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Contrail: SLAs for Cloud Federations

Contrail: SLAs for Cloud Federations. contrail is co-funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement nr. 257438 . Lorenzo Blasi, Hewlett Packard Lorenzo.blasi@hp.com. contrail-project.eu. Agenda. Contrail project scope Contrail SLA research outcomes

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Contrail: SLAs for Cloud Federations

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  1. Contrail: SLAs for Cloud Federations contrail is co-funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement nr. 257438 Lorenzo Blasi, Hewlett Packard Lorenzo.blasi@hp.com contrail-project.eu

  2. Agenda Contrail project scope Contrail SLA research outcomes Contrail expected uptake Recommendations for SIG group contrail-project.eu

  3. CONTRAIL at a glance • FP7 Call 5 Integrated Project • 11.4 M€ budget & 8.3 M€ EC funding • Title • Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services • Duration • 36 months (Started on October 2010) – Currently at month 32 • Consortium • Led by INRIA • Six industrial partners: XLAB , GENIAS, CONST, LINAGORA, HP and TISCALI (first four are SME) • Five academic partners: INRIA, CNR, ZIB, VUA and STFC • Six EU countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK contrail-project.eu

  4. Objectives: Elastic PaaSServices over a Federation of IaaSClouds ConPaaS Elastic Services Cloud Federation • Web applications • Bag of Tasks • MapReduce • SQL & NoSQL • Interoperability • Advanced SLA • Security • Scalability contrail-project.eu

  5. Contrail Federation Model Application Contrail Federation A A A A Resource Provider Storage Provider Storage Provider Network Provider Public Cloud Resource Provider Is based on SLAs and Aims at coordinating deployment and management of application on multiple clouds Each user/app could exploit more providers contrail-project.eu

  6. Cloud user SLA Interaction Model SLAfed Contrail Federation Layer SLA1 SLAn … Contrail Provider Layer Contrail Provider Layer User negotiates a SLA with the Federation Federation negotiates SLAs with one or more providers (on behalf of the user) contrail-project.eu Provider P1 Provider Pn Contrail Resource Layer Contrail Resource Layer IaaS1 IaaSn PaaSn PaaS1

  7. Open Source Contrail Software • Open source cloud software • Three Contrail releases so far (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) and two on the way • Licenses: BSD and Apache 2.0 • Packages: http://contrail.projects.ow2.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download • Sources on OW2: http://www.ow2.org/view/ActivitiesDashboard/Contrail • Releases of single Contrail components • ConPaaS elastic cloud services: http://www.conpass.eu • Virtual Execution Platform: http://vep.gforge.inria.fr • XtreemFS distributed cloud storage: www.xtreemfs.org • Compliance with cloud standards OVF (for application description), CIMI (for IaaS providers) OCCI (planned,forIaaS providers), WS-Agreement (by reusing SLA@SOI) • Cloud platforms supported now: next: contrail-project.eu

  8. Main Contrail SLA research outcomes /1 observable unobservable enforceable • SLA Quality Model • classification of terms • unobservable/observable/enforceable • static/dynamic (wrt time) • definition of Contrail SLA terms • implementation of basic terms (e.g. geographical location) • definition of advanced QoPterms (e.g. minimum_LoA) • Monitoring • architecture and implementation of monitoring for a federation of clouds (based on AMQP messaging domains and xdomain gateways) contrail-project.eu

  9. Main Contrail SLA research outcomes /2 • SLA Specification • based on SLA@SOI syntax • extended to • reference and use a standard OVF descriptor to specify the IaaS service • express guarantees about items specified in OVF (e.g. VirtualSystems) • fit the pricing model defined for generating automatic quotations • SLA Negotiation • Implementation of automated SLA offer generation for a Cloud provider • Defined pricing data model to support providers' automatic quotations • Implementation of federation negotiation with multiple providers • Implementation of selection of best SLA offer according to user criteria contrail-project.eu

  10. Main Contrail SLA research outcomes /3 • SLA Lifecycle • based on SLA@SOI framework with some differences, such as • service provisioning based on OVF and separated from SLA agreement • definition of two different SLA types: generic and specific • use of SLAs for Cloud federations • Cloud brokering (with automatic Provider selection) • Cloud aggregation (application distribution over multiple providers) • research on SLA splitting • Introduced it as a new concept • Classification and analysis of three types of splitting strategies contrail-project.eu

  11. Added value of Contrail approach:Federation as a Virtualization of Clouds • Contrail Federations relieve the user from managing cloud providers • Worldwide Clouds made possible • Comparing SLAs and selecting the best provider opens new Cloud mediators market • Automatic SLA negotiation allows Cloud providers to personalize their offer • Enhanced Dependability with respect to Clouds today • Common, pervasive security infrastructure • X.509 certificates, SSL for communication, UCON policies, … • Specific Quality of Protection SLA terms • location, reliability, delegationSecurity, minimum_LoA, … contrail-project.eu

  12. SLAs in Contrail are the main pillarsfor Cloud Federations A Federation C A Federation B SLA SLA SLA SLA SLA SLA Cloud B B C • Federation: abstraction of providers • SLA+OVF is a unified way for expressinguser requirements • QoS/QoP requested by each customers can be satisfied irrespective of the provider • Federation: broker of providers • Provider selection is based on SLAs • new market and business model for intermediate players • Federation: small providers can join forces • SLA splitting allows distributing application over multiple providers • cross-provider enforcement strategies also made possible contrail-project.eu

  13. Follow-up activities / uptake of results The SLA component in association with the Federation raised some attention internally in HP and we are currently following up to propose the solution to potentially interested customers A public event is being planned in HP Italy for September 2013 to propose Cloud solutions to customers, with Contrail as central subject of the event Contacts are also underway with people from other EU projects (p-medicine) interested in the topic of SLA and OpenStack Some FP7 Call 8 projects (e.g. CloudScale and PaaSage) indicated the reuse of Contrail software as a concrete possibility Several projects proposals involving reuse and /or building upon Contrail have been presented in recent EU calls All Contrail partners have a serious plan for the exploitation of project results contrail-project.eu

  14. Potential recommendations Targeting and sustaining the federation of small Cloud providers is a way for raising at a worldwide level the competitiveness of European Cloud market Cloud providers should enrich their offer of SLA Terms beyond availability, especially targeting QoP terms such as location and others QoP research can still progress further and must be sustained contrail-project.eu

  15. contrail is co-funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme http://contrail-project.eu Funded under: FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme) Area: Internet of Services, Software & Virtualization (ICT-2009.1.2) Project reference: FP7-IST-257438 Total cost: 11,29 million euro EU contribution: 8,3 million euro Execution: From 2010-10-01 till 2013-09-30 Duration: 36 months Contract type: Collaborative project (generic) contrail-project.eu

  16. Related publications Roberto G. Cascella, Lorenzo Blasi, Yvon Jegou, Massimo Coppola, and Christine Morin. Contrail: Distributed application deployment under sla in federated heterogeneous clouds. In Alex Galis and AnastasiusGavras, editors, The Future Internet, volume 7858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 91–103. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. Coppola, M.; Dazzi, P.; Lazouski, A.; Martinelli, F.; Mori, P.; Jensen, J.; Johnson, I.; Kershaw, P.; The CONTRAIL Approach to Cloud Federations. Proceedings of The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ICGC 2012). 26 February-2 March. Taipei, Taiwan. Published online at http://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=153, id.19 Emanuele Carlini, Massimo Coppola, Patrizio Dazzi, Laura Ricci, Giacomo Righetti, Cloud Federations in Contrail. Euro-Par'11 Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 159-168, Springer-Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29737-3_19 Roberto G. Cascella, Christine Morin, Piyush Harsh, and Yvon Jegou. Contrail: a reliable and trustworthy cloud platform. EWDCC '12 Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing. DOI: 10.1145/2365316.2365322 Blasi, L., Savola, R., Abie, H., Rotondi, D., Applicability of Security Metrics for Adaptive Security Management in a Universal Banking Hub System. ECSA '10 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Volume. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0179-4 contrail-project.eu

  17. contrail-project.eu

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