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While the existing monitoring network for groundwater is sufficient in quantity, comprehensive development is needed to improve quality. Initial design of enhanced monitoring network and river morphology evaluation is underway. A strategic document for Hungary has been prepared, focusing on legal harmonization, water management units, and programme of measures for water quality improvement. Various directives and action plans have been set to meet EU water quality standards. Significant progress has been made, with further implementation activities planned to enhance water quality and protection measures.
Monitoring network Existing monitoring network is sufficient for quantity, but comprehensive development is needed for quality Groundwater quality monitoring: production wells and observation wells around vulnerable well fields and pollution sources not sufficient for shallow gr.water
Element of the monitoring Development needed River morphology significant medium significant Monitoring network Preliminary design of the development is in course
Justice Health Interministerial Committee for the implementation of WFD Economy Finance Home Affairs Agriculture and Rural Development Foreign Affairs ADMINISTRATIVE SETUP Transport and Water Management Environment Governmental Decision: in October 2001 • Strategic document for Hungary: 2002 • Legal harmonisation: 2002 - 2003 • Units for water management: ??? Danube vs. water bodies • Competent Authority: 2002 - 2003 • Institutional background: 2002 - 2003
Programme of measures Preparatory activity as the basis of the future programme of measures • Legislation within the frame of the WFD • National programmes for implementation
EU legislation Status/ deadline Dir. Urban waste water 90 %/2001 Dir. Nitrate 100% Dir. Dangerous subst. + 7 90 %/2001 Dir. Quality of bathing w. 90 %/2001 Dir.s Drinking water 90 %/2001 Dir.s Surface Water Quality 50 %/2001 Dir. Prot. of groundwater 100% Dir. Fish waters 50 %/2001 Dir. Shellfish waters progress in legal harmonisation water related EU legislation
EU legislation Status/ deadline Dir. Reporting 80 %/2002 Dir. IPPC 100 % Dir. Pesticide (Risk. Ass.) 70 %/. 2002 Dir. Risk Assessment 100% Dirs. Habitat and birds 60 %/2002 Dir Seveso 80 %/2001 Dir. Env. Impact Ass. 100% Sewage Sludge 100% Dec. Transboundary Waters 100% Dec. Protection of Seas progress in legal harmonisation other referred EU legislation
EU Directive NP or NAP (start) Status/ deadline Urban waste water NP for development of sewer and treatment facilities (1998) 25 %/ 2015 progress in technical implementation national programmes or action plans
Classification of settlements by ratio of the population connected to sewer system Level of water services in different classes of settlements legal harmonisation programme started in 1996, appr. 25 % is done, 2008 (1998): sensitive areas, 2010 (2003): > 15000 p.e. 2015 (2005): > 2000 p.e. Action plan for the implementation of the urban water directive estimated costs: 3300 million EURO
EU Directive NP or NAP (start) Status/ deadline Urban waste water NP for development of sewer and treatment facilities (1998) 25 %/ 2015 Drinking water Source protection(1997) Improvement of drinking water quality (2001) 70 % / 2003 20 % / 2009 progress in technical implementation national programmes or action plans
Action plans for the implementation of the drinking water directive Problem in arsenic, ammonium, organic content, iron and manganese programme started in 2001, full implementation in 2009 estimated costs: 500 million Euro