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Who do you think had the advantage at the start of the war?

Who do you think had the advantage at the start of the war?. Why?. Were most Americans in support of the war?. What is this cartoon All about?. 1. What is this a picture of? A. Snake/serpent 2. What makes up the snake/serpent? A. segments or states Which states are mentioned?

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Who do you think had the advantage at the start of the war?

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  1. Who do you think had the advantage at the start of the war? Why?

  2. Were most Americans in support of the war?

  3. What is this cartoon All about? • 1. What is this a picture of? • A. Snake/serpent • 2. What makes up the snake/serpent? • A. segments or states • Which states are mentioned? • A. South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, New England • 3. What is the purpose of this cartoon? • A. Rally support for revolt/breaking free from Great Britain • A. Present a unified from against the British

  4. Colonial Forces • 230,000 soldiers served in the Continental Army • 145,000 enlisted in local militias • Poorly paid • Young (<16) • Harsh conditions • Keeping soldiers dedicated and motivated

  5. Colonial ForcesAdvantages • Fought for a cause they believed in • Lives, property and dream of liberty • Got help from European nations • Loans and military aid • Understanding of the landscape • Leadership that learned from their mistakes

  6. Colonial ForcesDisadvantages • Untrained soldiers • Poorly equipped soldiers (lack of supplies) • Small navy • Low pay • Many soldiers < 16 (inexperienced) • Keeping dedicated soldiers

  7. British Forces • 60,000 British and German (Hessian) troops • 10,000 Loyalists • Professional Army • Experienced • Motivation?

  8. British ForcesAdvantages • Well-trained soldiers • Well-equipped soldiers • Large, powerful Navy • Ability to control the coast

  9. British ForcesDisadvantages • Atlantic Ocean • Mercenaries as soldiers (costs $ and lack of motivation) • Overconfident/arrogant leadership • Unable to survey the geography (lack of knowledge for the landscape)

  10. Who are these men? What is interesting about this picture?

  11. African Americansin War • Fought on both sides • Slaves with guns? • Worried slave owners (possible revolts) • Few states allowed African Americans to join state militias

  12. African Americansin War • Freedom? • British governor offered freedom to any slave joining the Redcoats • Slaves fled their station to join the British • Continental Army opened up its ranks to African Americans • 5,000 served in the Continental Army hoping for independence and greater equality

  13. A Woman’s Role? • Home • Making bullets, clothes, blankets • Raising money for supplies • Spying • Protected their homes w/ pitchforks and muskets • Front lines • Recruit soldiers • Warn of British movements or attacks • “Molly Pitcher”

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