CKCNewsletter Theme of the Month Our theme for this month is “Friendship and Family.” We want to focus on creating positive and respectful relationships. Part of our daily curriculum will be based on getting to know each other’s hobbies and interests, games and activities that build trust and respect for one another and understanding what it means to be a good friend! We also want the kids to take part in the decoration of our classroom. So look for colorful murals and fun art projects to be displayed around the room! Homework Club We offer homework club to all students M-Th @4:15-4:45. If you would like your child to work on their homework , please fill out the homework club contract or ask Stephanie.