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This powerpoint defines Assistive Technology and gives examples of different devices that are identified for Assistive Technology.
Chenson Griffin Assistive Technology
Definition of Assistive Technology • The term `assistive technology device' means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability(U.S. department of Education 2006)
Assistive Technology Definition Continued • Although the IDEA uses the term “device”, it is important to recognize that assistive technology devices required by students with disabilities include hardware and software as well as stand-alone devices. Almost any tool can be considered to be an assistive technology device except for those assistive technology devices that are surgically implanted and have been excluded from the definition of an assistive technology device as defined in IDEA. (U.S. Department of Education 2006)
AT examples and explanations Assistive Technology is redefining what is possible for people with a various range of cognitive/ learning, print, and physical abilities and disabilities, be it in the home, classroom, workplace and/or community. Assistive Technology is enabling all individuals, of all ages, including those with disabilities, to be more Independent, Self-Confident (
AT examples E-Books and Apps – There are Apps for accessing digital books such as Voice Dream Reader and iBooks, as well as many free e-book and audiobook options. Read textbooks for school or books for pleasure. Apps can be utilized with accessibility features such as Voice-Over, text to speech, Zoom/ Magnification, Highlighting, Definitions, Annotations, Font style and color selection, large text, etc. There are iPad and iPhone Apps for all Abilities and Disabilities, to support all Subjects of Learning/ Instruction (Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science), as well as Literacy, AAC (communication), mobility (GPS), Studying, Organization and Time Management, Reminders, Scheduling, etc.
AT examples Voice Recognition Software – Use your voice to control everything. Speech-to-Text software and apps for individuals who are physically unable to access a computer, or may have a learning disability or print disability. Speech recognition can be utilized to access all features of a computer- reading, navigating, typing, research, sending email and texts, completing work, etc. It can also be used for environmental controls in one’s home environment, for lights, television, music, appliances, etc. Speech recognition can also support individuals who may struggle with spelling and grammar. (FREE Speech to Text Options are available as Chrome Apps).
AT examples Free Text-To-Speech Software – If you simply need just Text-to-Speech while navigating online or typing a paper, there are MANY free options, such as Natural Reader and Chrome extensions
AT examples • DAISY Audio Players – There are several DAISY audio players available, such as the Bookport Plus, PlexTalk, and VictorStream. These audio book players are accessible to individuals who are Blind or Visually impaired, as well as those with print disabilities due to a physical or cognitive disability, such as TBI or Dyslexia. Download & Listen to audiobooks with Bookmarks, audio record, download MP3 music files, and more. Daisy books/ files can also be read on iPads or with computer software.
AT examples QR Codes and Bar Codes – For navigation, shopping, ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) and much more. Store any information about a product or object on a QR or Barcode, and Scan it with a Barcode App to hear the information stored. Create interactive books, maps, music references, and accessible learning activities/ environments for all individuals
AT examples Magnification Software and Hardware – Software to magnify your computer screen, invert text colors, increase mouse and cursor sizes. Hardware to Magnify Documents and Books, magnify the Whiteboard to be able to see instruction or at a meeting, Take photos to review later, screen reading built-in, and more options for individuals who are Visually impaired, or losing sight
AT examples Communication Boards – and Schedule Boards, for individuals to communicate, and to utilize for behavior management, daily schedules, and organization. Communication boards can be hand-made with symbols or photos, and can also be digital and incorporated on an AAC device or iPad for communication. There are many free and paid software programs, apps and websites to help you create visual schedules and communication books.
The Law and Assistive Technology • .D.E.A., the Federal Special Education law, provides the following legal definition of Assistive Technology : “Any item, piece of equipment or product system… that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Under I.D.E.A. assistive technology devices can be used in the educational setting to provide a variety of accommodations or adaptations for people with disabilities. • The I.D.E.A. also lists the services a school district may need to provide in order to ensure that assistive technology is useful to a student in the school setting. The law defines Assistive Technology Service as: “Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acuisition or use of an assistive technology device”. This service includes all of the following possibilities(U.S. Department of Education 2006)
Lisa Nielsen’s Blog • “Learning disabilities manifest themselves in countless ways, varying in severity from the very mild to the debilitating and those that impact different elements of education. Yet they almost universally end up equally stereotyped, misunderstood and sometimes even unfairly stigmatized.”(Nielsen 2011)
Reference Page U.S. Department of Education, (2006, Aug 3) Retrieved from http://idea.edgov/explore/ Assistive Technology for education, LLC, Retrieved from http://atforced.com/ examples-of-assistive-technology Nielsen, Lisa (2011 September 5) Retrieved from http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com